Highlighting Ken Bowers’ Hiding in Plain Sight Unmasking the Secret Combinations of the Last Days – Intro, Ch. 1 “There’s No Conspiracy!” & Ch. 2 Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules


Bowers Secret Combinations: Introduction



Welcome to highlights of  Ken Bowers’ Hiding in Plain Sight: Unmasking the Secret Combinations of the Last Days. These highlights and commentary are by Nate Richardson. These materials are available at RichardsonStudies.com.



Here we will paraphrase many quotes and ideas from the book.


Heber J Grant said Satan is working “under such perfect disguise that many do not recognize either him or his methods” to destroy economic political and religious freedom. “Without knowing it, the people are being urged down paths that lead only to destruction.”

D&C 10:36-37: “You cannot always tell the wicked from the righteous.”

Ezra Taft Benson said those who are complacent in the fight for liberty, going with popularity, will lament it.
It’s like a Punch and Judy puppet show: no matter what the script is, eventually they end up punching each other.

J Edgar Hoover said there’s a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.

A German professor explains gradual habituation tactics used in Germany by Hitler. They took over by a slow process that people don’t notice, it until it seemed to come down all at once.

Ezra Benson in the Ensign said “A secret combination seeks to overthrow the freedom of all lands nations and countries increasing its evil influence and control over America and entire world.”

Bruce R McConkie said “Gadianton robbers fill the judgement seats in many nations. An evil power seeks to overthrow all nations and countries. Satan reigns in the hearts of men; it is the day of his power.”

George Bush said we are getting a “New world order…the winds of change are with us now.”

Former Soviet President Gorbachev said get rid of old thinking and put in a new world order.






Bowers: Ch. 1: There is No Conspiracy so There!



2 Ne. 28:22 says the devil tells people lies by whispers until they are chained in hell.

Ether 5:1 says, “it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you”. This refers to secret combinations, the theme of this part of the text.

Ether 8:24 says, “awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you.”

J Edgar Hoover said it is essential to know what you are fighting for and what you are fighting against or you’ll be unmotivated and confused.

David O McKay said we endorse educational means to awaken people to investigate communism.

Alma 37:25 says, “I will bring to light all their secrets and abominations, unto every nation that shall hereafter possess the land.”

Joseph Smith JSH 1:22 says the preachers were “all united to persecute me.”

Ezra Taft Benson said, “we cannot fully live the gospel and not be involved in the fight for freedom.”

Several whistleblowers who have left the conspiring groups report and write of it.





Bowers: Ch. 2: The Golden Rule (Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules)



James A Madison said money changers use every form of abuse to get power. They maintain control over governments by controlling the money and the issuance of it.

Founding Fathers of US wanted free enterprise capitalism.

The book gives a historical example of socialism causing less goods produced by more workers, compared to capitalism where less people make more goods, since the capitalists are motivated to work.

Socialism doesn’t consider human nature.

Ezra Benson said the free-enterprise system is built on the eternal principal of freedom of choice.

Mark E Peterson in the Church News said the US Constitution stands for free initiative.

West Germany, once it eliminated almost all controls on wages and prices, came back from poverty to one of strongest economies.

Communist countries all experience shortages of goods because of wage and price controls.

Freedom is wired into people, most are willing to die for it.


Note – interestingly, the last days has the best and worst of people, and it appears that the worst is manifest by an unwillingness to stand up for agency, aka liberty.

The super-rich always think they are above others.

The origin of the Rothschild family and their international banking is presented.

Hugh Nibley said Satan will buy everything on earth and claim it all, putting a price tag on it, and offering it to everyone.

Info is given on how top bankers control governments, for example by refraining from renewing Treasury Bills. They choose who can obtain borrowed money. They advise government people on what’s good for themselves despite it being bad for government.

The Rothschilds engineered the French Revolution by manipulation, then they got control over France.
International bankers hold secret meetings.

Thomas Jefferson said private banks can control inflation and then deflation, which will cause people to lose their property.


Note- that is certainly happening today. Remember, the Federal Reserve is a private bank!

Interest represents a gradual transfer of wealth from society to banks. The fractional reserve banking system allows this. People have become less rich overall because of it.

Often it takes two incomes to provide now.

In the 1920’s – 1940’s, 90% of Americans owned their homes. But today 30-year loans are common.

Nations usually collapse when a small % of the population own all the wealth. Babylon fell when 3% had all the wealth. Persia fell when 2% had all the wealth. Greece fell with .5% had all the wealth. Rome fell when 2,000 people had all the wealth. In America today, less than 2% own 90% of all the wealth. The New York Times said: A One World Order can only come by a small % of the population absorbing all the wealth.

The Federal Reserve never allows itself to be audited.
They killed Representative Louis McFadden when he tried to get the Fed audited. Details are given on creation of the fed, who was involved, and what their original intent was. They now control all financial transactions in the US.

Woodrow Wilson said after he passed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, “I have unwittingly ruined by country.”

Info on the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), IMF (the International Monetary Fund), and the World Bank are given.

BIS secret meetings take place in Switzerland where 13 people shape the whole world’s economy; they are financial barons who control the world’s supply of money.

These organizations give loans to places they know will not ever be able to pay, then they destroy their economies. Massive debt leads nations into the NOW (New World Order). Socialism is forced upon indebted countries to wreck their economies.

Joseph Stiglitz proposed an economic plan to help 3rd world countries, rather than getting them in debt then crushing them, and was fired by President Clinton. p35

It is shown how the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) income tax money goes to the pockets of the bankers, not into taking care of roads, schools, & other public things.

Spencer W Kimball said, about the latter-day saints paying their taxes, that if they don’t like the taxes, they should go against it in the politically correct way of due process of law. (They shouldn’t just stop paying taxes they don’t agree with.)

Ezra Taft Benson said that the beginning of our troubles can be traced to the Federal Reserve manipulating money, allowing arbitrary exchange of the value of our money for political purposes.

Ezra Taft Benson said it’s possible that the government manipulators who brought economic crisis are hoping that we will come to them begging for help, offering our civil rights in exchange.

Alexander Hamilton said, “Nothing is more common than for a free people, in times of heat and violence, to gratify momentary passions by letting into the government principles and precedents which afterward prove fatal to themselves.” (Quoted in Ezra Benson “An Enemy Hath Done This”)


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