Paperback on Amazon at minimal printing cost ($8.11) 332 pages, published Sept. 16 2024.
Pocket Edition paperback ($9.45) 389 pages, published Sept. 16 2024.
PDF free.

The Preach My Gospel manual for missionary work published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is an inspired program to share the message of the restoration to all the world.
This volume contains the full text of all scriptures referenced in PMG’s five missionary lessons. It is ideal for reading through or as a topical reference guide.
On my mission I often found myself rechecking what referenced scripture passages in PMG said. This text helps the missionary master and quickly access these passages.
This volume allows the reader to study easily by topic without thumbing through thousands of pages to chase scattered passages on a subject, and without having to deal with electronics. Only a small part of the scripture cannon is typically used in missionary efforts, and now those passages are all in one place. Rather than reading the book of Nephi or John, you’re reading the book of the Atonement, the book of the Resurrection, etc.
The late Elder M. Rusell Ballard had great confidence in the references of PMG, and even said at one time that they were the only passages needed to preach the gospel. Naturally more can be added but these are certainly magnificent places to start. Sometimes we get too spread out, when what we really need is mastery of the basics to be effective.
Use this tool to help you master the doctrine and wording of the scriptures so you can gain tremendous power for yourself and those you serve.
This book is sold here at minimal printing cost. Visit
Hurrah for Israel!
-Nate Richardson, Returned Missionary