Trump Harris Sept. 2024 Debate Notes & Analysis 9.10.24

My analysis of this debate contains bias in favor of Trump but consider the following, including some jabs at both sides.

Why was Trump getting fact checked, not Harris? This was not a fair debate. I’m glad the debate host bashed against Trump so much so it would be clear to viewers how bias this was. Establishment news agencies are claiming the debate as a win for Harris, but I don’t think so. Though Trump is accused of interrupting people, Harris kept interrupting him, not to mention the debate host who frequently disagreed with Trump rather than leaving it to the 2 debaters. The moderators only cut off Harris when it’s obvious that she’s already made her point and is just rambling on.

We all wonder why Harris refuses to do interviews and debates, Trump is doing them all the time.

The inflation with Trump was zero, Harris has nothing to say about that, other than blaming Trump for a mess. Too bad Harris wants communist price controls, that didn’t come up here.

Trump gets blamed for Covid. The reality is that Covid was a curse for 50 years of abortion in America, and Trumps actions to overturn Roe v Wade actually marked the beginning of the end of Covid. See Jonathan Cahn’s “Josiah Manifesto” for more on this.

Harris claims she will cut taxes, Trump actually shows that he does.

Harris says Trump has no plan, then goes on to rebuke Trumps plan. Harris keeps saying she has a plan, I guess it’s just that no one knows about them.

Trump points out that she is a Marxist, taught by her Marxist father, right on.

Trump does well in pointing out that abortion out of the federal level is now more in the power of the people to decide on the state level.

Harris pushes the “women’s body woman’s choice line” but refuses to see the baby’s rights, the typical epic fail of pro-choicers.

Harris repeatedly accuses Trump based on the 2025 plan which Trump denies being a part of.

Harris insists that Trump never speaks for the people, bazaar. One of her key tactics is to call Trump extreme and uninformed. It’s all a word game. She is certainly a professional smooth-talking politician, just the thing America is tired of, a copy of Biden. Harris quotes others who Trump bash, a big theme of hers is Trump bashing. It was even a huge theme of the DNC, Trump bashing, but not a theme of the RNC. Trump says yeah, those people that don’t like me, they were no good I fired them, and the Biden administration never fires anyone. Whenever Harris bashes on Trump, it doesn’t go well for her, unlike in her echo chamber DNC of constant cheers & worship. Astonishingly, she claims to not be the person who is name calling and bringing others down when the DNC had hundreds of Trump bashing references and the RNC had almost 0 Biden/Harris bashing statements.  Harris repeatedly makes statements about not name calling, but the trick is that by bringing this up all the time, she is stirring the pot and making it look like more name calling is going on than really is. It’s a classic communist strategy, to call for peace while stirring up war.

Trumps deportation plan of 11 million + does seem unrealistic. But he could use methods others like Eisenhower did, like telling them get out now or you’ll be deported and never allowed to come back, and many did leave.

Trump points out the migration crisis from the Biden administration and they keep trying to change the subject, or just go into more Trump character bashing.

Trump shows that the DOJ is politicized in its attack against him, and that it’s not equal against the Democrat leaders. Trump rightly points out that the left’s rhetoric against him as anti-democratic likely lead to him getting a bullet in the head. Trump points out the irony of how 0 people voted for Harris as presidential nominee, she just jumped in when Biden was removed.

Harris keeps bringing up her childhood, how her parents kept declaring bankruptcy, and bringing up random sexual assault cases, nobody cares. This is a rant she went on in the question of fracking.

The debate host keeps nagging Trump about January 6. Trump responds and the host won’t give up on it, ignoring everything Trump said in his defense, including the National Guard soldiers they refused to send which he asked for. And Harris brings up that “violent mob” rhetoric. They keep bringing up debunked things about Jan. 6 and 2025. Trump ties the border crisis as impacting election integrity, again the debate host decides to get involved and argues against Trump for the who knows how many times. When Trump is spitting facts, the debate host shuts him down and says, ‘we have a lot to get to.’

Trump predicts that within 2 years from now (Sept. 2026), if Harris is elected, Israel won’t exist. This could be about right in the apocalyptic timeline. Trump talks about making real solutions for the wars via negotiations; of course he can’t call out specifics of how that’ll happen, he is going to negotiate. But yes, it is a bit much for Trump to claim that the wars wouldn’t happen with him in office, though it’s true that he is more feared as a leader than Harris. But Harris does make a good point that Trump does have a weakness for flattery from foreign leaders. But everyone knows Trump is a far superior negotiator than Biden or Harris.

The race bating was heavy. Trump said he doesn’t care what color someone is, and Harris went on a rant about systemic racism. She bashes on Trump for owning land and buildings and supposed racism. Trump rightly points out the Biden/Harris presidency as being very divisive. It was the same with Obama, the most racially divisive president we’ve ever had. It’s an Orwellian communist trick to hype up issues, especially race, to label and divide people, to pit them against each other. Actions speak louder than words on this.

Overall, we heard little to no policy from Harris, but plenty of Trump bashing. Harris made a few vague claims for going forward, change, etc.

Harris boasts about being a new generation with new leadership with new plans. Most of it involves giving money to people. No Harris, we don’t want your new communist ways, we already know they are crap!

Harris claims climate change is an “existential threat.” In her environment ramble she claims it’s making people homeless and boasts the major spending they have done on this behalf.

Trump calls out the corruption of the Biden/Harris administration, all Harris can do is shake her head and act confused.

Harris said “you’ve heard tonight 2 very different visions for this country.” You can say that again! They she proceeds in her name calling of saying Trump is backward etc. Harris points out that she has only ever worked for the government.

Trump makes a prophetic warning that we are a failing nation in serious decline. Recognizing this is essential and is strangely denied by many on the left, we all remember Biden’s statements from the last debate about how wonderful everything is. It’s typical communist rhetoric to pretend like all is well while the world is crumbling around your evil policies.

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