Family Council Meetings

I’ve often heard and given the council that families should hold regular (as in weekly) council meetings. I’ve never really seen an outline of how to do this. PMG planning meetings are the closest thing I’ve seen. Here is what we do, I would love to hear your ideas.

Ours usually consist of:

-starting and ending with prayer,

-weekly going to a large public whiteboard in the home (or projecting a document electronically where all can see) and laying out the weeks business. Some ideas as follow:

Schedule/to-do list,

Goals of each family member

Goals of the family as a whole

Ministering efforts of each family member and of the family as a whole

How the children are doing in their friendships

How the children are doing in their school

Family scripture study topics,

Family Home Evening Plans (lesson, activity, concerns, etc.)

Couples date plans

Family Finance, Budgeting

Projects to work on,

Family vacation & activity plans

Any other complaints/comments of family members.

Forgiving each other & asking forgiveness of each other


A form of sacred family time, perhaps you could even call it a prayer, we learn from the Jews is to go around the family saying, “please forgive me of any wrongs I’ve done to you, and I forgive you of any wrongs you’ve done to me”. This brings great family unity, and restores the spirit of God in a home.



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