Highlighting Lance Weaver – Scriptural Reincarnation, Multiverses, & Gathering All Truth on Zion Media

Highlighting Lance Weaver – Scriptural Reincarnation, Multiverses, & Gathering All Truth on Zion Media


Warning – the following are not mainstream ideas and should be approached with caution. Ideas here go well beyond what I traditionally adhere to, but there are some possibilities to be entertained. I’m aware of a significant body of research and even church teachings that do support the theories presented here, but I typically hold them back in efforts to not make waves, and to wait for a more clear understanding. But for the sake of a few I need to share this with, I publish my notes. Much more is covered in this lecture and I’ll add more details to these notes as time permits.

Who is Lance Weaver? He is a member of the church who is very smart, studied physics etc., and teaches interesting stuff. From what I know so far, I can’t say I agree with him on some of his mainstream science claims, etc. But he makes interesting points about all religions having truths, and that they’ll eventually unite under the banner of pure truth.

Learn charity
Shared consciousness
Other religions have truth


Yes karma. Hell is you getting back what you dished out to folks, you trying to overcome all those effects. Now is hell. Scripture says telestial is hell, and here we are. The church isn’t about sending people to hell, its about trying to get people out of it to qualify for a higher plane than that which we are currently on.

Note- it does seem there are deeper hells than this one. But this is not the first time I’ve encountered the teaching that this is a type of hell.

Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto not only Christ, but yourself.

At some point we will become so connected that when one person gets hurt, you’ll feel it.


New Agers have some truth but they don’t have the full picture, it throws them off and they think morality isn’t needed, and they get messed up.

God is one with Christ. They know what each other do. They share the same thoughts. God has access to the consciousness of everything. You can gain that as you become one with God.

Note- Hyrum Andrus teaches this too. He calls it something like plugging into the celestial computer, where we gain access to all knowledge with God. He calls it the indwelling, that 2 can be 1 in these ways.

Note- beware counterfeits of these things. There are many devils anxious to possess you and abuse you.


Other religions got truth from way back. When it looks like we got something from another religion, actually they got it from even earlier from a true source.
We can learn much from sacred writings of other religions.

All things being gathered in one in Christ involves truths from all religions coming into one great whole as in finding the full true religion.

Note- Christ said there are two churches only, the evil and the good. At some point, all the good will unite, and all the evil will unite. The division is even now becoming more clear.

Note – in the D&C Christ says that the only church we are authorized to fight against is the church of the Devil. Indeed, we should seek to build bridges, not tear them down, and only rebuke clear evil.

Not everything that has been taught or is being taught in the church is true. But it isn’t meant to be deceptive, it’s the level people are ready for, and that’s ok.


The New Testament speaks of Jews questioning if Jesus were Elias or John etc., so this indicates reincarnation belief.

The New Testament speaks of the question of whether a man sinned or his parents to be born blind. This indicates a belief in an existence before this life where we had agency and made choices.

The Book of Mormon speaks of going to heaven to go no more out. This indicates one could go to heaven and still have to go out, as in more lives when not ready for full heaven.

Other religious texts from Hindus? speak of people who don’t make it, that they go back again and again until they do.

Joseph Smith said an animal becoming a person is of the devil. He never said a person can’t live again.

Note – in other words, you retain a self through whatever stages you go through, and that identity is always as a child of God, not an animal.

Note- I am aware of teachings and witnesses who claim firsthand knowledge that when a person gives themself over to the devil, their form can change, and they can lose the image of God they were born with. I won’t say more on that here.

Note – one person I heard speak of similar things as this is Doug Hale. I’ve now lost contact with him. I can’t say we agree on all points (who can you say that about?). In particular Doug has the mistaken idea that our progression includes advancing from plant and animal kingdoms into human kingdoms, and Joseph Smith said that is a doctrine of the devil. Indeed, we were created as the offspring of God.

The church already openly believes in at least some level of reincarnation, as we teach we used to live in a pre-mortal world, with spirits of finer matter. And we will go to another spirit world. And we will go to another world resurrected. All of this is being carnated again, living again.

Various world religion texts state that reincarnation isn’t something that happens quickly. We know there is an interim spirit world, etc.

When people misunderstand reincarnation they think that birth and life and death are cheap. That they can just go to war or kill someone and start it over again right away. They think suicide is helpful. It is not. All of these ideas are mistaken.


There is a possibility that we can live on several dimensions at the same time and gain many experiences, and ultimately bring it all together and have gained all experience.

There are likely multiple universes.


When you are born, perhaps who your spirit was fuses with who your body is, and a new person is born entirely from that mixture.

Scriptures speak of people who have many spirits in them. Could we?

Note- one thought I had as I pondered these things was that we are blessed to have bodies, and demons, even if they get to possess bodies a while, those aren’t their bodies in eternity. We however have bodies which return in the resurrection.


The Church is going to be the rulers. It’s what building the kingdom of God means. As we go into the next level, the terrestrial millennium, the Church is to be the rulers.

Hold to the scriptures, that’s our standard we operate on together. We need unity. There’s no point in bringing up hidden things at church meetings, church is for unifying us in the core subjects (like Christ, repentance, etc.)

No, the scriptures don’t give the full story, but it’s what keeps us together, and they aren’t designed to mislead you, but rather to give many analogies and accounts which we can use individually to go further if we wish.

We seek exaltation as a group, to go to the next phase as a group, that’s the only way it can be done. In other words, we seek to be reincarnated as an entire group consciousness. When you go upward, the higher levels involve this type of group unity.


Not making (unnecessary) waves in the church doesn’t mean you can’t learn things.

Note- this isn’t to say don’t rebuke sin. We must rebuke sin with boldness (though not overbearingly). The point is to focus on the things that matter the most, and to seek unity, despite the group being wrong on some points.

Pray and fast all the time, if you want to learn, you will. And if you’re not ready, good spirits know that, and they won’t teach you things if those things will keep you from doing good, or would cause you to do bad, as they are interested in you doing good. So the mysteries rightly aren’t and shouldn’t be taught in church.

When you want the truth, you can be tutored in it all the time. You can connect with the righteous angels who can download things to your understanding, as your minds are one. Sometimes you may remember being taught in dreams, other times you may just get ideas, and those are from the tutoring from your dreams, etc.

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