Give an Answer to EVERY Man

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” (1 Peter 3:15) Give an answer about your hope to EVERY man? Let’s make a short list of who thatRead more

Dismissing Disney & Other Hollywood Idols

-There are perhaps a few Disney movies that are uplifting, but by and large, I believe we should reject these teachers of magic and their immorality which are crafted in pleasant packages. -Does not Lucifer appear as an angel of light? -Do not the scriptures condemn magic, as it is seeking power from a sourceRead more

Is Genesis History? – Documentary Notes

I share these notes with permission of the author. Caution: these are my notes on my understanding of the presentation, and do not exactly capture the ideas presented.   -Mt. Saint Helens made geological structures which we usually attribute to being extremely old. Deep bedrock can be cut in just a few days with powerfulRead more

The ‘God Loves All Lifestyles Equally’ Fallacy: A Letter to a Friend with Same Sex Attraction

Responding to the notion that being queer means you love all people, and that God loves you, and that is enough, including a justification of setting aside the church of God. …I’m sure you’re dealing with people walking away from your friendship over this [declaration of being Queer]. I enjoy your company and wish lifeRead more

Effective Co-Creators: Everyday Saviors on Mount Zion

Thesis: not only God, but humans also, have the power to vastly effect, or “CREATE” the eternal destiny of human beings. Your contributions are significant, for good or ill. God’s plan includes, and perhaps is even based on, humans impacting each other. Complacency with the idea that “God will take care of everyone” is notRead more

Give me a State of Refuge! The Dangers of Federal Homosexuality Laws

Excerpts from my comments in a debate over laws espousing homosexuality and enforced accommodation of homosexual lifestyles in places of business. Treated are the notions that the homosexual rights movement is erasing gender from society, and that I, having a religious view of the importance of gender, should be allowed to practice my religion inRead more

Morality in Exchange for Equality: Ironic Feminism

Topics: modesty, feminism, cohabitation, rights, morality, premarital sex, the existence of right and wrong, rape, gun rights, out of marriage childbirth rates in 1950 vs now It seems strange to me that often women speaking for women’s rights are the ones who parade in the semi-nude in public, with extravagant amounts of cleavage, the mostRead more

The Need to Defend Truth by Elder Christofferson to Religious Educators – Lecture Notes

Full text at:   – “It has always been important not only to teach but to defend truth, and in our time that need seems to be growing,” -truth is unaffected by our preference or opinions or lobbying, it is a fixed reality -moral relativism doesn’t work if we are to have a justRead more

Ministering: Friendly Missionary Work – A Joy, A Cross, A Time Travel Analogy, & Going Beyond Servitude

Sections: Befriending Others Time Travel: The Privilege and Cross of the Saviors To Minister: Not Just a Servant, But a Friend       Befriending Others -befriend those different than you. Travel from your planet to another’ to investigate the alien species, to learn to love it and help it rise with you. Each personRead more