
Missionary Books

Doctrinal Mastery Full Text & Other Key Scriptures (PDF) (Blog)

PMGS: The Preach My Gospel Scriptorian: Scriptures from The 5 Missionary Lessons (PDF)
(Based on PMG v1, updating to v2 shortly)

Missionary Methods, Doctrines, & Debates (PDF)

Alma Allred Debates 3.24.24 6×9 52p (PDF)

PMG Reference Summary Inserts (PDF)

Missionary Posts

Scripture References from “Preach My Gospel: A Guide To Missionary Service” 05/19/2018

Technology to Tell the World of A Savior by Elder Stevenson, Summary 02/01/2018

Preach My Gospel Ch. 3 What to Study and Teach Scripture References 01/26/2018

Missions: Commanded to Go: Full-Time Service is Not Just Wise Council 01/25/2018

Salvation Includes Works as Seen in The New Testament: God is the Same Today Yesterday & Forever 02/01/2018

Salvation Includes Grace as seen in the Old Testament: God is the Same Today Yesterday & Forever 01/27/2018

Different Religions Have their own Camps in Heaven? 01/19/2018

Deficiency of the Bible as Solo Compass & the Executive Officer Metaphor 01/19/2018

Continuing Revelation from God 01/17/2018

Rebuttal to a Closed Cannon of Scripture Argument: It’s Open! God’s Words Never Cease 01/17/2018

Appreciating Other Faiths, & Some Thoughts on Joining the Church 01/17/2018

An Unlikely Mormon: The Conversion Story of Glenn Beck – Lecture Notes 01/17/2018