Worlds in Collision
Laws have to match with facts, not facts have to match with laws. Laws are what we observe.
Note- the author foolishly claims Moses heard God at the bush as a general noise, not actually God.
Note- the author foolishly claims the ten commandments were just general noises that everyone heard. The author fails, with other intellectuals, to put an actual voice to God.
Earthquakes occurred during the exodus plagues which impacted the homes.
Earth’s spin may have been different in the past.
Planet positions may have been different, at times of their moving, calamities, such as the exodus calamities occurred.
Speaks of various world accounts of the exodus, not just the Bible.
Cites many ancient books about all the planets not always being present, some of them having tails, being at different locations, etc.
Planets grew wild and threw lances.
Chapter 9
Venus was born more recently than the other planets. To identify Venus in myth, find a god that wasn’t always there.
The Greeks say Venus comes from Zeus/Jupiter.
Some Legends point to Jupiter others point to Venus as causing the at the time of The Exodus. The author believes it was from Venus.
Ambrosia seed has manna which could be used as a flower to make bread. This seed may have been launched into the air (from perhaps afar), which supplied the travelers.
Venus is associated with flies, it is where we get the word Beelzebub.
Several ancient stories are related about the sky being close to the Earth, getting pushed up, and the weather changing.
Speaks of Indian human sacrifices, various rituals that could mirror astronomic events, the morning Star with the face painted red and 12 feathers around his head, that’s how he usually appeared.
Ch. 10
Hindu and other tales of the movement of the planet show that planets weren’t where they are now.
Venus was the morning and evening star, it fell from heaven. It was a comet with hair and a tail before it’s current resting place as a planet.
Part 2 Mars
Note- the author fails to connect Divinity in these natural events, he fails to see that they are supernatural, and the timing in God’s people having a foreknowledge of them etc.
Note- the author fails to connect that elements in heaven are connected to elements on Earth, for example when something happens on a cosmic level there is another thing that happens with people and prophets, the things in the stars are signs of what happens in society and vice versa. It’s not just the planets who are the Gods themselves, there are in addition to the planets actual Gods who are people, and what happens with the planets are signs of those Gods.
Note- People make false gods based on what they see in the sky. Also there’s no such thing as an evil planet, even when the stars might represent the bad guy, these are just counterfeits. Planets/stars really represent good, though of course they can represent bad on other levels. Satan is a counterfeiter. The author points out also that people seeing things happening in the sky, they can make stories out of what they see, and claim that what they saw was a ‘war,’ or other hostile encounter. Perhaps they are right, and those symbols are meaningful, but ultimately all creations are of God and testify of His creative and governing power.
Assyrians were destroyed not by sickness; sickness doesn’t happen so suddenly, all the ancient sources agree it was by a blast that fell from the sky.
Venus collided with Earth in the 15th century and collided with Mars in the 8th century.
The “Morning Star” Venus “fell” similarly as Lucifer fell. It “weakened the nations” by colliding with Earth.
The planets often look like various animals, this is why ancient people worshiped animals.
Venus was seen as a bright snake, Mars was seen as a wolf.
Mars was also seen as sword and present in war time.
Two steeds of Mars were written of. They are the satellite moons of Mars.
Various Indian legends etc. can be explained by possible appearances of comets in the sky, and other cosmic happenings. Comets can and do look like different shapes.
He correlates biblical events of destruction with wonders with legends from around the world. He shows how historic events are interrelated, demonstrating which myths refer to which biblical events.
He talks about various symbols which the whole world recognizes because those were seen in the sky, which everyone could see.
The North Star wasn’t always the North Star.
There were ancient societies who took very meticulous records yet they have some statements about astronomy vastly different from what we know today.
There is evidence of recent pole shifting.
Note – little is known about supposed magnetic sea floor reversals, I hope he is referring to greater evidence than this.
There is evidence that certain civilizations were at different places in the recent past, as in geographically different latitudes etc. This indicates a recent change from pangea. (Great point.)
Evidence that the year used to be 360 days
This is based on ancient clocks orientations of temples orientations of stone arrangements for equinox watching and other such things.
Goes into great detail of the length of day these allowed at what locations etc.
Speaks of changes in ages of Earth as due to catastrophic events that would have been the means of these changes in the axis in the ecliptic etc etc
Veda texts speak of a 360 day year.
The brahmins used exquisite methods, and modern people are puzzled at this claim.
At each new age the length of the day and year changed.
The Egyptian year was also 360 days originally
Central America South America and other places also had a 360 day year in their old records
Some records potentially indicating fever zodiac constellations as in 11 or 10 and fewer months. These still confirmed to 360 day years.
idea of planets colliding, parts coming off as comets, which could bring life to other areas.
Note- the bringing life to other areas idea is unlikely, space isn’t kind to this type of living travel. And life is on worlds because God personally brings it there from other worlds. We do read Joseph Smith that there are parent worlds from which other worlds are made. I assume the pieces are exceedingly small, and would not reflect an ancient date, but are “born again.”
Venus gives off heat. The author thinks this is because of recent collisions. This seems correct. It could also be from title forces. The author also makes a claim that the interior of Venus must be hot, this seems to me an extrapolation, as the only solid evidence we have is that the surface is hot.
He claims that the planets have only been in their current orbits for a few thousand years.
He claims that Venus was a comet and joined the family of planets within the time frame of the memory of mankind.
He claims that Venus originated from Jupiter.
He claims that a contact between Venus and Mars explain the origin of many comets in the solar system.
Note also that the asteroid belt may have come from exploded planets of old. Even some school-goers recognize this.
The Earth’s orbit (revolution) changed more than once, and with it the length of a year.
Note- we do know that there is a pulse from the sun about every 8 minutes which keeps the spin rate (rotation) of earth constant.
He claims the magnetic poles of Earth were reversed a few thousand years ago. (Note- I’m not a huge fan of the idea.)
He talks about various constellations with strange names like the scorpion that don’t look like a scorpion. He claims that likely a comet passed through the area, which looked in appearance like that creature, and this is the reason for that name.
Electrical discharges took place between Venus Mars and the Earth when they were in close contact and their atmospheres touched each other.
Note- static buildup and discharge between two near bodies is not at all uncommon. Consider it on a cosmic scale! He also speaks of thunderbolts from Jupiter to earth in the ancient world due to Jupiter being near enough (or you might say, earth being near enough) to make such discharges. He also points out that due to the significant role of Jupiter in ancient writings, Jupiter must have been closer to Earth (or Earth closer to Jupiter).
He claims that the moons orbit changed and the length of the month with it. Repeatedly.
He claims that ambrosia which is the manna that fell from the sky fell from the clouds of Venus onto Earth.
He spoke of common ideas of various peoples, separated by oceans, which common ideas must have arisen independently of one another due to Celestial phenomena everyone would have seen.
He talks about why religions have deified planets, because of their interactions and the effects those have on people disturbing nature.
He discusses what could have destroyed Senacharib’s army.
He brought up theories of archangels being various planets. (Note- again, typifying those angels, working with/for those angels, not actually being those angels.)
The flood of Noah would not just be a flooding of the Euphrates river; people would have been familiar with various seasonal floodings. No, this was something totally different. It covered mountains, etc.!
Note- and if the flood was just a local event, why didn’t God just tell Noah to move?
In another book (In the Beginning?) he explains why Jupiter, which is currently a planet few people can identify in the sky, used to be the main deity. Perhaps earth and Jupiter were close in days past, which may have made Jupiter appear as large as the sun.
See his book Ages in Chaos where he identifies great upheavals of nature which have been recorded as points of revising history timetables.
He compares similarities of catastrophes reported in the ancient east and records from the West which bear similarities.
They also uses political and archaeological material to date about a thousand years.
In Newtonian physics electricity and magnetism play no role. It is assumed that the sun has no electrical charge which would impact the planets, etc.
Compare the solar system to an atom. There are various sizes of suns and various numbers of planets as in nuclei size and electron number.
But it’s not gravity that makes electrons go around the nucleus, it’s electricity!
We do read of photons of light being emitted when electrons jump to different levels, but we don’t read of planets jumping from one orbit to another in the news; but in ancient records we have found a similar events described in detail.
The moving of electrons happens multiple times a second, the moving of planets happens only a few times every hundred or a thousand years.
Contacts between celestial bodies are not limited to the domain of the solar system. We see novas. These explosions may be from collisions.
Comets may be born in such collisions.
He discusses problems of paleontology geology and the theory of evolution in other volumes.
Problems in one area of science will carry over into other areas of science which were previously thought to not have anything to do with each other.
Earlier it was common for thinkers to try to synthesize knowledge in the various fields. Today with increased specialization, people are often ignorant of (even basic points of) other fields than their own.
In the Beginning:
(Here’s what I have so far on this one)
was very bright probably closer. Same with the Moon.
Saturn as Kronos (Kronos can mean time? God the Father?)
(Kronos is the father in Greek, the father of Zeus. Jupiter is Zeus is God of the sky.)
The Dominion passes from Saturn to Jupiter.
Saturn is directed by Ra. (Ra is the Egyptian Sun God.)
El was the name of Saturn. (El is Hebrew God the Father)
Some legends about Adam coming from the Moon and him bringing many things with him.
Note we know he came from somewhere but I doubt it was the Moon.
After a long prosperous reign Saturn disappeared. (The invisible father?)
Saturn and Jupiter have a lot in common with the sun they are large gaseous and have many satellites. If they were not orbiting the Sun they would probably be called Stars themselves.
The next Hanukkah and Christmas with the flood. Says Christmas used to be celebrated for 7 days from December 25 to January 1st
Jupiter is seen as the son of Saturn. Sources say they used to be a binary system and Saturn was about as large as Jupiter but there was an explosion that reduced it.
Jupiter was known as Horus. Saturn was known as Osiris.
Note there seems to be a theme of Horus as Christ and Osiris as the father?
Ancients said Saturn is in chains in other words they knew about the rings even when astronomers of somewhat modern times like Tycho Brahe and Copernicus could not see those rings without the telescope.
Saturn is shown as having his head covered by a veil
Ancients may have seen the rings of Saturn if it was closer. Ancients did know of it’s rings.
It is said that the rings of Saturn were put on it by Jupiter.
(Or Jupiter giving glory to Saturn? A crown?)
Note the rings might also be seen as a crown.
Note the Rome? temple has Saturn above a Christus.
Note- Saturn is also on the SLC temple as I recall.
Note- SLC had Saturn stones that were never placed that were to be placed above the sun stones.
Note- SLC has polaris, Kolob?
Records of the Jews indicate that before the flood life was very blessed essentially without toil and that no meat was eaten
The explosion of Saturn could have been what caused the flood. It is said that the brightness of its Nova appeared for 7 days before the deluge.
Saturn could have been much closer and Earth could have been a satellite of Saturn.
Saturn used to be called a sun. This could have been from its brightness during the Nova and from the Earth potentially revolving around it when it was closer.
There are planets which could have formally been satellites. Mercury could have been a satellite of Venus. Pluto could have been a satellite of Uranus.
Rings of Saturn could be connected to the sign of the rainbow, a sign that Saturn would never again harm the Earth.
Chapter 3 Mercury and Memory
Rabbinical sources say the Tower of Babel was built as a refuge in case another deluge came.
The book of jubilees and Babylonian records and South American records say that the Tower of Babel was destroyed by a great wind from God.
Some mesoamerican accounts speak of fire from heaven destroying part of the Tower.
Some indicate that a third of the tower was burned a third sank and a third remained.
Several sources indicate the Tower of Babel was struck by a lightning bolt that set it on fire.
Just like how places all around the world have stories of the flood places everywhere also have stories of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of languages there.
Earlier in the book he suggest there were people before adam, I don’t believe it.
Earlier in the book he talks about the Giants.
Mercury the Greek Hermes the Babylonian Nebo is likely the planet involved in the destruction of the Tower of Babel.
Various world ages are divided by various cataclysmic events and these ages are associated with different planets which were involved in those events.
The age of Saturn was brought to the close by the flood
(The age of Adam being over?) (And the book of Enoch 44? says The Head of Days sent the flood.)
Hindu astronomy called Mercury Buddha
He comes after the time of Saturn
Mercury was a son of Marduk or Jupiter
It is said that Buddha or Mercury came to prominence after the flood
Anki the Sumerian god of wisdom was said to have confounded the speech of the people
Babylonian Eya was the same as Sumerian Anki. These refer to the star Mercury.
Thoth is called The God who made the tongues different from each other
For the northern peoples Mercury was Odin.
They worship Jupiter and Saturn but mostly Mercury which is Odin
(Odin is father of Thor, a Christ type, and father of Loki, a Lucifer type.)
(Mercury as Adam?)
Augustine identifies Mercury with speech and intellect
Thoth is seen as the one who teaches words. He was scribe of the Gods and Lord of books
Note- Enoch is also associated with scribe ; Mercury as Enoch?
Hermes invented different languages for different people’s
Mercury AKA Hermes was depicted by Greeks and Romans as having wings as being a messenger of the Gods.
Note – Abraham Facsimilies also have winged messengers which represent the Holy Ghost.
Mercury was likely once a satellite of Jupiter or Saturn
Mercury is depicted with little snakes at its feet this could be what it looked like especially with various electrical discharges
Zedek was the name of Jupiter. The time of Abraham Jupiter was unsettled.
Amen is another word for Jupiter.
Note – which is like Ahman, a name for God the Father, as taught by Joseph Smith. Christ is calls Son Ahman. And we have the place Adam-ondi-Ahman.
Melchizedek means zedek is my king. Perhaps a worshiper of Jupiter.
Note- did Jupiter represent the order of the priesthood after the Son of God? aka Christ’s priesthood? Jupiter as Christ symbol.
Jupiter used to be more prominent in the sky.
Marduk was Jupiter he was known to be accompanied by four God’s, in other words the four principal moons, so people knew about these before Galileo.
Babylonian Marduk and Roman Zeus and Jupiter with the lightning bolt are all the same. Today we would not consider lightning coming from Jupiter. The ancient arrangement must have been different.
Hindu astronomical books refer to planets overpowering each other. Lots on this his book worlds in collision.
Several claim that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by Thunderbolts
Even today lightning discharges occur between Jupiter and Io. If Jupiter were close to Earth they could have caused many discharges between the two.
Another plausible theory is that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by atomic bomb. To look at the vision correction fission may have killed Lot’s wife.
Note- was all the water zapped/radiated out of her? And there are various types of salt.
Sulfur is likely created by electrical discharge passing through the air
Note- brimstone is/has sulfer?
Athene was born from the head of Zeus. Could be Venus being born of Jupiter.
Note- a north polar opening in Jupiter?
Venus was seen as a child of Saturn and Jupiter.
Note- as I recall, in worlds in collision he speaks of Saturn and Venus having the child Mars, a Christ type.
But he also speaks of Venus as an allegory for fallen Lucifer comet.
See also Anthony Larsen.
Note- In both cases Saturn is God the Father.
Homer and Virgil knew of the traverse of Mars. More on this in his book worlds in collision. They knew of the two satellites of Mars and called them his two steeds. When Mars was close to Earth these two satellites could be seen racing around it.
(Not done with these notes)