Church scholars today reject what is taught in Letter 7 by Oliver Cowdery about the Book of Mormon Hill Cumorah in New York. Instead, they and there are 2 Cumorahs, and that the plates were magically brought to New York, as they claim the events surrounding that hill took place in Guatemala or something rather than New York and thereabouts as Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry said they did.
If we reject Joseph & Oliver’s words on this, why accept them on other topics? People search the Internet, see the controversy, and are turned away from the church.
In counting the death toll of the wars at Cumorah it’s not as much because a lot of the toll he lists are people who died already in battles elsewhere.
There are several statements by Joseph Oliver etc. about the Book of Mormon taking place in the heartland of America.
Joseph and the Zions Camp traveled over the plains of the Nephites, it was about the Aborigines of this land, etc.
Some people know so much that the Lord can’t teach them. Our primary guide to where the Book of Mormon happened is where Joseph said it did!
There is more knowledge about things than our records tell.
Letter 7 was published many times and read commonly by church members.
Joseph Smith is on record declaring New York to be the same Cumorah as the Book of Mormon Cumorah. Prophets after him have repeated this, yet todays scholars dismiss all this.
It’s logical that the place where Moroni would bury the record is the same place as their final battle.