Ark in the Darkness Documentary Highlights

The ark structure is ideal, large ships today have similar structures.

Only about 7000 animals would have to be on the ark.

The flood word in Hebrew is “mabul,” it appears only twice, as in the flood of Noah, and in Ps. 29:10 which says God sat as king at the flood.

Gen. 6 has 60x repeated words like “all” and “every,” showing Noah’s flood was a global flood.

A local flood couldn’t last that long.

If the flood was local the ark would not have been needed, all the animals would not have needed to be on it, and Noah’s family could have just walked away. (Note – if it was a local flood, the covenant to never repeat such would be violated repeatedly by now.)

The judgement on mankind was great “on the earth,” so it wasn’t a local flood. (Note – the covenant was established with Noah because he was the last man standing.)

A local judgement in the past means the future Jesus would be local. No, both are worldwide (according to the scriptures).

You can’t find Eden because it’s buried under 1000s of feet of sediment. The pre-flood world was destroyed.

Mainstream scientists accept there was a global flood on now dry Mars, but they refuse it for Earth, despite Earth being already most under water. Earth is 70 percent covered in water. (Note – this is clearly out of atheistic motives.)

In phase 1 of the flood the mid ocean ridge bulges up, water goes up a mile, then a tsunami from that occurs as it erupts.

If trenches weren’t so deep and some mountains less high, our world would all be underwater today.

Antonio Pelegrene, a Christian, came up with continental drift decades before Wegener. Antonio cited Genesis, that at the creation there was only 1 continent.

Mid Atlantic ridges are scars from where the great deep opened.

Each large tsunami would bring another layer of sediment. These tsunamis could cover entire continents.

Dinosaurs are found in fossil beds with thousands of animals. There aren’t erosion channels (indicating rivers); a powerful flood would have killed them.

There are trees spanning several layers, which layers are supposedly millions of years apart. The Grand Canyon layers could have been deposited in a mere year.

Sea creature fossils are mixed with land creatures, they all were swept together in the flood.

Earth is mostly of water-formed sedimentary rock layers.

Bended and folded rock could only occur if the layers were soft and pliable at their formation. Bottom layers still had to be saturated with water without time to dry out.

Trees can’t stay in contact millions of years to be buried a little at a time, they would decompose.

Fossil trees are missing their root systems because they were transported in tsunamis and being bottom heavy, they sank bottom down and were buried thus standing.

Sedimentary layers span entire continents, showing they were formed at the same time. Sediment from the east is found in the west.

Complete rapid burial is needed for fossilization. This suggests cataclysmic events. There are trillions of fossils. Yet normally dead things decompose into dust.

Water percolated into flood sediment, bringing needed minerals for fossilization. (Note – remember we are dealing with massive amounts of sediment being shot up from the ‘fountains of the deep.’)

Wasp fossils are seen with open wings and legs in flight position – they were flying to escape and were trapped. We have fossils of fish eating other fish. Fossilization was rapid and catastrophic!

All layers have saltwater creatures.

Asteroids causing dust and climate change death wouldn’t bury the dinosaurs. The asteroid was invented 40 years ago when their previous theory didn’t work. (Note – many scientists are beginning to admit that flooding caused extinction of the dinosaurs. Yep, it was Noah’s flood!)

Volcanism and water are what Genesis says happened in the flood of Noah killing all the animals. Volcanic openings from ocean floors. But secular humanists just say it was meteor impact.

Box turtles, ducks, boa constrictors, all 7 groups of animals have been found with the dinosaurs. Museums won’t show modern animals in dinosaur displays. They want you to think these animals didn’t co-exist, but that evolution occurred.

Soft tissue in dinosaur bones smelling of purification are recent discoveries that mainstream science doesn’t want to get out. These dinosaur bones have elastic material and muscle tissue and red blood cells on them. These can’t be old, 100,000 years tops, yet these are supposed to be tens of millions of years old. 16 types of biogenic material are found on these dinosaur bones. (Note – it’s not just bacteria that got on the bone like some scoffers are claiming.) Collagen lasts .001% as long as evolution requires. Scientists publishing this get fired for promoting religious views, but it’s just publishing scientific evidence. (Note – evolution strikes again! If your findings contradict that narrative, they’ll be buried until we ‘emerge’ from the dark age of evolution!)

Dragon legends are about the remaining dinosaurs who were hunted.

Science proves a genetic bottleneck of human population as we would see from Noah’s family repopulating earth.

There are about 200 flood traditions, very similar to the Bible account. A family surviving on a boat from a flood from God. These traditions are even from places far from the ocean.

Genesis 1-11 takes place before mankind scattered, and people have legends of these shared events of creation, the flood, then the tower of Babel.

The tower of Babel was a one world government building project which God stopped by confusing the languages.

There’s only one race, we are all from Adam. This inspires love for all.

Language families lead to dead ends. This contradicts the ‘emerged’ evolutionary language. Languages trace back to the time of the tower of Babel.

There were 70 Nation groups at the time of the tower of babel, and there are that many root languages.

People were surprised at the flood, and the second coming of Jesus will mirror this surprise. The flood was a judgement like what will come.

Public square teaching against marriage and promote all forms of sexual deviation.

The Bible has recorded predicted events which happened exactly as it was predicted. Jesus came to earth in the only time all the prophecies about the Messiah could be fulfilled.

The sin of one man brought death to all. Sinlessness of one man brings life to all.

There was only 1 door into the ark, and there’s only 1 way to salvation, which is Jesus Christ.

See Dr. John baumfardner, Dr. Andrew Fabich, Dr. Gabriella Haynes, Dr. Mark Horstemeyer, Dr Charles Jackson, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Dr. Randall price, the Logos research Association, Dr. Andrew selling, Dr. Carl Werner

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