The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism by Jonathan Wells PhD – Book Highlights & Commentary

My notes here only scratch the surface to many awesome concepts from this book. Be sure to learn more from this book and other volumes in the stellar “Politically Incorrect Guide” series.

Darwinism is accept now based on popular opinion rather than evidence. It’s the ‘scientific consensus.’

People claim that Darwinism is Central to all the life sciences, but it’s not been involved in genetics etc. Mendel did not like Darwinism. The contributions in fields of agriculture genetics etc. have not had anything to do with Darwinism. We can have a new verb “to Darwin.” When something gets stolen it’s been “Darwined.” Identity theft? You’ve been Darwined. Someone else taking credit for work you did? You’ve been Darwined.

Note – I remember hearing about a doctor who said you don’t need to study evolution to be a good doctor, he got fired as I recall.

Darwinists shut people down who point out that Darwinism isn’t a fact. One school put in a textbook that evolution is a theory not a fact and should be carefully considered before accepting. Darwinists pulled some strings and got a court to demand they remove such instructions.

Note – Darwinists love to make the word ‘theory’ sound like the greatest thing ever. The problem is that theories are supposed to describe how laws work, and we can’t identify which laws Darwinism is trying to defend. And we all must confess that evolution is not a law. They also like to refer to evolution as an ‘established’ theory.

Darwin said the strongest evidence for his theory was embryos and the embryos he had drawn for his book were forgeries. Darwinists often admit that they were fudged to fit the theory, but claim that they still represent truth. Academic dishonesty like this in other any other field wouldn’t stand a chance. In reality, human and animal embryos in beginning stages look very different, and the beginning stages are the most important even according to Darwinists.

The World isn’t old enough to get all the gene strands needed to make an organism by chance. If possible, it would take trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions of years.

Note – of course this is why they’re always making the Earth and universe older. The more we show their theories impossible the older they make it to forestall their doom.

Michael Behe and others trying to publish intelligent design academic papers in science journals are denied. They say it’s not scientific because it’s not published in journals, and they won’t publish it because it’s not scientific (because it can’t be found in academic journals). Journals also refused to publish Behe’s rebuttals to those who have published attacks against him in journals. Note – this is circular reasoning.

Our Earth is suitable for life and they claim our universe is just lucky enough among many universes, but there’s absolutely no proof or evidence that other universes exist.

Wells gives repeated examples of how academic freedom only applies to politically correct ideas. Intelligent design advocates are not allowed to participate in various science forums, conferences etc.

The Smithsonian was going to have a show where they talked about evolution and drew a philosophical opinion from it that the cosmos might be designed for a reason. Evolutionists everywhere were outraged and got the Smithsonian to cancel the show. The Smithsonian said they decided to cancel the show because upon further analysis they concluded that such a show would not be in keeping with the mission of the Smithsonian. The Smithsonian is fine with mixing in philosophy with their science when it comes to philosophies that say there is nothing in the universe and we are all there in the cosmos, but if you ever want to promote a philosophy or even suggest the possibility of a philosophy that there might be something of design in the universe and purpose they don’t allow that. On a funny note, when the Smithsonian was considering airing this show one evolutionist tried bribing the Smithsonian $20,000 to not play the film. A critic of evolution heard about this, called the guy, and threatened to show the film in Europe unless he paid him $20,000 also.

Microscopic living organisms have essential individual components which if removed, the whole system would fail. This is called irreducible complexity. What Darwin thought was a little black spot of an eye is actually extremely complex. (Michael Behe talks about this in his book “Darwin’s Black Box.”)

Scientists blame the religious for holding on to their religion dogmatically, but Darwinists hold on to Darwinism dogmatically. The government considers it blasphemy to question evolution.

Many have recognized that Darwinian evolution has been the greatest contribution to atheism the world has ever seen.

Evolution says that any gods worth having don’t exist.

Intelligent design advocates don’t just give rebuttals to Darwinism, they demonstrate that many things found in nature show obvious design. That many things don’t work without design.

Darwinists say ‘intelligent design isn’t science because it isn’t testable, and besides it’s been tested and found false.’ (More circular reasoning.)

Teaching students for and against creationism is not the same thing as teaching intelligent design.

Evolutionists freak out whenever someone who believes in intelligent design is hired as a science professor, even when those science professors aren’t teaching intelligent design to their students, they’re just pursuing and teaching that in their private life and at home.

Darwinists don’t want critical analysis, they ban creationists trying to do so.

Should teachers be permitted or encouraged or required to point out problems in Darwinian evolution? Should teachers be permitted or encouraged or acquired to teach intelligent design as an alternative?

There is dispute among evolutionary biologists about all forms of life coming from a common ancestor. Nevertheless, Darwinists try to shut down intelligent design advocates from even presenting that side by saying there is ‘no controversy’ that ‘everyone agrees’ on Darwinism.

Occasionally a biology textbook will bring up intelligent design only to say that there’s no evidence for it and that it’s just based on the Bible. But of course, they don’t let students view any of the materials defending intelligent design scientifically.

In the early 2000s Kansas took macroevolution out of their biology curriculum. Evolutionists got together and made it so those high school credits wouldn’t count towards graduation. (Note – so much for localized education determined by parents. Everything is being federalized, globalized, and it’s not you who gets to call the shots, it’s someone smarter and more important than you. Someone who has moved beyond the primitive ways of religion and parental rights.)

Kansas and Ohio in the early 2000s were debating whether to allow intelligent design to be taught as an alternative in schools. Intelligent design advocates like Stephen Meyer and the author of this book Jonathan Wells advocated allowing teachers to teach both the pros and cons of evolution theory and to not ban alternative theories.

A public high school teacher named Dehart mentioned the possibility of intelligent design in his school, and the school board approved of it. He didn’t put forth his personal opinion, he just pointed out that there’s another possibility, and the ACLU crushed him, ending his career as a public teacher.

One lady said God told her to get creation science out of the school. And nobody had a problem with that. But if she had said God told her to put creation science in the school, or that God told her to get Darwinism out of school, a lawsuit surely would have followed.

Give Darwin only praise or you face the wrath of the judiciary. Teachers must teach Darwinism, the whole Darwinism and nothing but Darwinism. What happened to the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Darwinism has been used to justify social evils such as eugenics and racism. Darwinists put a pygmy man Ota Benga in a zoo as a display of monkeys becoming humans. He remained on display until a Baptist preacher protested at this racism and he was let free. Shortly later he killed himself.

President Bush said both sides, Darwinism and intelligent design, should be taught.

Most successful businesses rely on the bible, not the origin of species. To be creative is to take leaps of faith. All creative thought is based in belief and is religious.

Hitler excused mass extermination based on Darwinian ideas.

Before Darwin science and religion got along well. But Darwin declared war on traditional Christianity.

A key tenant of Darwinism is that man is an accident.

Famous Darwinist Richard Dawkins said Christianity is a disease.

Several States endorse religious Darwinistic views and none other.

Critical analysis of Darwin is now illegal in public schools

The Soviets persecuted scientists who taught Mendelian genetics instead of Darwinism.

Wells points out many cases of professors who dared suggest intelligent design as a possibility who got sacked.

Everyone who’s been paying attention knows that there is a debate between Darwinism and intelligent design. A tactic that Darwinists are using is to claim there is no debate and that it’s concluded. Anyone who knows American history knows that telling people they are not allowed to talk about something is the least likely tactic to work. (Note – we have lost much of that spirit of freedom, but I believe some of it remains with a remnant of us.) Darwinists are on the defense and their behavior shows it.

The journal Nature said that even though all evidence points towards design, we exclude that possibility because it is not naturalistic.

(Note – this causes the modern science world to go looking for answers to questions which nature has already answered in strange places, leaving them to come up with strange scenarios to explain what should have been obvious. They become fake, looking for non-design explanations, rather than just admitting that design occurred.)

Orson Scott Card (note- a latter-day saint) points out how Darwinist methods are unscientific and based on their supposed authority. That they resort to credentialism and expertism. But real science doesn’t reject legitimate questions just because the person who asked the question doesn’t have certain credentials. Resorting to credentials shows that you don’t have an answer and you just want the questioner to go away. Expertism is to say ‘trust us you poor fools.’ Darwinists tell the general public we are too dumb to understand.

Evolutionists continue to embarrass themselves by being emotional and out of control in their response to critiques and questions of intelligent design. They’re not acting scientifically, they’re acting dogmatically.

The arrogance being exhibited by Darwinists is the classic attitude of a loser. The only question is whether they will go down gracefully or kicking and screaming, censoring and denouncing to the bitter end.

Darwinism is funded with multi-billions of dollars a year by compulsory taxation. The very small intelligent design movement is funded very modestly all by donation.

Most intelligent design research has to be done in secret not because it is unethical but because if Darwinists find out about it, they will shut it down. Many people involved in intelligent design research to someone secret because they would lose their job if people knew.

Intelligent design is not based in the bible, and it is not based in America. It’s popularity is growing worldwide.

Science can never be decided by judicial fiat. Darwinists may control what we are able to say, but they can’t control what we think. A major scientific revolution is at hand, all of the signs are here – forcing the opposition into silence etc.

A few more notes, these specifically from Chapter 1 on Wars and Rumors:

Darwinism claims that design is just an illusion.

Intelligent design is not a biblical theory, it is a scientific theory based on nature and logic.

Often Darwinists claim to be just peddling change over time, but they’re really getting at much more.

Evolutionists claim that the attack against evolution is a war on everything, and that intelligent design would ruin everything.

(Note – the evolutionists certainly have their tentacles in just about everything these days, but clearly this mindset is an overreaction. As evidenced by “Big History” and related projects, evolution-based thinking is a cancer that won’t stop growing, infecting all of academia.)

The 2005 Time Magazine had an addition on the controversy of evolution and pictured God pointing to an ape.

Change over time is simply history. It is obvious. Darwinian evolution is much different than simply change over time. Darwinism suggests change across species but what has been observed is only change within species. Changing gene frequencies and descent modification are obvious but they don’t happen across species. Genesis said God created certain kinds.

Darwinism claims
1. all living things are descendant of a common ancestor,
2. that undirected natural selection is the principal agent causing speciation and
3. that unguided processes are sufficient to explain all living things, and whatever appears to be designed is an illusion.

Darwin said he wanted all beings as descendants of a few beings from the distant past. He said natural selection is the most important means of modification

Darwin speculated that life started in a warm little pond. Darwinism does not explain the original life. Everything before bacteria is conjecture.

Darwin said he could see no evidence of design of any kind. He saw everything as a matter of chance. Darwinists teach that man is an accident.

Evolutionists call biology the study of living things that appear to have been designed.

Note – maybe the recent removal of human anatomy/physiology from high school biology curriculum is due to the hand of God being so clearly evident in the human body. Russel M. Nelson, heart surgeon, said that anyone who has studied the human body has seen God moving in His majesty and power.

Intelligent design relies on evidence, so it is not religious.

Even Darwin suggested it was a possibility that God created the first or the few first living things. Of course, today Darwinists do not allow for that. (Note – when it comes to censoring God, the Devil just needed his foot in the door, and he took it from there.)

It was Christian clergyman who pioneered the study of modern geology.

There has been disagreement among creationists about whether Earth is old or young, about whether God created everything at once or whether he set up programs and let them go, or how long the length of a day of creation is.

Note – my view is that each day of creation was a thousand years and it is based on evidence and scripture. But I do see some possibility in the 24-hour creation day as well. The book of Moses also says the creation account in scripture only referring to our local area. I believe God’s creations are ongoing – His works never cease. I believe His miraculous intervention in the lives of His children is a daily supernatural out-of-the-ordinary occurrence.

The new war is not about evolution and creation, it is about Darwinism and intelligent design.

Intelligent design says that some features of the natural world are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than accidental happenstance.

Design inferences are based on evidence, not just based on ignorance of how something works.


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