The Trump Shooting & Leviticus Parallels

The Trump Shooting & Leviticus Parallels

These ideas are from Jonathan Cahn

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Leviticus 8:24: “And he brought Aaron’s sons, and Moses put of the blood upon the tip of their right ear, and upon the thumbs of their right hands, and upon the great toes of their right feet: and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about.”

Leviticus 8:27: “And he put all upon Aaron’s hands, and upon his sons’ hands, and waved them for a wave offering before the Lord.”

The blood is to be on the tip of the right ear in the sacrifice. Then on the right hand, on the thumb. Such it was July 13 2024 with Trump. Right ear shot on the tip, then his right hand had the blood on it.

The famous picture of the attempt shows his thumb lighted by the sun. The right thumb was significant in the sacrifice.

Then the sacrificial blood was to be on the right foot. As Trump goes down his shoes are removed. Blood was everywhere, it could touch his feet through his socks. The consecration of the priest happens with the shoes removed.

It happened on a Saturday which is a Sabbath to the Jews. There are appointed words the rabbis read on each Sabbath. July 13, the passage was about a priest being consecrated, who had the blood placed upon him.

Then the hand is waived as part of the sacrifice. Trump waived his hand.

This was on the last Sabbath before the party’s nomination for the presidency. It was 2 days before a convention. The biblical priest ordination was a 7 day flow of events. The entire convention Trump was marked on his ear with the white bandage. The priest would be marked on his ear the whole time of the ordination.

The ear is symbolic of hearing God. The foot to walk in Gods ways.

A split second before the shot he turned his head to avoid being struck in the brain. The town was called Butler, Butler is from the French word boutellier meaning cup bearer. The cup bearer is connected to a king. His job was to keep someone from killing the king via poison etc. Butler means the one who prevents assassination. God is the one who was the cup bearer here, he was the Butler who saved Trump. It wasn’t the secret service who saved him. The name of the place shows this divine intervention was not by chance.

When Trump went down he went to his knees, he was forced to the ground with his face toward the ground. God humbles his servants.

Trump states that he was saved by God, and that every moment of life is from God.

Without doubt, the blood of Christ on the cross ran down to his ear, hands, feet, etc. Note – and in Gethsemane we know he was completely covered in blood, sweating blood from every pore.


Note: Could Leviticus 8:26 refer to the guards piling on/around Trump?

“And out of the basket of unleavened bread, that was before the Lord, he took one unleavened cake, and a cake of oiled bread, and one wafer, and put them on the fat, and upon the right shoulder:”

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