List of Extremist Views of Kamala Harris – Fox News

From a Fox and Ted Cruz interview, 7.25.24,

The corporate media will create a fake image of her via billions in advertising. They’ll keep her in her basement like they did Joe Biden so she won’t mess things up.

She co-sponsored Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All Act

Sponsored a bill providing illegals a right to legal representation.

She co-sponsored the PROTECT Act.

She introduced legislation to block the implementation of the Trump travel restrictions.

She touted agreement at COP28 to phase out fossil fuels. (by force)

She sponsored a bill requiring the DOJ to award grants to replace cash bail systems.

She sponsored a bill to advance the Green New Deal.

She sponsored a bill banning the DHS from using federal funds to build/expand immigration detention facilities.

She said “we need to probably thing about starting from scratch” when talking about ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement).

She signed a letter saying Title 42 violated federal law.

She sponsored a bill requiring HHS to fund training to address racial bias in OBGYN practices. (More expensive non-sense.)

She sponsored a bill allowing the DHS to place minor illegal immigrants into the care of adult illegals.

She sponsored a bill fully decriminalizing marijuana.

She sponsored a bill expanding vote-by-mail and early in-person voting during the 2020 federal electiosn.

She touted her role in delivering “the most ambitious climate agenda in history.”

She sponsored a bill funding bias and anti-racism training to reduce disparities in COVID response. (Talk about making a waste of money into a much bigger waste of money, and barking up the wrong tree. Also, clearly she fully supports all tyrannical COVID restrictions, etc.)

She sponsored a bill ordering the Fed to interview at least one woman and one minority before the appointment of a president.

She supported cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline. (Increasing our reliance on more expensive foreign oil.)

She expressed support for banning plastic straws. (Banning isn’t the way to go about this.)

She sponsored a bill awarding grants for the replacement of existing school buses with electric buses. (Extremely expensive.)

She called Biden’s record-high gas prices the “price to pay for democracy.”

She supported reducing red meat consumption (by force). (We currently rely on this, and will starve if you just shut it all down. I’m aware of ranchers being told they have to fill in multiple of their water wells with concrete to reduce their cattle production, and that they are being monitored by satellite to enforce this.)

As California Attorney General, she sued the Obama Administration for allowing fracking off the CA coast.

She endorsed “Defund the Police” Activist Mandela Barnes for senate in Wisconsin.

She said it’s “outdated, it is wrongheaded thinking to think” more police officers make communities safer.

She called to “reimagine” the role of police.

She praised LA Mayor Eric Garcetti’s $150 million cut in police funding.

She was accused by San Francisco police officers of being slow to prosecute numerous murder suspects.

She encouraged people to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

She said “Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians.”

She nodded along as a student accused Israel of “ethnic genocide” in 2021 and then said, “your truth cannot be suppressed.”

She skipped Netanyahu’s address at the Capitol.

She supports single-payer universal healthcare.

She co-sponsored legislation banning offshore drilling.

She pushed the White House to be more sympathetic to Palestinians.

She supported a potentially $807 billion legislation that would provide tuition-free college to students nationwide.

She co-sponsored the Background Check Expansion Act.

She supports an assault weapons ban.

She called the border wall a “waste of money.” (Yikes, think of all we are paying for illegals.)

She backed publicly-funded healthcare for illegals.

She voted against the FY2019 NDAA.

She opposed treating illegals as criminals.

She said, “we should have that conversation” when asked if people in prison should be allowed to vote.

She was previously rated by GovTrack as the most liberal senator.

She supported eliminating the filibuster to pass the Green New Deal.

She said AOC brought “bold ideas that should be discussed.”

She referred to the Jussie Smollet hoax as a “modern day lynching.”

She suggested that one way to combat climate change was to “reduce population.”

She said, “I’m really interested in having that conversation” when asked if 16-year-olds should be allowed to vote.

She said she is “open to the discussion” of eliminating the Electoral College. (Many on the left have pushed for eliminating the EC which enhances freedom and government accountability.)

She supports a mandatory buyback program. (Requiring citizens to turn in assault weapons.)

She endorsed the 1619 Project (a radical approach to American history, claiming that America was just made for slavery).

She laughed uncontrollaboly after fantasizing about killing Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, or Trump.

She said the rioters from the summer of 2020 “should not” let up.

She compared ICE agents to the KKK.

She expressed support for sanctuary cities (meaning cities where law enforcement isn’t allowed).


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