Willard & Rebecca Bean Missionary Story


-The Beans were called to care for the Joseph Smith farm and improve relations there in New York.

-People came into their home one evening asking to learn of Joseph Smith, they turned out to be hostile people against Joseph. Brother Bean was out, and Sister Bean prayed for help, then she felt the presence of a being into the room, and the room quieted. She testified of Joseph and that she felt his presence. The crowd left and apologized.

-Sister Bean had hard chores while Brother Bean was out. One day an African stranger came and offered to help her chop wood. He said he knew what it’s like to be hated before people know you. She went in to get him some pie, and when she came back out, the man had disappeared, and the wood was all chopped and stacked.

-Sister Bean had a vision where she was exhausted, and a visiting missionary came over, who visited with Apostle Talmage who was also visiting. The missionary complimented her on her well-behaved children, then later revealed his character & glory to her, that He was the Christ. Christ told her that if she continued serving as she was, she would be equal to her work, and that the missionaries represent Him on the earth, and all you give to them, you give to Him.  His face was full of love.

-The Beans were able to make very hostile neighbors into friends by giving them pies, helping them repair their homes, feeding their sick, sharing produce, volunteering with the Red Cross, etc. They were able to buy the Hill Cumorah, which before was impossible to buy, in large part through the kind relations they established.

-Their mission on the Smith Farm lasted 25 years.

-Willard was one of 30 children from a polygamous father before that chapter in the church ended.

-See the movie “The Fighting Preacher” which tells the story.

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