A Topical List of Progressive VS Traditionalist Philosophies: Awakening to the Great Divide

Introductory Notes: *I invite you to consider some higher ways as presented in this essay. Many of the comparisons here are manifestations of the progressive movement. Many do not even know that this dichotomy exists, much less know how and where to take a stand in it. This essay doesn’t give reasons for these stances,Read more

Whisperings: The Still Small Voice of Conscience: Essay by Joel Skousen

When you finish reading this, you may not view life in quite the same way again—even if you are indifferent about, or passionately dislike, what I have to say.   I do not claim or presume that the reader will actually change what he or she is. That’s a more difficult and individualized process. But whatRead more

Joseph Smith & other Prophets on Recreation

“You must excuse me, but when I’m with the boys I make all the fun I can.” -Joseph Smith (see Truman G Madsen Joseph Smith lectures) For an excellent lecture on the personality and character of Joseph Smith by Truman G. Madsen, including his inclination to play sports and laugh with others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVXkBX0JNjI -Joseph SmithRead more

I Believe: Part 1

Video presentation part 1, part 2, and part 3 (the text and video do not exactly align) I believe the human race is watched over by a divine all-powerful corporal being dwelling on his home planet. I believe that this man, our Father in Heaven, is perfectly compassionate and wise, and possesses all joy, knowledge, and power. IRead more

President Hinckley Outlines our Top Priorities

“Each of us has a fourfold responsibility. First, we have a responsibility to our families. Second, we have a responsibility to our employers. Third, we have a responsibility to the Lord’s work. Fourth, we have a responsibility to ourselves.   First, it is imperative that you not neglect your families. Nothing you have is moreRead more

Resolution of Teenage Delinquency through Independent Family Structures

For decades now, we have been perplexed about crime and delinquency of teenagers. Is there something fundamentally chaotic about this age of the human being, or is there something about the way we treat them which triggers this rebellion? Let’s look at the most basic unit of society: the family. Adult divorce is through theRead more

We are Wicked as Sodom – Prophet Quotes

-“…when I review the performance of this people in comparison with what is expected, I am appalled and frightened. Iniquity seems to abound. The Destroyer seems to be taking full advantage of the time remaining to him in this, the great day of his power. Evil seems about to engulf us like a great wave,Read more

Persecution Yet to Come

-“Why do we need such resilient faith? Because difficult days are ahead. Rarely in the future will it be easy or popular to be a faithful Latter-day Saint. Each of us will be tested. The Apostle Paul warned that in the latter days, those who diligently follow the Lord ‘shall suffer persecution’ [2 Timothy 3:12].Read more

Effective Co-Creators: Everyday Saviors on Mount Zion

Thesis: not only God, but humans also, have the power to vastly effect, or “CREATE” the eternal destiny of human beings. Your contributions are significant, for good or ill. God’s plan includes, and perhaps is even based on, humans impacting each other. Complacency with the idea that “God will take care of everyone” is notRead more

Emulating the Godhead in the Pre-Mortal, Mortal, & Post-Mortal Existence

Overview: The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. The Holy Ghost is a spirit, and shows us how to live in a premortal state. Those who prove worthy there eventually come to an earth to live. Jesus Christ is another member of the Godhead. Jesus Christ came to this earth 2000 years agoRead more

Grow Where You Are Planted: Why to Stop Moving Everywhere

Grow Where You Are Planted   Elder Stanley G Ellis spoke of this in a conference report not long ago, suggesting that wherever we are, we should grow, rather than be always looking to leave and live somewhere else, living reserving ourselves to give more fully in some more comfortable location or something.   IRead more

Little Sleep: What to Expect, How to Stay Awake, Polyphasic Sleep, Morning Routines

“My life like my shoes, worn out in the service of God.” -President Spencer W. Kimball -when much is at stake, you must lose the calendar, and just go full throttle. This means you sleep when you must, not when a clock says something. And when you must sleep, you do so incrementally, then getRead more

The Forgotten Dream of Family Life

Fight for Your Dreams, But Dream Righteously It’s been said that you can accomplish about anything you put your mind to. Oft is heard the rallying cry toward students, salesmen with lofty monetary goals, and others, that you can win if you really focus, if you’re willing to sacrifice, etc. Then you ask yourself, “so,Read more

The Doctrine of Opportune Moments: Priorities of a Successful Saint

    It seems to me that there are certain ideal or opportune moments wherein if we act, we will succeed. Consider the following evidences:   (A somewhat related note: Truman G Madsen speaks of how apparently women have a particular sense of timing, they know things before men, they can discern things spiritually andRead more

Thou Shalt Keep a Journal – A Prophetic Mandate

Consider these evidences that the most important reason to learn to write is so that you can keep a journal (it’s also a good way to learn to write).   -“Although I was tired, I took out some paper and began to write. And as I did, I understood the message I had heard inRead more

The Essential Foot Soldier

Thesis: Like a soldier acting in his assignment will lead to victory in the battlefield, so a humble family centered life is the key to fulfilling God’s plan, including the attainment of Godhood for all who qualify. Jesus Christ & Lucifer are prototypical examples of how any person can select either exaltation or damnation. TheRead more

Principles of Priority Family Creation as being Analogous to The Fall and Atonement

-Here we define “Family Creation” as 1. marriage and 2. childbearing -We often speak of the Fall of Adam & Eve as a fall “forward”. It was a good thing. That is a core doctrine of the restored gospel. They were stuck and the only way to advance was to fall forward, and praise GodRead more

Early Marriage and Parenthood Theory

Other similar reading at Richardson Studies: Family and Godhead in plan of salvation Exponential Exaltation Theory Great Expectations of Young People   List of points:   AGE OF MARY at her wedding and birth of Jesus “YOUNG” PEOPLE CAN DO GREAT, historic examples ARRANGED MARRIAGES have less divorces FORBIDDEN, THE YOUTH REBELS CAREER AT EARLIERRead more

Ministering: Friendly Missionary Work – A Joy, A Cross, A Time Travel Analogy, & Going Beyond Servitude

Sections: Befriending Others Time Travel: The Privilege and Cross of the Saviors To Minister: Not Just a Servant, But a Friend       Befriending Others -befriend those different than you. Travel from your planet to another’ to investigate the alien species, to learn to love it and help it rise with you. Each personRead more

The Majesty of God’s Law: It’s Coming to America by W. Cleon Skousen – Book Notes

DISCLAIMER: These are my notes & commentary and do not represent a balanced summary of the author’s work. I’ve selected portions of the text which were relevant to me and placed them here in my own words, in an abbreviated fashion, with added commentary. Though this article introduces some main ideas from the text, it isRead more

The Book of Revelation: A Chronology of Events

Based on a simple reading of the text in the order it’s presented. -Christian martyrs (Rev. 6:11) -6th seal opens (Rev. 6:12) -great earthquake (Rev. 6:12) -stars (appear to) fall like fruits from a tree in great wind (Rev. 6:12) -moon appears as blood (Rev. 6:12) -sun blackened (Rev. 6:12) -islands and mountains flee (Rev.Read more

Prophetic Council Regarding Scripture Study

-Studying one verse of scripture for 45 minutes is often the most enriching form of scripture study. (Elder Neil A. Maxwell of the 12 Aposltes; ask Stake President Chad R. Wilkenson of Saratoga Springs for the reference) -“Perhaps you may ask me why I dwell on this . . . subject. In answer, why didRead more

Emphasize service, brotherhood, & grass-roots-education; de-emphasize careerism, status seeking, & hoop-jumping

Emphasize service, brotherhood, & grass-roots-education; de-emphasize careerism, status seeking, & hoop-jumping Balance of Vocational and Religious Duty Another Episode in the School of the Prophets by Nate Richardson 4-17-17 Topics: service, vocation, education It occurred to me today or yesterday one of the two, that it doesn’t matter so much that I use all myRead more

On Sleep: Wisdom & Courage from Prophets & Other Inspired Individuals

Let us remember that not only scientific laboratories but wisdom from the ancients and insight from inspired individuals can give us information on matters of importance. To ignore historical and prophetic wisdom at the expense of focusing on the laboratory, or the opposite, to leave the laboratory to just listen to leaders and wise men,Read more