God Used Evolution? Here’s Why That’s a Silly Claim

God Used Evolution? Here’s Why That’s a Silly Claim

It’s like my old BYU astronomy professor who tried to convince us that ‘God used big bang evolution, and that’s just wonderful!’ It’s not wonderful, actually. It’s wasteful, cruel, unintelligent, and represents a significant betrayal of all we have been taught in scripture and the teachings of the church over the past 200 years.

To evolutionists, it is laughable when Christians claim that ‘God used evolution,’ because literally the whole point of evolution is a way of explaining nature without any supernatural involvement! Who’s in the driver seat – supernatural God, or natural selection? Mentioning God in the background of evolution’s random processes isn’t just silly, it’s blasphemous. And don’t try to say the processes aren’t random – evolution’s aim is to prove that it is both possible and plausible that everything did come about randomly, or in other words, without guiding intelligence. Throwing God into this fantasy isn’t helping anything – relabeling broken things does not fix problems.

Why we keep applying to this theory as a source for truth is lost to me. Do you really expect the fruit of truth to come from militant atheists? Are the kingdoms of tyrants the handiwork of God? Evolution is a cruel method of creation which can never account for nature’s beauty. Sooner or later, people who don’t want to make waves, who want to ‘trust the science,’ will have to admit that modern science has been deceptive, intentionally atheistic, guilty of mass academic fraud, guilty of government coercion, and that many souls have fallen prey to its deceptions.

The object of evolution is to systematically remove the hand of Providence from natural and historical events. It is to say that everything could have reasonably happened without Providence, so it probably did. If you want Providence involved, you should let the scriptures weigh in on the argument rather than dismissing all scripture as ‘not being a science textbook.’ Truths about the creation are so much more amazing than evolution! Picture exalted beings traveling the cosmos, spreading life and civilization! God works not by untold billions of years of slow processes, but by power! God speaks, and eternity looks! Ironically evolutionists accuse creationists of keeping God in a box, when actually it’s the evolutionists who fail to understand God moving in his power and glory!

So here’s an overview of a few points about why it’s foolish to claim that God used evolution:

Here are some religious reasons:

-Scriptures disagree
-LDS Prophets disagree
-1st Presidency statements say Adam was the “direct lineal offspring” of God.
-Luke gives a genealogy, and says Adam’s dad is God.
-Its undirected (“Natural” selection)
-Why look to a worldly idea for truth?
-Darwin was evil.
-Evolution was made to get rid of God.
-Intelligent element responds to God’s authority.
-It requires Adam’s dad to be a monkey-man.
-It denies that man was made in the image of God.
-It denies the fall, which also undermines the atonement.
-It spiritualizes the scriptures, not allowing them to be literal.
-It denies the flood of Noah.

Here are some science reasons:

-It’s wasteful.
-It takes forever.
-Its cruel.
-There are more efficient ways to create, therefore its not charitable.
-Science often contradicts it.
-It requires a way too old earth.
-Atheist agenda holds up the fake science
-Tax dollars hold up the fake science.
-Opposition to it is systemically suppressed.
-It doesn’t work with known laws of genetics.
-There is insufficient proof for it in the fossil record.
-It’s statistically not possible for the amount of time given, to mutate enough genes to create complex life.

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