Based on a simple reading of the text in the order it’s presented.
-Christian martyrs (Rev. 6:11)
-6th seal opens (Rev. 6:12)
-great earthquake (Rev. 6:12)
-stars (appear to) fall like fruits from a tree in great wind (Rev. 6:12)
-moon appears as blood (Rev. 6:12)
-sun blackened (Rev. 6:12)
-islands and mountains flee (Rev. 6:14)
-no hurt to the earth until high priests144,000 sealed to God (Rev. 7:3)
-24 Elders worship God in white robes (Rev. 7:11)
-the righteous serve God in his temple day and night (Rev. 7:15)
-7th seal opens (Rev. 8:1)
-1/2 hour of silence (Rev. 8: 1)
-7 trumpets given to 7 angels begin (Rev. 8:6-7)
-trumpet one is hail with fire and blood. 1/3 of trees destroyed (Rev. 8:7)
-trumpet 2 is fiery mountain into sea. 1/3 of water made bad, 1/3 of sea life dies, 1/3 of ships destroyed (Rev. 8:8)
-trumpet 3 is a star called wormwood (means a bitter herb) falls to the rivers making the sources of water bitter. 1/3 of remaining water becomes bitter. (Rev. 8:10-11)
-trumpet 4 is the sun moon and stars are darkened so there is 1/3 less light or 1/3 shorter days (Rev. 8:12)
-trumpet 5 is locusts tormenting men for 5 months. They are described as human warriors. Perhaps warfare so thick it’s like locusts. Reminiscent of Moses plagues. They only hurt men who don’t have the seal of God in their foreheads. (Rev. 9:1-10)
-the locusts’ king is Apollyon (Greek for the Destroyer). (Rev. 9:11)
-one woe is past 2 more to come (Rev. 9:12)
-trumpet 6 is an army of 200 million kills 1/3 of all humans on earth with fire war machines (Rev. 9:14-19)
-the people still won’t repent (Rev. 9:20-21)
-the temple at Jerusalem is trodden under feet for 3.5 years (Rev. 11:2)
-2 prophets testify in the streets of Jerusalem for 3.5 years (Rev. 11:3) burning whoever oppose them (Rev. 11:5). They can turn water to blood and cause many plagues (Rev. 11:6). After finishing their testimony, they are killed by the beast (Rev. 11:7) at Jerusalem (Rev. 11:8) but 3.5 days later are resurrected and ascend up to heaven. (Rev. 11:11-12)
-the same hour the prophets ascend to heaven, a large earthquake causes 1/10 of “the city” (Jerusalem) to fall, and kills 7,000 people. Survivors feared God and gave him glory (Rev. 11:13)
-the 2nd woe is now accomplished and the 3rd woe is soon to come (Rev. 11:14)
-trumpet 7 by the 7th angel announces that the kingdoms of the world now belong to Christ (Rev. 11:15)
-24 Elders worship God (Rev. 11:16) (*compare with LDS prophets’ visions of these 24 dedicating Missouri for the New Jerusalem temple after Missouri is laid desolate)
-God’s wrath has come (Rev. 11:18)
-lightnings seen, thunder and voices heard, earthquake, great hale (Rev. 11:19)
-Kingdom of God is born (Rev. 12:2).
-10 horned 7 crowned dragon appears. (Rev. 12:3)
-before the woman gave birth, the dragon cast 1/3 of heaven to earth and was waiting to devour the child (Rev. 12:4)
-the child is to rule all nations (Rev. 12:5)
-The child (the kingdom of God) hides in the wilderness for 3.5 years (Rev. 12:6)
-Kingdom of God as with eagles wings flees to the wilderness for 3.5 years to hide where the child is nourished (Rev. 12:14) (*could be referring to what happened in verse 6)
-Satan sends a flood to stop the Kingdom of God but the earth helps the Kingdom of God and swallows it. (Rev. 12:15-16)
-the dragon wages war on the Church (Rev. 12:17)
-beast with 7 crowned heads and 10 horns rises from the sea (Rev. 13:1)
-this beast has power and great authority which the dragon has given it (Rev. 13:2)
-deadly wound of the beast is healed and all the world marvels at it (Rev. 13:3)
-people fear the beast and consider him the most powerful on earth. The worship the dragon and the beast. (Rev. 13:4)
-the beast speaks blasphemies for 3.5 years (Rev. 13:5)
-the beast overcomes the saints (*could be referring to God’s ancient people the Jews, or the LDS, or other Christians) (Rev. 13:7)
-all but they who are written in the lambs book of life worship the beast (Rev. 13:8)
-those who use the sword are killed by the sword. Saints are to be patient and faithful (Rev. 13:10).
-the 2nd beast enlivens the 1st beast (whom was wounded by sword) and does miracles. 2nd beast tells the people to make an image to the 1st beast. Life is given to the image of the beast. (Rev. 13:11-12)
-the beast does miracles to deceive like bringing fire down from heaven (Rev. 13:13-14)
-the image of the beast causes those who won’t worship it to be killed (Rev. 13:15)
-the mark of the beast is imposed upon people to transact in the economy (*mark could be a way of living, or a tattoo etc.) (Rev. 13:16-17). Mark is 666 (Rev. 13:18).
-the Lamb with 144,000 stand upon the mount (of Zion the New Jerusalem) with the mark of God on their foreheads (Rev. 14:1)
-the 144,000 sing a new song (Rev. 14:3) (D&C 84:96-102 is the new song. It’s sang after plagues.)
-the 144,000 are those undefiled (*The Lord often speaks of his covenant people as being virgins, in that they don’t go whoring after false doctrines and false gods and false religions) (Rev. 14:4)
-angel with loud voice preaches (*missionaries have a new type of mission: preaching with loud voice in public places) (Rev. 14:6-7)
-another angel says Babylon is fallen (Rev. 14:8)
-a 3rd angel warns against those who have the mark of the beast they they’ll receive eternal plague (Rev. 14:9-11)
-the Saints patiently keep God’s commandments. That is how you know they have faith. (Rev. 14:12)
-people are judged by their works after they die (Rev. 14:13)
-earth is reaped and many are trodden (Rev. 14:14-20)
-the winepress of God’s wrath is filled with 1600 furlongs of blood (Rev. 14:20)
-7 angels with 7 last plagues (Rev. 15:1)
-those who overcome the beast and his image have the harps of God (Rev. 15:2). They are astounded at what God has done (Rev. 15:3)
-God’s judgements are made manifest (Rev. 15:4)
-The angels who pour out the wrath of God are holy people (*This goes along with the Jewish lore that the archangels who preside over each other 7 dispensations are the ones who pour out the plagues upon the land in the last days!) (Rev. 15:6).
-the vials/plagues to come are God’s wrath (*not just natural disasters!) (Rev. 15:7)
-No one is able to enter the temple until the plagues are poured out in full (*perhaps this is why we should not procrastinate doing our temple work, temple marriages, and work for our dead in the temples) (Rev. 15:8)
-wrath of God plague vial 1 is beast mark people get sores (Rev. 16:2)
-wrath of God plague vial 2 is sea turned to blood all life in it dies (Rev. 16:3)
-wrath of God plague vial 3 is rivers and fountains of waters turn to blood (Rev. 16:4)
-don’t make the mistake of thinking that God is evil because of this wrath. He is righteous. He has judged us (Rev. 16:5). People deserve these plagues because they have slain the prophets and saints of God (Rev. 16:6).
-wrath of God plague 4 is upon the sun which scorches with fire (Rev. 16:8). This causes people to curse God, but still not repent (Rev. 16:9).
-wrath of God plague 5 is extreme pain to those at the seat of the beast. This also causes them to blaspheme God. They still don’t repent (Rev. 16:10-11).
-wrath of God plague 6 is the river Euphrates dried. This also serves to “prepare the way of the kings of the east” (Rev. 16:12). (*perhaps for the Chinese to come participate in Armageddon).
-3 spirits as frogs from the beast the false prophet and the dragon proceed and gather people together by false miracles to the battle or Armageddon (Rev. 16:13-14)
-Christ’s coming will surprise people like a thief (Rev. 16:15)
-people gather at Armageddon (*a place in the east by Jerusalem) (Rev. 16:16).
-wrath of God plague 7 poured out into the air and then voices, thunders, lightnings, and a great earthquake are heard and felt. (Rev. 16:17-18)
-wrath on Babylon (Rev. 16:19)
-islands and mountains cease (Rev. 16:20)
-hale comes the weight of a talent (*1 talent ~ 70 pounds). This makes people blaspheme God, it’s effect being so large (Rev. 16:21).
-kings of the earth have committed fornication with Babylon (Rev. 17:2)
-Babylon is depicted as having 7 heads and ten horns (*chapter summary in LDS scriptures seems to refer to this as showing that Babylon is established all over the earth) (Rev. 17:3)
-Babylon is drunken with the blood of the saints to an astonishing degree (Rev. 17:6).
-the beast “carrying” Babylon “was and is not and yet is” goes to perdition (Rev. 17:8) This is the 8th king (Rev. 17:11).
-the 7 heads of the beast are 7 mountains it’s over (*shows it’s established through the earth) (Rev. 17:9)
-the ten horns are kings. They have 1 hour of power with the beast (Rev. 17:12) to unitedly battle the Lamb’s people (Rev. 17:13-14).
-Babylon has large coverage in many nations, hence the meaning of the water the whore sits upon (Rev. 17:15).
-The horns on the beast turn against the whore and burn her (Rev. 17:16)
-Babylon is fallen (Rev. 18:2)
-merchants were rich because of Babylon. Kings of the earth committed fornication with her. Every nation was involved with Babylon (Rev. 18:3).
-saints called out of Babylon lest they partake of her plagues (Rev. 18: 4)
-God has remembered the iniquities of Babylon (Rev. 18: 5)
-Babylon is punished 2 fold for all it’s evil. Inasmuch as she was happy living “deliciously”, she’ll now be sad (*for all the taking advantage of people etc.) (Rev. 18:6)
-death famine mourning and burning came to Babylon in 1 hour whilst she boasts of being undefeatable (Rev. 18:8)
-merchants weep as Babylon falls (Rev. 18: 9-19)
-heaven and holy people rejoice as Babylon falls (Rev. 18:20)
-Babylon businesses are no more (Rev. 18:22)
-ALL nations were deceived by sorceries of Babylon (Rev. 18:23)
-Babylon is responsible for all the blood spilt on earth (Rev. 18: 24)
-God has avenged the blood of his saints upon Babylon (Rev. 19:2)
-24 elders worship God (Rev. 19:4)
-the Lord God omnipotent reigneth (Rev. 19:6)
-the marriage supper of the Lamb occurs, only the righteous may attend. The white robe is “the righteousness of the saints” and who is found not dressed in the wedding garment is “cast into outer darkness” (Matt. 22:10-14). The wife has made herself ready. (Rev. 19:7-8)
-Jesus Christ comes on a white horse dressed in red and eyes as flames of fire (Rev. 19:11-13). Armies follow him (Rev. 19:14).
-Jesus Christ proceeds to unleash the fierce wrath of the Almighty God. He is in charge (Rev. 19: 15-16).
-the animals eat the slain people. This is called “the supper of the great God” (Rev. 19:17-18, 21)
-all beast people try to fight against the horseman Jesus Christ, but are slain by fire from Jesus Christ, or a sword proceeding from the mouth of Jesus Christ (Rev. 19: 19-21)
-Satan is bound in the pit by the angel who has the keys to such (Jesus Christ) for a Millennium (1000 years) so he can’t tempt people. At the end of the thousand years he will come out and tempt people for a while (Rev. 20: 1-3, 7).
-the righteous reign with Christ on thrones during the Millennium (Rev. 20:4)
-the wicked are not resurrected until after the Millennium (they suffer for their sins 1000 years in hell then rise to a lesser glory than they who were righteous) (Rev. 20:5) (For more information on resurrections and assignments to kingdoms of glory after this life, read Doctrine and Covenants 76)
-after the Millennium Satan is loosed for a little season and gathers an army innumerable as the sands of the sea (Rev. 20: 8)
-Satan’s followers are consumed with fire (Rev. 20:9)
-The Devil goes to fire forever and ever (Rev. 20:10)
-everyone gets judged according to what they did in life (Rev. 20:12)
-People rise from the dead to go to judgement (Rev. 20:13).
-there is a new heaven and a new earth (Rev. 21:1)
-The holy city comes down from the sky to earth (Rev. 21:2)
-God himself rules on earth among men (Rev. 21:3)
-there will be no more death or sorrow. God wipes the tears from our eyes (Rev. 21:4)
-God gives all those who thirst to drink of the waters of life freely (Rev. 21: 6)
-Who overcomes all things becomes a son of God (*and hence will inherit all he has (D&C 84:38)) (Rev. 21:7)
-the holy city has no need of the sun because Jesus Christ is the light there (Rev. 21:23). There will be no night there (Rev. 21:25).
-There are none neither can there be any wicked people in the holy city (Rev. 21:27).
-a pure river flows from under the throne of God (Rev. 22:1).
-the tree of life is here. It’s leaves heal the nations. It bears fruit year-round (Rev. 22:2).
-the earth is no longer cursed (Rev. 22:3)
-they shall see the face of Jesus Christ. His name shall be in their foreheads (Rev. 22:4)
-The servants of Christ reign forever and ever (Rev. 22:5)
-Those who lived lives of filth are still filthy in the next life. Those who lived wholesome lives in the next life, are still wholesome (Rev. 22:11)
-Christ is coming quickly (Rev. 22:12)
-Those who do the commandments of Christ have access to the gate of this holy city and the tree of life there (Rev. 22: 14)
-specific groups of people banned from the holy city are those who lie to their spouse, who use magic, who are idol, who kill, and those who participate in whoredom. (Rev. 22:15)
-whoever wants to come participate in the goodness of Christ, come. It is free (Rev. 22:17).
-the grace of Christ is with those who believe in him (Rev. 22:21).