Matt Walsh “What is a Woman?” Documentary Highlights

Matt Walsh What is a Woman Documentary Highlights

The message today is you can be whatever you identify as. But nature tells us the truth even when we don’t want to hear it.

Gender affirming therapists reject all social expectations. They say gender is arbitrarily assigned, that genitalia doesn’t assign gender. This female therapist was asked “what is a woman” and said “I’m not a woman so I can’t say.”

People say you can identify as a woman, but don’t know what a woman is.

One transgender doctor said gender change surgery is “a Faustian trade.” As in deal with the devil. This person also said there aren’t many today who disagree with transgenderism, just “old dinosaurs.”

One shop owner out a sign up in his shop, “if you were born with a dick, you’re not a chick.” There’s a viral video of his argument with someone who came to his shop to disagree. The trendy kept shouting “trans women are women!” This trendy was on the city council.

One doctor celebrated gender affirming therapy, that a 4 year old can chose a gender. She was ok with saying Santa is real for a kid so don’t question their reality. So we are letting kids who don’t understand reality make life altering decisions like this.

One gender doctor professor guy said when someone tells you what they are, you should just believe them. The professor said he was very uncomfortable with Matt’s language of wanting to “get to the truth.” He said “truth” is transphobic. The professor wouldn’t answer what a woman is. He said a woman is someone who identifies as a woman.

One doctor stood with real science and pointed out how 99.999 percent of cells in the body have a marker that identify them as male or female. She showed Matt a kids books rated for ten-year-olds have explicit sex drawings. They encourage sexualization of children, gender change, etc. She talks about how crazy it is now that we think it’s ok to mutilate people in the name of these gender trends.

One gender doctor lady said we “assume” a chicken laying eggs is female.

You ask for the truth and they say, “whose truth?” Of course there’s only THE truth. Reality.

They claim trans athletes don’t have an advantage. That they don’t obviously lead. But they do obviously lead. Matt shows many sports clips of men beating women in athletics by a long shot. Women are frustrated about this, working hard to compete only to be blown away by men entering their competitions. One predicted that soon, we won’t even have women’s sports, just men’s sports, and trans sports. Why would women continue to complete in situations they obviously can’t win in?

One LGBT congressman advocated the “equality act” to include sexual identity. When Matt asked him about men in women’s bathrooms, the congressman tried to change the subject to say the bill was about trans people’s right to live (of course no one is out shooting trans people so this isn’t really the issue), and the congressman quickly ended the interview. Many do this, when it comes to the facts, they just walk away rather than confront reality.

Many trendies say only women have the right to say what a woman is.

At the Woman’s March no one would answer what a woman is.

Tribes in Africa remember reality, that a man can’t be a woman just because he wants to be. They say the woman delivers a baby, man cannot.

Dr. Kinsey was who brought research on kids being sexual from birth. It was fraudulent, based on what prisoners said. He abused infants in sexual experiments and was praised for it. This sicko is praised to this day, and his theories are used to this day in gender and sex studies.

Dr. John Money invented gender ideology. He says babies are gender neutral at birth and gender is determined by environment. One pair of twin babies was getting circumcised, the machinery malfunctioned and burned off the penis of one of the boys. Dr. Money persuaded the parents of the twins to raise this boy as though he were a girl. The boy was forced to perform sex acts with his brother. He wasn’t told he was a male. He was interested in trucks and climbing trees, not dolls. The twin they called a boy died of drug overdose and the one they called a girl eventually found out the truth about his real male identity, spoke out against those who abused him, and died of suicide. But John Money never was brought to task for it, his ideas remain today as the basis for gender psychology.

Medical transition is experimental and the studies about it keep getting retracted and modified.

Transgender people are the most suicidal 7 years AFTER surgery. But that’s transphobic to say.

$70,000 is the cost of medical transition. Pharma gets $1.3 million for each transition.

Scott Newgent of TreVoices ( fell for the trans trap and speaks out against it. The trans procedure makes people more suicidal than anything. Do you really want to get kids something that will make them suicidal? Statistically that’s what happens. Parents don’t have the right to medically transition their child, it is child abuse. Scott points out that there’s a 70 percent chance the person will die from infection from these procedures. He is literally dying of infections, unable to get procedures covered, getting regular strange infections from the medical procedures, etc.

Hormones blockers and sex hormones have never been used to change someone’s gender, administering the hormones of one gender to someone of the opposite gender. Some claim the blockers are reversible and just pause puberty, but there’s no studies showing this. There’s no long-term research on using hormones unnaturally. What we are seeing is cancer after 10 years of it.

Lupron medication is chemical castration. It’s given to pedophiles to castrate them. Now they give it to kids to chemically castrate them when the kid says they want a gender transition.

Many kids were already suicidal and on drugs before finding out about gender changing. It’s extreme emotional blackmail for doctors to say, “would you rather have a living daughter or a dead son?”

As of 2018 Canada passed laws that a child can get cross sex hormones without parental consent. In Canada it’s considered criminal violence to call a kid by non-preferred pronouns. One Canadian father was jailed and forced to pay $30,000 for misgendering his 13-year-old daughter whom the state decided to give trans gender hormones to without his consent.

Jordan Peterson on the documentary says therapists aren’t supposed to pat you on the back for their non-working ideas. In response to the question “what is a woman,” he says go marry one and find out. Peterson is from Canada and refuses to allow the state dictate what he must call someone. Peterson says you can have temperamentally masculine girls, and feminine boys, that what their gender is has nothing to do with it. You can’t have honest conversations with physicians, they’re scared to say something that’ll get them fired. The physicians are basically in a position of saying ‘you’ve got whatever sickness you want to say you have, now do you want some meds?’

In court cases, the parent who wants gender change for the child always wins.

See book “The End of Gender” Debra Soe (
Soe points out that sex researchers who speak against what the radical gender advocates want get their professional and personal lives ruined.

See book “The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self” by Carl R. Trueman Says we must acknowledge there are powerful lobby money groups pushing the LGBT ideology. They’re pushing a minority interest into being a mainstream concern artificially.

Kids are going to school identifying themselves as cats, meowing in class, not talking, and teachers aren’t allowed to say anything about it.

One trans person who identifies as a wolf person said it started when watching anime.
Note – beware anime. One student of mine said, “there’s no such thing as Christian anime.” It’s usually immodest, immoral, violent, and promotes many hidden agendas.

In online forums they get into trans ideologies. They decide to fit in with other outfits by doing these things. The rising generation is rejecting every social construct.

The Jenner girl told her parents she was a boy. She lived as a boy for 3 years and found it wasn’t the real her. She is now an outspoken advocate against transgenderism. (Note- it’s not just not the real her, any trans person is not being their real self.)

Public school teacher Tanner Cross wouldn’t call kids other genders, he was fired.

Walsh appeared at a city meeting to expose the ideology, he spoke boldly about how those pushing the transgender movement are abusing children, and warned them that we won’t let them go on with it.

Transgender advocates appropriate womanhood and turn it into a costume that can be worn.

Why do we care? Truth matters. We don’t want kids lied to. We want woman to have their opportunities taken by men. Governments are saying if we don’t call by the genders, it’s illegal. So yes, we care very much.

Kids will be ok as they go through normal puberty, they don’t need dangerous medical interventions to get through it.

Trendies say “I’m not a biologist, I can’t say what a woman is.”

Matt’s episode on the Dr. Phil show was considered ‘emotionally damaging’ to those involved, so several platforms took it off their program. On the show the transgender advocates called it extreme if you don’t go along with their message of transgenderism, but Matt pointed out that theirs is the extreme position. For all of human history people have known better, it’s just in the past few years people have come up with this stuff.


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