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Video 125min.

You Best Start Believing in the Culture War, You’re in It!
Get ready for a no non-sense approach to some of the most perilous battles of our time. These are not battles of flesh and blood, but of principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places. The most important battles of our time are for the family.
Some of the topics of this work are abortion, homosexuality, spiritual warfare tactics, loving sinners while hating sin, the worlds peace vs Christs peace, the enemy not as each other but as devils, roots of the sexual revolution and its impact, dangers of ‘spiritualism’ and a belief in ‘the future’ rather than belief in Christ, people of faith uniting against the modernists, the importance of chastity and ‘flesh’ sins, resisting relativism, the virtue of poverty, the immorality of psychology & evolution, giving the whole soul to God to win the war as a saint, and so on.
Nate summarizes Kreeft’s genius approach and adds essential commentary from a latter-day saint perspective. Are You Ready for Battle?