Scientific Creationism by Henry Morris – Book Highlights & Commentary

This is a flagship creation science volume, and my notes here only scratch the surface on a few principles from the text. I don’t agree with all of his claims but will point out here many fascinating findings.

Introductory Chapters (1-3)

Modern science asks the wrong questions.

The fact that we have energy from the Sun is one thing but they can’t answer how that energy would have made evolution happen.

Recombination does not result in new, it’s only changing around what’s already there.

If someone did develop a wing or an eye it wouldn’t be helpful, it would even be dangerous, and natural selection would not favor its continuance.

Darwin said the thought of how natural selection could make the eye made him ill as in he didn’t think it was possible.
But he needed it to be.

There are many predictions which creation model makes which actually work, and many times things in evolution model cannot be predicted.

Mutations are rare, not common. And good mutations are extremely rare. Accidental occurrences are expected to be harmful.

Today’s species are dying out not being created, so if the present is the key to the past, how do you have evolution?

Ch. 4 Accident or Plan?

A simple probability study shows the absolute impossibility of Earth and life being formed by chance.

Natural selection supposedly turns impossibilities into possibilities.

The creation model predicts that different species would be designed with similar features for similar functions, and different features for different functions. But the evolution model has a problem namely why are cats and dogs so different if they both evolve from the same thing? If evolution were true there would be many different kinds of part cat part dog creatures and you wouldn’t be able to tell where the cat ended and where the dog began with all these species.

Seemingly similar structures in different kinds of animals and humans which are used as supposed evidence for evolution are actually better evidence for creation. For starters, the distinctions between these bone groups are arbitrarily made by us.

Morphology, the similar hand structures etc., this only shows our ability to classify. It favors the creation model because not only are there similarities but there are gaps and distinct differences between species. In the evolution model you would have extremely similar species, you wouldn’t be able to tell where the one started and the other ended.

Embryology proves common design. It’s normal that features look similar in the beginning as various life forms have similar features like heads and limbs, and they’re in a similar environment. But then they specialize into their distinct species. The differences show up fairly early and these differences attest to creation, not evolution.

There are some similarities in DNA between different living things but the important thing is that they are different.
DNA is a plain witness to creation because the DNA only allows for one thing to turn into that specific thing. DNA puts definite limits on how much a species can adapt.

There are similar behaviors in some living things but the important point is that there are significant differences in behaviors.

Some animals greatly confuse evolutionists because they look like two very different kinds of animals like the whale being a mammal shaped like a fish and the independent development of wings for bats, wings for birds, wings for insects, that all of these came from a common ancestor and independently developed wings is bizarre.

Supposedly vestigial organs which we thought had no use for which evolutionists said were from evolving away from needing are now being found to have uses. The appendix etc. all these that used to be thought as being useless they are finding the uses for. Just because the scientists weren’t aware of their function doesn’t mean they had none.

The human embryo never at any time develop skills or gill slits. It also has no tail or fins and never is a fish. It does develop pouches which become various glands; the pouches are guides for developing blood vessels, and are not useless. The recapitulation theory that humans are first fishes in embryo then turn into humans used to be popular and evolutionists now are having to admit that it doesn’t work.

The same kind of gaps exist in the fossil record as they do for present day plants and animals. The fossil record shows clear-cut categories, not a horizontal continuum of transitional species.

The “species” level of classification are all that we can genuinely differentiate; there are clear and obvious gaps between species. Higher levels of supposed organization like “family,” “class” etc. are arbitrary as you can’t prove them. We don’t find transitional fossils that would fit into the “class” or “order” category. The gaps between species are permanent, you’re never going to find them.

There’s no transitional fossil between a vertebrate and its supposed invertebrate ancestor. These two types of animals were created separately.

He speaks of a fish they thought was extinct but they found it in the Caribbean, it was embarrassing, it was a fish that supposedly had some amphibian features but here it is today and it has not become an amphibian, it’s still a fish and it hasn’t changed over the supposedly 100 million years from the fossil of it.

The catfish the lungfish and the walking fish were all thought to possibly be transitional, but even the evolutionists now agree that they do not qualify as transitional for various reasons.

The fact that a fossil may be hard to tell whether it was a reptile or a mammal is not evidence of it being a transitional fossil, these animals merely have similar features on the bone level.

He quotes a scientist who says there is a universal absence of transitional fossils.

Archeopteryx is not part reptile at all, it is 100% bird. It is a feathered warm-blooded animal. Whether it’s birds mammals fishes or reptiles, some have teeth and some don’t. The fact that archeopteryx has teeth does not indicate that it is part reptile part mammal.

Ancient fossils are often a bigger version but the same structure as the modern animal.

There are no transitional fossils for birds, no transitional fossils for insects, the list goes on and on for every type of animal.

There is no evidence for punctuated equilibrium (the idea that sudden changes occurred followed by long periods of no changing).

Ch. 5 Uniformism or Catastrophism?

He covers many rock formations continent wide which aren’t forming today, and must have been from catastrophic volcanism and continent wide flooding to spread the material.

If the present is key to the past it should be obvious that all of the fossil life lived at the same time; today we have birds mammals reptiles humans single-celled organisms, all of us at the same time, and so it was for the past animals.

There is no worldwide unconformity, you can’t determine where one age begins and the other ends; they use “para-conformities” which means no visible difference in the geologic layers but only a difference in fossils; but further analysis has shown that there is no way to tell by fossils of one age beginning and another ending. The record is continuous!

Invertebrates are at the bottom of the fossil layers because that’s where they live, at the lower altitudes.

Humans have always lived separate from starfish and other types of animals, that’s why their fossils aren’t found together.

More spherical animals would settle lower because they have less drag in the flood water.

They tried to explain away dinosaur fossil prints next to human fossil prints by saying there was some kind of dinosaur with human shaped feet, which there is of course no evidence for.

Geologists are beginning to admit that geologic formations can best be explained by sudden catastrophic events, and they say there are long amounts of time between these events (punctuated equilibrium), but the only reason for claiming the long amounts of time between events is evolution theory!

Ch. 6 Old or Young: How to Date a Rock

The geologic time scale was made before radiometric dating and radiometric dating is so unreliable that it gives dramatically different dates; they throw out dates which don’t match the pre-determined ages.

Note – One professor admitted the selective use of favored radiometric dates in the scientific community when he said, “If a C-14 date supports our theories, we put it in the main text. If it does not entirely contradict them, we put it in a footnote. And if it is completely ‘out-of-date,’ we just drop it.” (*T. Save-Soderbergh and *Ingrid U. Olsson, “C-14 Dating and Egyptian Chronology,” Ra- diocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology, ed. *Ingrid U. Olsson (1970), p. 35 [also in *Pensee, 3(1): 44].)


Note – Another researcher admitted just how many unapproved radiometric dates they throw out when he said, “It may come as a shock to some, but fewer than 50 percent of the radiocarbon dates from geological and archaeological samples in northeastern North America have been adopted as ‘acceptable’ by investigators.” (*J. Ogden III, “The Use and Abuse of Radiocarbon,” in Annals of the New York Academy of Science, Vol. 288, 1977, pp.167-173.)

God’s chief purpose is to create and help man, so God wouldn’t waste untold eons of time caring for evolutionary developments without man. (Note- of course evolution suggests that God wasn’t involved at all. One wonders what God was doing.)

You can’t know the components in a system in ancient times. No system is closed. A closed system just a theoretical idea to simplify things. Since real nature is not a closed system it can be influenced by external variables fluctuating.


You cannot ascertain that the decay rate was constant.


All these flawed assumptions in today’s dating methods prove them unreliable. Furthermore, they only accept dating methods which yield long eons of time, and actively reject other methods.

Some of the daughter component may have been initially created at the same time as the parent component.
There are many ways daughter products could be incorporated into the systems when first formed.

No process rate is unchangeable in nature. Many factors influence process rates and these factors can change. Rates are at best only statistical averages, not deterministic absolutes.

He discusses the unreliability of uranium potassium etc. in dating. Lead vaporization and free neutrons etc. indicate that the lead ages, which are typically the oldest ages, could indicate nothing whatsoever about age.

Modern formations of lava rocks are dated to be millions of years old. When Rock melts it’s supposed to reset the clock. Uranium aging on rocks of known ages are incorrect, so why should we trust uranium aging of rocks of unknown ages?

We accept the potassium dates which most closely resemble the uranium dates, but the uranium dates themselves are unreliable.

The change in argon is from the environment, not the decaying process. Environmental fluid and gaseous argon at the time of lava flow being incorporated into the igneous rock can account for the argon levels rather than supposed to decay rates.

Continental drift rates are also based on potassium argon dating of rocks on the seafloor, and are therefore flawed.

Rubidium strontium dating is also measured by uranium dating, so bad uranium methods make these unreliable too.

Rubidium strontium can easily be leached out and there are other obvious flaws.

Oldest writings are only 4,000 to 6,000 years old.
(Note- my BYU Egyptologist professor John Gee told us that the oldest written records in existence only go back to around 4,000 BC! This of course fits the bible’s timeframe perfectly.)

There is no substantial evidence that helium-4 can or does escape through the atmosphere in substantial amounts, therefore we are left with the current amount by which we can determine that the Earth is quite young.
Helium-4 is actually probably entering our atmosphere from the sun’s Corona. This maximizes the age of our atmosphere at 1.75×105 years given a starting of zero helium in the atmosphere.

He discusses the amount of nickel on Earth limiting the Earth’s age to a few thousand years, like 9,000.

Small amounts of ocean metal precipitation limit the Earth’s age to several thousand years.


Dating based on the magnetic sphere limits Earth’s age to around 6,000-10,000 years.


The processes most likely to be uniform would have occurred over a short amount of time and on a worldwide level; this makes something like dating via the magnetic sphere much more reliable than argon potassium.

Processes at a constant uniformitarian rate date the Earth as very young, and you can only get rid of those if you get rid of the other uniformitarian processes they use to claim Earth is old.

There are many more processes that give young ages for Earth than processes which give old ages, and the processes that give old ages can even better be interpreted by young ages.

Living mollusks have a carbon date of 23,000 years old which indicates that there’s some kind of carbon exchange taking place before death, and this goes directly against carbon dating assumptions. This makes the radiocarbon date much too big.

It has been demonstrated that carbon-14 decay rates could have varied in the past.

The amount of natural carbon could have been different in the past which would have altered the decay ratio. If there was a significant difference in the amount of vegetation and or the amount of volcanic carbon emissions in the past it would dramatically change the carbon dates. Vast coal deposits around the world a test to the point that they’re used to be much more vegetation.

Population statistics support that humans have been on Earth for only a few thousand years, not upwards of a million as Evolution says. Even allowing for wars etc. the amount of people that would likely be on earth if people had been here for upwards of a million years is absurdly high. To make Evolution work you have to make major modifications to basic population statistics, but the creation model fits the data correctly without such major modifications. If so many people had lived on the earth for so long there would be much more of a fossil record of it also.

Gravitational energy from the sun’s inward collapsing process could be much more likely the cause of solar energy. In 1979 it was confirmed that the sun is shrinking and calculated that the sun must be quite young. What we know about the sun size and change of shape indicates that it would have been twice in size not long ago, which would have annihilated Earth.

Polonium halos in rocks indicate their near instant creation!

Ch. 7 Apes or Man

When they find skeletons of slightly different sized skulls or teeth they are quick to claim it as a hominid. In reality different teeth just mean different diet or habitat. Further, rickets arthritis poor diet and other medical conditions can make skeletons look different. There is significant variation in people and in monkeys; some are big, some small, etc., and this in no way is evidence of intermediate species between animals and humans..

They’re finding full human skeletons in locations dated before the supposed hominids.

If all people came from a common ancestor they would have had the same language, so why would they split up so much as to cause different races? The language barrier is the main thing that keeps different races from intermarrying.

Language is an unbridgeable gulf between man and animals, our ability to communicate abstract thought.

The oldest language we know of is already modern sophisticated and complete.

Some animals have instinctive language but it’s not language which involves learning new things and passing it on to the next generation. When animals learn how to do new things it is not transmitted to their progeny, only man has this ability, as growing civilizations attest.

Yes there are people who have lived in caves and yes they have used stone tools, but this is not a sign of evolutionary development. There are still people doing that today, there always have been.

When the oldest cultures of an area seem to be the stone age type, this is because when people first migrated there they were using the tools they already had, and it wasn’t until they found ore bodies that they could begin mining, smelting, and resuming all their industry. Particularly after the flood you have people migrating to new areas.

He goes over many predictions of the creation model which are supported by archeology geology biology etc. but that are not supported by evolution.

The expected dates of the earliest civilization should be around 4000 BC, the only claim for older civilizations are based on radiocarbon dates.

Dendrochronology (tree ring dating) is unreliable because frequently two or more growth periods occur in the same year.


(Note – but even the oldest trees aren’t very old, around 10,000 years, which particularly works with the 1000-year day model as several scriptures indicate, though that model is not popular among most creationists.)

Recently a human skull bone was found in Africa in a soil layer that was supposed to be over 2 billion years old.

It is an objective fact that humans are moral religious beings and animals are not.

Evolution has its own system of ethics values and ultimate meanings which makes it a religion, which makes teaching of it in public schools indoctrination. The American Humanist Association officially recognizes Evolution as a religion.


(Note – if religions are going to be taught in schools, and they could be, they should be recognized, not hidden.)

All of the supposed evidence for human evolution can fit inside a single coffin. He goes over the various hominid claims which were proven false.


(Note – since the time of his book they’ve come up with more claims, but they’re just claims. They’ll always come up with something or other to uphold their theory, which is another indication we aren’t dealing with objective observation when it comes to evolutionary theory.)

Ch. 8 Creation According to Scripture

It is now known that early man was a highly specialized technologist in many fields. There’s no reason why not to believe that man could read and write from the beginning of his creation. People used to argue against the Bible claiming that people couldn’t read and write back then, but now we know that’s clearly false.

Jesus accepted the historicity and accuracy of Genesis. To reject Genesis is to reject Christ.

It is probable concerning the first five books attributed to Moses that the Book of Genesis was edited by Moses and that the other four were directly written by him. The Book of Genesis is never accredited to Moses in scripture, it is likely that the Book of Genesis was written by the patriarchs of that time such as Adam Noah etc. The creation account would have either been directly written by God as were the ten commandments, or a direct Revelation from God. Either way, creation accounts in scripture give us information we could have had no other way since no mortal was there to witness it.

(Note – he claims God created things from nothing, but the Latter-day Saints view creation as taking existing materials and organizing them by supernatural means.)

Genesis 1:7 shows that the primordial world had waters above the firmament. The firmament overhead could have blocked radiation, allowing longer life.


(Note – the firmament also could have modified the atmosphere giving a more favorable amount of oxygen, etc.)

(Note – evolutionists have no answer for why Adam and other ancients had significantly longer lifespans than we do today.)

There would not have been fossils in the creation, that’s a sign of death, which is a sign of evil. Death came into the world only with sin. God isn’t responsible for death and suffering.


(Note – great point. No death until the fall, so no fossils before the fall. I’ve also seen convincing evidence that most fossils were made in the catastrophic event of Noah’s flood.)

God’s love is voluntary, and so must ours be. Involuntary love is a contradiction of terms.

Why energy is conserved, why entropy increases, these are explained in scripture. See his references on these.

All we see in this fallen world should remind us of our separation from God.

“After his kind” occurs 10 times in Genesis.

Scripture says “All flesh is not the same flesh.”

Claiming you can have biblical evolution is like claiming you can have Christian atheism.

God has all power, he can create without eons.

God’s goal is man, why wait so long to create him?

(Note – especially when we know he can procreate as much as anyone else. To say He can’t is like saying the axe hefted itself, boasting that it didn’t need the man (see Isaiah)).

The Hebrew “Yom” usually means day, not time.
“Olam” is the Hebrew word to indicate a long period of time. Evening and morning also are always used to mean a literal day.


(Note – this is right, and limits us to our 24-hour days, or the 1000-year days God experiences, as indicated in multiple scriptures. Time is based on which planet you’re on. Either model would be an excellent explanation for how this Earth was made.)

Plants are made before the sun in the creation account of Genesis. For plant life to live without the sun is easy with days of creation just as normal day lengths.

(Note – but another light source should work too. Either way, evolutionists are wrong in claiming that the sun HAD to be first.)

The 6-day work week for us is identical to the work week of God. We are told to rest 1 in 7 as He does.

Morris goes over the many opposites of evolution and the Bible.

They say evolution must be true, so the earth must be old. They use this circular reasoning to reject ages which don’t match the theory.

In Exodus 20 it says God created in 6 days and rested the 7th, he wouldn’t need to rest if he merely said a few sentences. There’s more to it than that.

Establishing flood geology is where creationists are attacked most, and if we establish this, evolution falls apart. (Note – many books have done a great job at this.)

The flood couldn’t be local, to cover mt Ararat you’d need an egg-shaped dome of water there if it were only local.


(Note – some claim there were no mountains before the flood, but some creation accounts do refer to mountains being formed in the beginning. It is true however that we don’t know the size of these mountains, and mountain height could have dramatically changed during the flood. I believe there were tall mountains before the flood, and that flood waters were five miles high. This was a monumental event beyond our comprehension. Several experiments have been conducted to demonstrate this fact, establishing that in these conditions of pressure bones would be easily turned virtually instantly into rock. See Universal Model 2 for details on those experiments.)

Scripture says there was no rain before flood.

God’s promise to never again send a flood would be broken repeatedly if it was only a local flood.

If the Bible is true at all, you must reject the geological ages.


(Note – the geological ages were made in a direct attempt to overthrow the bible. When we understand this, it becomes increasingly silly to try and mesh the two narratives.)

God created darkness, that’s how it starts.

Writing off Genesis 1-11 as not history and not scientific destroys the whole Bible.

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