Highlighting Ken Bowers’ Hiding in Plain Sight Unmasking the Secret Combinations of the Last Days – Ch. 3 How Firm a Foundation (Exposing Corrupt Foundations) & Ch. 4 Education

Bowers: Ch. 3 How Firm a Foundation (Exposing Corrupt Foundations)



History is presented of Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Carnegie, and their ties to the Fed, IRS and income tax amendment. They get us to pay more taxes but are themselves exempt.

When you tax businesses, they never pay it, they merely all increase their prices. So taxing business is basically just taxing the citizens more.

Prosperity doesn’t come from government, it comes from industry and hard work.

When China was communist people got angry and the Tiananmen Square massacre killing of thousands of Chinese happened. Now that they use free enterprise capitalism, their economy is booming.

Once a country becomes economically free (allowing free market exchange capitalism), religious freedom soon follows! And loss of economic liberty brings loss of religious liberty. China, then, should soon have religious freedom!

Explanation is presented of interlocking tax-exempt foundations controlling the US.

The founding fathers practiced non-interventionism.

Large colleges today don’t have free market economist professors. This is part of how traditional American values are being replaced.


The Ford foundation pays colleges so long as they can pick who the teachers are, and those teachers get an un-cancelable contract, so they can teach whatever they want. p46

The Ford foundation was merging the US with the Soviet Union but wouldn’t talk about it. p47-8.

The Rockefellers finance historians who rewrite the past in our books. p49

Roosevelt and Wilson committed large crimes to get the US into WW1 and WW2.

  1. Cleon Skousen, referring to what J. Reuben Clark taught, said they’re preparing another war for you which will be just as big a mistake as WW1 was.


Leaders made the Great Depression last many more years than it needed to. They bought up all the stock cheap, then made billions by putting the country through war.

The story of Thomas Jefferson’s sexual affair isn’t true. Those who speak against the personal life of Jefferson just happen to be the people who are against the ideals which he taught; it’s an agenda to change history for political gain.

The book lists the programs, very communist, funded by the Ford foundation.

When a schoolbook teaches true history and morals, it is rejected. Funding is denied.

The psychology field gets money from these foundations to promote situational ethics, atheism, and collectivism.

A Soviet spy named Dodd who worked for Alger Hiss spoke of controlling the State Department and getting US into war to alter the life of the entire people. Dodd said war was the most effective way to alter everyone’s lives in the way they wanted. (Note- they wanted more control, and less freedom for the people.)

The book speaks of a letter in which the foundations give directives telling US President Wilson to not let WW1 end too quickly.

J Edgar Hoover said, “the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”

Info on the Reece Committee is presented.


The elites controlling public education is key to their plans.





Bowers: Ch. 4 Education



Ben Franklin said people who know the rights God gave them are hard to enslave. And those who don’t know their rights from God are easy to enslave.

In 1940 the #1 problem in schools was students talking back to teachers. Now it’s murder, assault, teen pregnancy, teachers having sex with students, etc.

Note- we can see that if we let go the little infractions, things grow into bigger infractions.


The US was #1 in educational achievement for years. Now it’s 35th.

Founding Fathers wanted localized control over education, now it’s in the hands of federal government!

Thomas Jefferson said place each school under the care of those most interested in its conduct. (Hint: that’s the parents!)

Far away bureaucracy of a few thousand people can’t make the billions of needed decisions for local schools.

James Madison said that when the government takes over education of children and welfare for poor, it subverts the very foundation of this nation, throwing away the nature of the limited government it was set up for by the people of America.

Thomas Jefferson, the man who said let’s have separation of church and state, is the man who saw to it that there were Christian hymnals in all the schools, and bibles in the schools. He wanted children to have a religious education.


Note – When Jefferson wrote a letter calling for separation of church and state, several of the states had state churches. It was clearly understood that this sentiment and the provisions in the first amendment were about keeping the federal government from getting in the way of the states doing as they so chose concerning religion.

Early Americans preferred private education, and the students always did better.

What of who could not afford private school? There were always private charities and charity schools which would take care of them.

Alex de Tocqueville said it’s very rare to find one in America not trained in the history of his country, the leading features of the Constitution, and of the doctrines and evidences of his religion.

Boston had more private schools than public ones, and by the end of the American Revolution, many towns had no common (public) schools at all.

The private schools were eligible for subsidies.

There were no compulsory attendance laws in early America. Communists claimed, “oh there are so many children running around in the streets!” The truth is that 91.8% of the children attended school.

Private schools save public from taxes of public school.

Unitarian socialists took over Harvard in 1805 and kicked out the Calvinists. Socialists want socialism for others but not for themselves, because they are egocentric like the rest of us. Humans are indeed egocentric; the bible teaches that men are wicked, and need be disciplined. Calvinists disciplined students in hard righteous work, but were kicked out.

Socialist Unitarians thought that if everyone were rich there would be no issues in society, so they geared education systems toward merely earning money.

Robert Owen, father of socialism, considered children a blob of plastic which the society can shape any way it wants. Owen wanted the “Future Man” now known as the “Soviet Man”.

The elite want communism, but the public won’t have it, so they are slowly bringing it to us via the mandatory public schools.

Communism is a way to get compulsion, to get people to be ‘perfect’ (Satan’s plan).


Note- if the 20th century taught us nothing else, it is that communism never works. That’s what makes communism evil: they want to force the issue, and things get nasty quickly. No matter how cute the theory sounds, if it doesn’t work, the theory is trash!

Rockefeller said “I want to own nothing, and control everything.”

Samuel L Blumenfeld in ‘Why the Schools Went Public’ said “Educational stateism is anti-republican in all its bearings, and is well adapted to Prussia and other European despotisms, but not wanted here [in the US]” …the control over education then goes into all other aspects of society by the government.


Note – we are certainly seeing this too. Now we have school nurses, school cafeterias, school therapists, etc. Teachers are viewed as having moral authority above parents. The school is the focus of the community, and those who don’t bow to it are seen as most strange. Property taxes pour into elaborate schools even in small towns, crushing the people.

Public schools replace the concept of God with the concept of the public good.

John Dewey (called the founder of modern education) was a humanist along with others of the Skull and Cross bones promote that humans are social animals, not tied to morals or religion. Dewey wants to get rid of profits, capitalism, competition, property, religion. He says there is no God and no room for fixed moral absolutes. Stalin invited Dewey to teach in the Soviet Union and Dewey was so ridiculous that he was fired and returned to America. Dewey taught chemistry without mention of protons neutrons atoms etc., but merely had students bake cakes to experience chemical reactions. Current education trends are following suit.

The reason government finances school is to move education from local control by the people to national control by the government.


Government people always claim solutions to public education problems are found in pouring more money into the schools.

The PEA and the NEA keep saying that the more federal control there is over schools, the better they’ll be.


Note – sounds like a one size fits all! That’s not human nature. That’s why we have separate states, so people can express and live by their preferences. Allowing for differences is what shows us what works and what doesn’t. Forcing schools to comply with national standards and values is more centralized communism, making kids a cog in a machine, banning parental influence. In reality, centralized education is a threat to religion, and every other freedom. How can a people be free if they can’t even chose what to teach their children?


The book sites several who say they want the children be owned by the public, not the parents. The government believes people can’t handle their own affairs.

Government becomes its own publicity for its ideas.

Clinton proposed that civilians should have no say in the curriculum.

The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) program has “Open Court.” which means the teachers must follow a certain script, and even ignore the questions of the students as they promote that script. There are federal police to enforce these mandates in the classrooms.

See the book “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” by Iserbyt.

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