Mother Teresa: In Her Own Words – Book Highlights & Commentary by Nate Richardson

For a video recording of these highlights: Chapters: Prayer Love Giving Being Holy Work & Service Jesus Poverty & The Poor Forgiveness Children & the Family Suffering & Death Missionaries of Charity A Conversation with Mother Teresa Introductory message from Nate Richardson:  The following are a few notes I took on some of the principlesRead more

Is the Jesus of Mormonism the Jesus of the Bible? Alma Allred Debate Notes Mormonism is significantly different than evangelical Christianity. But our faith of Christ as savior of the world, and him resurrected, are the same. These days we don’t talk about plurality of God’s much but it’s still there in our scripture, and it’s not off the table for discussion in Alma’s institute class. Anciently HebrewsRead more

Slogans & Quotes to Create Magnets, Shirts, Hats, Stickers: Spiritual, Political, Family, Entertainment, Beauty

Sections: Spiritual Political Family Entertainment Beauty         Spiritual: – “There is a grand distinction between the actual meaning of the prophets and the present translation…My soul delighteth in reading the word of the Lord in the original” -Joseph Smith -Prayer Changes Things -“Jesus Christ is The Source of Every BlessingRead more

Give an Answer to EVERY Man

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” (1 Peter 3:15) Give an answer about your hope to EVERY man? Let’s make a short list of who thatRead more

Holy Inertia: How & Why Return Missionaries ‘Hit the Ground Running’ (Toward Marriage)

Some say returning from a mission is ending a fast of women. Indeed, the missionary has no romantic feelings, he is at war, and must focus lest he lose the battle. Some suggest that a man must not quickly marry like a man fasting thinks highly of simple bread & cheese, but should wait forRead more

Modesty Forums

-Promoting Modesty for Christians on Facebook! (2,718 members) -Promoting a culture of life through modesty in dress (507 members) -Modern Modesty (WOMEN ONLY GROUP) (5,432 members) -Modern Modesty Movement Community (WOMEN ONLY GROUP) (29 members) -Marylike Modesty in the Modern World (WOMEN ONLY GROUP. PRIMARILY CATHOLIC.) (275 members) -Modesty forRead more

God’s People are His Glory: A Key to Knowledge of Eternity

Mormon 8:15 defines the glory of God as his covenant people. God is full of glory, having a numerous people, and his glory grows forever, the more people come follow him. He continues to have children. He doesn’t rule over anyone save they are his child. That is how heaven works. It’s structured in families,Read more

Emulating God Through Health: Make Time, Eliminate Excuses, Develop the Taste for Zion, & A Few Things Healthy People Do

Sections: Emulating God Through Health Time for Health Eliminating Health Excuses Developing a Taste for Zion Culture Things Healthy People Do Why They Do It Emulating God Through Health Brigham Young said of the kingdom of heaven, how each person there is as breathtakingly beautiful as the next. That one would gasp and per adventureRead more

Joining The Church: Salvation, Alcohol, & Sexual Chastity

List of questions: Why would you go to heaven and not me? I’m a good religious person. What about those who never got a passport but were good people? Can they enter God’s city? If I am a good person just not a member of the church, why would I have to live with murderersRead more

Adoption To The Household of the Gods


Thou Shalt Keep a Journal – A Prophetic Mandate

Consider these evidences that the most important reason to learn to write is so that you can keep a journal (it’s also a good way to learn to write).   -“Although I was tired, I took out some paper and began to write. And as I did, I understood the message I had heard inRead more

Unlocking the Mystery of the Two Prophets (Rev. 11) by the Joseph Smith Foundation – Documentary Notes

For a video presentation of this document, click here. for more visit Overview: Joseph and Hyrum Smith are the 2 prophets spoken of in the book of Revelation which would prophecy in the last days before the coming of the Lord. Joseph Smith is the latter-day king David spoken of in the scriptures whoRead more

The Gospel of Creation Theory

The Gospel of Creation Theory By Nate Richardson 6-22-18 Thesis: not only God, but humans also, have the power to vastly effect, or “CREATE” the eternal destiny of human beings. Your contributions are significant, for good or ill. God’s plan includes, and perhaps is even based on, humans impacting each other. Complacency with theRead more

Hope of Israel: Youth Battalion of the Lord in the ‘Very Latter Days’ by President Nelson, 2018 – Lecture Notes

Full text click here Calling The Youth Battalion of the Lord in The Very Latter Days by President and Sister Nelson Worldwide Devotional to the Youth, June 2018, “Hope of Israel” Topics: For the Strength of Youth standards, giving up idle time, gathering Israel as most important event of earth at this time, your lifeRead more

Presentation: A Necessary Evil for the Sake of The Student: How and Why to Sell your Message

How and Why to Sell your Message Tools discussed: fitness, video, brevity, & lists.   -WHY BOTHER WITH PRESENTATION: Though I hate the idea ‘dressing for success’ and all the dogmas so closely following it, including the flowery bubbly presentation which delivers minimal information, presentation is nevertheless important. Why? Because our message is so important,Read more

Heavenly Mother as Nucleus of the Universe

-Mother is life, father witnesses and testifies that mothers’ message is life, she is the personification of life. -Dad points to mom and says, “see? Mom is the ideal. I’ll teach you how to go create more copies of this perfection.” Dad pushes the children beyond the bounds of home for the sole purpose ofRead more

The Need to Defend Truth by Elder Christofferson to Religious Educators – Lecture Notes

Full text at:   – “It has always been important not only to teach but to defend truth, and in our time that need seems to be growing,” -truth is unaffected by our preference or opinions or lobbying, it is a fixed reality -moral relativism doesn’t work if we are to have a justRead more

Ministering: Friendly Missionary Work – A Joy, A Cross, A Time Travel Analogy, & Going Beyond Servitude

Sections: Befriending Others Time Travel: The Privilege and Cross of the Saviors To Minister: Not Just a Servant, But a Friend       Befriending Others -befriend those different than you. Travel from your planet to another’ to investigate the alien species, to learn to love it and help it rise with you. Each personRead more

Power of the Restoration: A Firm Foundation of Faith: Finally! A Good Taste in our Mouths for Religion! Welcome to the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ

We are living in a day foretold by prophets of old, and can expect more direction than cliché church answers to life’s questions from the Catholic and Protestant churches. The restored Church of Jesus Christ is vastly different than any other church, so to you dissatisfied with religion in general, so are we, give thisRead more

The Majesty of God’s Law: It’s Coming to America by W. Cleon Skousen – Book Notes

DISCLAIMER: These are my notes & commentary and do not represent a balanced summary of the author’s work. I’ve selected portions of the text which were relevant to me and placed them here in my own words, in an abbreviated fashion, with added commentary. Though this article introduces some main ideas from the text, it isRead more

Stop Normalizing Homosexuality in Media: A Heroic Example

A (privately owned) drive-in theater operated by a Christian refused to show the new Beauty and the Beast movie due to it normalizing homosexuality. One inactive latter-day saint was saying that it’s silly that some people don’t want to show a film with a homosexual partnership in it, a child’s movie with such… She hasRead more

Missions: Commanded to Go: Full-Time Service is Not Just Wise Council

For a video presentation of this article, click here. Naturally young women aren’t commanded to serve missions as they often have the higher work of family creation to participate in. However, for young men, it is a clear duty, just as binding as the law of the sabbath, or the law of tithing, on theirRead more

Increased Accountability and Expectation of the Latter-day Saints: Extra-Biblical Scripture & Exaltation (Theosis)

Response to a Friend   Firstly, we the Latter-day Saints believe we have more truth. Since truth is power, the old adage applies “with great power comes great responsibility” For instance, you are a Christian. Since you know about the motivating love of God, and the need to avoid hell, and the need to followRead more

Deficiency of the Bible as Solo Compass & the Executive Officer Metaphor

A Response to a Friend.       Here is treated a few items of disputation among Christians, and the resolution thereto as authoritatively and decisively declared by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the only true and living church on the face of the earth: On account of deleting the word ofRead more

Communist Leader (Melbourne Man) VS LDS Missionary, Full Text

Communist Leader VS LDS Missionary Marion Law’s Confrontation with the “Melbourne Man” (This is from the book “Two Churches Only” by Christian Markham. I advise his first book ONLY.) Marion Albert Law worked in the LDS Church Educational system for many years. He worked with BYU President Wilkerson in the 1960’s and 70’s, and oftenRead more

Rebuttal to a Closed Cannon of Scripture Argument: It’s Open! God’s Words Never Cease

Response to Article about closed cannon of scripture “The Canon of Scripture (Wayne Grudem)” from as well as a few other questions about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their doctrine. See also other compilations of mine on the subject: Continuing Revelation from God at ; and see The OnlyRead more

Appreciating Other Faiths, & Some Thoughts on Joining the Church

  principally excerpts/highlights from -for official church doctrine see or or –Current church leaders words trump former church leaders’ words -When we come across something potentially offensive from what an LDS church leader has said, it’s helpful to get a background knowledge about why they are saying what they are, andRead more