Highlighting Ken Bowers’ Hiding in Plain Sight Unmasking the Secret Combinations of the Last Days – Ch. 5 Welfare, & Ch. 6 Media

Bowers: Ch. 5 Welfare


Caring for the poor is not the duty of the government, it is the charity of the citizens. Socialists want to spend government money to help the poor, but they won’t give any of their personal funds to help. Examples are shown. Note- Studies have revealed that conservatives give more of their income to charity than liberals.

Grover Cleveland said people give to the government but not vice versa; it makes the populace become meaner when government is who is in charge of giving to the poor. It weakens the kindness, character, and brotherhood of the people.

Government is not supposed to cut checks to farmers who have a bad crop, etc. President Cleveland turned down such requests since the Constitution doesn’t say anything allowing that.

Government charity breeds selfishness, and resentment of the taxpayer. The recipient of government funds learns to expect it whether he earned it or not. It’s like the man who refuses to move out of his parents’ house thinking they own him a living.

Ezra Benson said compulsory charity is not good; too many people think the government owes them something; they see welfare as a right and not a charity.

Government redistribution of wealth is robbery, not charity.

Shakespeare said charity is twice blessed: it blesses him that receives, and him that gives.

Alexander Tyler in “Circle of Democracy”, 1770 said, “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship.”

This dictatorship what the NOW (New World Order) people are setting up for us.

Economics is defined as humans trying to satisfy unlimited wants through limited resources. Capitalism is self-restraint to ultimately get our wants, whereas socialism is getting some things now, and prison later; socialism is to live in denial. When we want free things, it hurts our children’s’ future; there is no free lunch!

Thomas Jefferson said, “If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy.”

James Madison said if Congress can employ (spend) money indefinitely for the general welfare and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care or religion into their own hands; they will appoint teachers everywhere, educate the children, and assume provision of the poor. Such control subverts the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America.

Samuel Adams said, “the utopian schemes of leveling and a community of goods are as visionary and impracticable as those which vest all property in the Crown. [They] are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government, unconstitutional.”

Ezra Benson said, “No one has the authority to grant such powers as welfare programs, schemes for redistributing the wealth, and activities that coerce people into acting in accordance with a prescribed code of social planning….Once government steps over this clear line…into the aggressive role of redistributing the wealth through taxation and providing so-called “benefits” of some of its citizens, it becomes a means for legalized plunder.” (Conference Report Nov. 1968, p. 19)

Joseph F. Merrill said, “Ready-tongued and witty-minded ambitious politicians get nominated for office by stirring up the people with glowing promises of unearned favors and benefits to be secured at the expense of others than themselves.” (Church News, Dec. 26, 1936)

David O. McKay said, “We are placed on this earth to work and the earth will give us a living…. It is our duty to strive to till the earth, subdue matter, conquer the globe, take care to the flocks and herds. It is the government’s duty to see that you are protected in it, and no other man has the right to deprive you of any of your privileges. But it is not the government’s duty to support you. I shall raise my voice as long as God gives me sound or ability, against the communistic idea that the government will take care of us all, and that everything belongs to the government…. It is wrong! No wonder, in trying to perpetuate that idea, that men become anti-Christ, because those teachings strike directly at the doctrines of the Savior. No government owes you a living. You get it yourself by your own acts-never by trespassing upon the rights of your neighbor, never by cheating him. You put a blemish upon your character the moment you do. “ (Church News, March 14, 1953)

Robert J. Ringer said when politicians give out more for less, that is exactly what the people will do- less. The more money people receive for not working, the less they will work. Congress spent $112 million of taxpayers’ money testing 8,500 low income families, and they were given direct payments for 10 years, and the more these families received, the less they worked. (from ‘Restoring the American Dream’)

FDR (Franklin D Roosevelt) in his campaigning, said government welfare programs were unconstitutional. When he got in he ignored that and took the nation toward government welfare, which is socialism. Note- FDR did this in a big way, and is one of the worst US Presidents.

“The New Deal” welfare programs of FDR are opposite of the Founding Fathers’ teachings, which teachings limited taxation to applying only to assist the general welfare of the US. Note- This means when all are taxed, all should equally benefit from the tax, rather than selected people benefiting more than others.

The Founding Fathers said that the government was not to feed cloth or house people.

Government welfare destroys the poor it was supposedly designed to help. (Demonstrations of this are presented in the book.)




Bowers: Ch. 6 All the News That’s Fit to Print (Media hiding truth)



Reporter Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult for them to see whose paycheck depends on them not seeing.”

The major news groups are controlled by the same international bankers.

The super-rich pay companies to not cover them in the media. David Rockefeller speaks of major media groups’ promises of discretion, and how he would not have been able to accomplish what he has in the light of publicity. He also says, “The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.”

George Washington on foreign politics said be neutral and help both sides to have peace. In WWI (our first international war) we were not doing this.
Edward Bernays persuaded the US to enter WWI by telling us that the Huns had no morals and had to be destroyed. We fell for it. The NYT called Burnays the “Father of Public Relations.”
In Bernays’ book “Propaganda” from 1928, he said there is an inner cabinet of government we know not of, which rules us in politics, business, social conduct, and ethical thinking. This invisible group is dominated by only a few people. Bernays further spoke of the ability to persuade the public to do anything via media, using famous actors, sports personalities, sympathy for causes, and even the President. Bernays’ book shows that over the past 80 years, US Presidents came in by conspiracy. Note- another few good books on that are None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen (which Ezra Taft Benson encouraged saints to read in General Conference), and The President Makers by Don Fotheringham.

Hitler had a technique that if you tell a big lie long and loud enough, it will convince most people to believe it. This technique is using in promoting global warming, homosexuality, gun control, universal health care, the Cap and Trade bill, etc.

The media  are controlled by a few rich elites. The Rockefeller’s own major percentages of major media corporations.

Rhodes Scholarships are used to introduce people to the conspiracy. Bill Clinton was one who took to it well; it promotes the idea of ruling the many by the few.

The book discusses The Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg group.

The book features a CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) member who calls for getting a one world government either by consent or conquest.

Aldus Huxley exposes a media tactic of being silent about the truth.

The Aquarian Conspiracy is that the media is designed to promote drugs, ‘free love,’ promiscuity, homosexuality, Satanism, witchcraft, divorce, violence, and all such things that will destroy society.

The Orwellian prediction is that the government will use media to enslave people and create their values, tastes, desires.

Ms. Glaspie tricked Saddam Hussein into thinking the US would not attack if he did certain attacks, knowing we really would. p114

The US sending troops to settle disputes of UN (United Nations) is an important step toward the One World Government.

Polling is used as a tool to change public opinion p117 (Note- and we know all to well from the 2016 election that the poles are rigged to show a favorable view of establishment candidates.)

A survey of 33 calls on gun policy was conducted, 3 of them wanted less guns as a solution to violence, the reporter played those 3 and ignored the other 30. p117

The NYT (New York Times) has been on the side of the communists since WWII.

Pope Paul VI (6th) speaks of thanking media for helping bring in the NWO (New World Order).

100 million TV’s portray candidates in a certain way to brainwash.

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