Highlighting Ken Bowers’ Hiding in Plain Sight Unmasking the Secret Combinations of the Last Days – Ch. 7 Foreign Policy & Ch. 8 The CFR

Bowers: Ch. 7 American Foreign Policy


The government orders the discarding of food so they can keep agriculture and market prices high. One man was fined for giving his excess to the poor rather than discarding of it. p125.


They call for famine assistance, but they created the famine. They ban trade while giving aid. Food is for these reasons 7x more expensive than it could be. 3rd world countries are not allowed to see first world countries and thus continue to depend on benefactors who ship them supplies. p126.


3rd world farmers cannot sell their food at a good price because of foreign aid being dumped on them p127.


The best way to promote peace is to invite other nations to join with us and live under our Constitution. Stay out of foreign entanglements but do aid victims of international wars. p127


Don’t enforce democracy on others, Satan’s way is force. The Founders endorsed commerce and social relations with other nations, but not alliances with them. Foreign defense policies (like NATO and SEATO) are bad for America as they can easily get us fighting inappropriate battles based on a requirement that when one member of the treaty is attacked all others must help it. Therefore these treaties make us military slaves. In pre-mortality everyone who is on this earth chose agency, so our current foreign policies are making people hate us. p128


Ron Paul speaks against foreign aid and explains how it makes nations entitled and is unconstitutional spending. p129






Bowers: Ch 8 The Buck Stops Here (On Wars & the CFR Controlling the Presidents)


Roosevelt says all political things are by design, not chance. Crassus Pompeii and Julius Caesar sought to turn the republic into an empire. p130 Helaman 7:4-5 gives example of nations controlled from behind the scenes. The Wall Street Journal wrote that David Rockefeller, head of council on Foreign Relations, was as powerful as the head of state. David Rockefeller told head of state of Russia Khrushchev to resign, and he did within 24 hours. The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations, a major branch of the Establishment) is controlled by The Round Table. p132


The presidency is run by the CFR. FDRs son-in-law reports FDRs ideas were not his own but were given him by the CFR. FDR, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and others gave into this power behind the scenes to get personal power. FDRs son-in-law says the 1932 FDR democratic political platform was made to get him in, then was discarded once he was in. p132

FDRs son in law goes on to say that 90% of people in the CFR don’t know who runs it or what its plans but are, and are only there for status. FDR says Joseph Stalin trained him. Near his death, Woodrow Wilson admitted ruining his county (from working with the money barons). p133


12/14 of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s councilors were CFR members. Johnson didn’t want to escalate the Vietnam war but they urged him to. Some of these advisors were personally against this war but advised it anyway for the CFR sake. Top military officers say Vietnam could have lasted only a few months. p134 Note- hands were intentionally tied to draw it out. For more on this see The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Sixties by Jonathan Leaf.


CFR leaders chose to end the Vietnam war after over a half a million troops were deployed there and blamed it all on Johnson. The CFR are the puppet masters of the presidents. p135 This is like Korihor being used by Satan until Satan didn’t need him anymore.


Woodrow Wilson speaks of the fear major manufacturers have of the unseen organization which attacks those who speak against it. In a book of Wilsons speeches he admits America is controlled behind the scenes. These behind-the-scenes corporations used Wilsons desire for more government power to help the people to secure more power for themselves. Any increase in government power is increase in power of the CFR and the bankers. The solution is take the power from the federal government and return it to the states, like the Constitution says. p136


Baron Edmond de Rothschild of France oversaw the creation of the CFR. The book lists people involved in the funding of the formation of the Fed and CFR, including major names in these groups and major groups involved internationally in their creation. The book shows how these groups are interrelated. The House Brain Trust and Wise Men groups roles are explained, as well as House as a partner of Wilson. p138


Wilson and House had the same opinions. House wanted one world government. House wanted the Constitution scrapped, calling it outdated. House wanted Marxism and spirituality mixed. House worked with FDR as well. House helped make the income tax amendment. There’s a group called The Inquiry composed of 100 social engineers, they created of CFR etc.


J Reuben Clark an LDS General Authority was part of the J.P. Morgan company and when he heard them speaking of making another world war to get a new world government, since the WW1 failed to get them such, he reported this to church president Heber J Grant who he told him to get out of that company immediately which he did. Indeed, The United Nations was born via WW2. p138


Thus, we see WWI and WWII were attempts to get a new world government behind the scenes. J Reuben Clark said WWI and WWII were mistakes we were tricked into by appealing to our hearts.


The fed artificially pumped up the money supply in the 20s which caused the Great Depression and they used that to give themselves money. The Fed knew the market would crash and told certain people who planned to benefit therefrom. Details of how they created the Great Depression via stock manipulation are presented in the book. Overall it was taking money from the middle class and giving it to the rich. p139


World Wars were for the Fed to make money, to alter public opinion about foreign involvement causing us to become world policemen, and to get a world government. No more world wars came after the United Nations came into being.


WWIII will be to destroy America and Israel, and get a world government. Joseph Smith and Joseph Fielding Smith spoke of nations uniting as a negative thing. p140


FDR put embargos on Japan to maneuver them to attack us (at Pearl Harbor). Generals were left without info on the Pearl Harbor attack from their higher ups (who knew), which left them defenseless. p141


WW2 brought the CFR power. p142


The CFR gained power over the state department, then cabinet, then the Presidency. CFR has private meetings which are forbidden from dispersing to the open public, which allows them to plot their agendas. The book lists the many agencies and individuals like head of the CIA, head of the NSA, Secretary of Interior, Secretary of Education, which are all members of the CFR. p143-44


Regardless of whether a Republican or Democrat is the President, leading experts and advisors come from this CFR circle. The CFR is mainly composed of billionaires, CEOs of multinational corporations, international bankers, media leaders, University Presidents and other popular figures. Basically, the CFR includes all the popular figures like senators congressmen and Supreme Court Judges, but there is representation from the middle class majority. (Note- the senators etc. are supposed to represent us, but of course it’s not like the House of Representatives is represented there proportionately; it is clearly an imbalance of power). It is rule by the rich and powerful. The CFR has all types of people in it who encourage radical extreme ideas. They claim that having diverse racial representation in the CFR that such makes them open to all ideas and fair. The CFR is how the President sidesteps the Constitution, and is a front man for private CFR agenda. p145


Regan was not a member of the CFR but Rockefeller supported his candidacy on the agreement that he would have George Bush, a conspirator, as his VP, and use CFR members in his cabinet. This is what Regan did. See Garry Allen who wrote None Dare Call it Conspiracy. (Note- this is a book President Ezra Taft Benson suggested we read in a Conference Report; see the film of said address as the manuscript of it was scrubbed of this suggestion.) The country is run in large part not just by the President, but his cabinet. p146

All options the cabinet gives to Regan are beneficial to the conspiracy. The reports they build for the president are designed to point him in a certain direction. p147


Rockefeller said the news has stayed out of their business 40 years, that they could not have done what they did in the light of publicity, that such has enabled his plans for a one world government ruled by the elite international bankers, which is says is better than the traditional way of the America.


The Bilderberg group calls for putting UN troops on US soil to restore order. They claim there are threats, whether real or false, to get the Americans to go along with it. Then they remove individual rights and put in a world government instead. p148


Largely thanks to the internet, information of these secret CFR and Bilderberg meetings is beginning to come out despite the newspaper’s agreements to shut down any news about these meetings that gets out.


People are seeing the difference between promises of presidential candidates and what they really do. For example, Obama rebuked the Iraqi and Afghanistan wars, he said he would pull out troops, but rather he put more troops in. Obama rebuked the $750 billion bailout which George W. Bush engineered through Congress, then he did the same but for trillions of dollars of bailouts. Obama said he would make government more transparent but instead made his meetings and that of the Democrat Party leadership in congress closed. Bush Obama and all Presidents before them filled their cabinet with CFR members. p149


A CFR message leaked showing that they are purposefully denying Africans AIDS treatment. They call it Natural Selection, and claim it is to stop the spread of the disease. They called for a bacteriological warfare to get rid of non-white people once each generation. Bowers lists books about the CFR and what they do in their secret meetings, like The Shadows of Power about the CFR and American decline by James Perloff, and The CFR: Conspiracy to Rule the World by Garry Allen see American Opinion, 1969. Bowers also suggests a Secretary of State to Harry Truman. There are many more book suggestions in the book. p150


Clinton from his youth was wanted by the small circle of elites controlling the world behind the scenes. The book goes over another professor acknowledging the rule of the elite in secret hiding. p151

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