152 page presentation booklet. Published Oct. 25 2024.
Paperback on Amazon at minimal printing cost ($12.31).
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5min Intro Video
3hr Presentation Video

Scientists used to know about evidences for a water-based Earth and the worldwide flood, but these have been brushed under the rug in efforts to uphold false theories of the old Earth and evolution.
This presentation book demonstrates the falsehood of the magma pseudotheory, and replaces it with the hydroplanet model. You’ll be shocked as you discover the scores of evidences for these claims, many of which have been admitted to in scientific publications.
This presentation focuses on the magma and hydroplanet chapters of UM, but also draws upon the fossil, flood, rock, and weather chapters to demonstrate interrelated concepts.
From abundant water in space, to water-based origins of quartz rock, to friction-based volcanism, many mysteries of nature await you in this monumental research!