Mark Levin’s “American Marxism” – Book Highlights & Commentary

  Note: these are my notes on the text and don’t represent the text, they represent ideas I found particularly meaningful while I studied the text, and they’re in my own words, not the authors. For the more accurate and complete understanding of the authors intended message, read the book. The following is shared underRead more

Dismissing Disney & Other Hollywood Idols

-There are perhaps a few Disney movies that are uplifting, but by and large, I believe we should reject these teachers of magic and their immorality which are crafted in pleasant packages. -Does not Lucifer appear as an angel of light? -Do not the scriptures condemn magic, as it is seeking power from a sourceRead more

The Family: A Proclamation to the World 1995

By The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Full text: This proclamation was read by President Gordon B. Hinckley as part of his message at the General Relief Society Meeting held September 23, 1995, in Salt Lake City, Utah. (It remains a flagship statementRead more

The ‘God Loves All Lifestyles Equally’ Fallacy: A Letter to a Friend with Same Sex Attraction

Responding to the notion that being queer means you love all people, and that God loves you, and that is enough, including a justification of setting aside the church of God. …I’m sure you’re dealing with people walking away from your friendship over this [declaration of being Queer]. I enjoy your company and wish lifeRead more

We are Wicked as Sodom – Prophet Quotes

-“…when I review the performance of this people in comparison with what is expected, I am appalled and frightened. Iniquity seems to abound. The Destroyer seems to be taking full advantage of the time remaining to him in this, the great day of his power. Evil seems about to engulf us like a great wave,Read more

Give me a State of Refuge! The Dangers of Federal Homosexuality Laws

Excerpts from my comments in a debate over laws espousing homosexuality and enforced accommodation of homosexual lifestyles in places of business. Treated are the notions that the homosexual rights movement is erasing gender from society, and that I, having a religious view of the importance of gender, should be allowed to practice my religion inRead more

Stop Normalizing Homosexuality in Media: A Heroic Example

A (privately owned) drive-in theater operated by a Christian refused to show the new Beauty and the Beast movie due to it normalizing homosexuality. One inactive latter-day saint was saying that it’s silly that some people don’t want to show a film with a homosexual partnership in it, a child’s movie with such… She hasRead more

Religious Freedom and homosexuality: Battles Won & Lost

Religious Freedom and homosexuality: Battles Won & Lost The SB-100 Bill By Nate Richardson Updated 1-27-18 The SB-100 Bill I spoke of earlier asking people to help that bill not get passed because it adds gender identity to the list of protected rights; scientists classify every other creature as either male or femaleRead more

Political View Brief

Political View Brief by Nate Richardson Updated 1-24-18 -“The solution of the great world problems is here in the Church of Jesus Christ. Ample provision is made not only for the needs of individuals, but also for the nation and groups of nations” (Elder Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, InRead more

Mass Academic Corruption: APA Homosexual Parenting “Research” & Beyond

Topics: Sandra Scar, Bill Clinton, effect of mothers working outside the home, etc. Dr. of Marriage and Family Studies Jason Carroll told me about something called “heterodox academy” which shows that the social sciences are increasingly bias toward liberal views… not publishing conservative stuff, etc. It was 1/3 in the field were conservative, nowRead more

Restored Social Principles

Excerpts from a letter to a friend.   Topics herein treated include role of sex on earth and in heaven, the importance of marriage and reproduction on earth and in heaven, role of drugs, feminism, LDS leaders, homosexuality, Millennium, and some essential differences between the restored church of Jesus Christ and contemporary Christian churches (ProtestantsRead more

We All Bleed The Same: Healing America Version by Alex Boye, Music Video

We All Bleed The Same: Healing America Version by Alex Boye, Music Video brought to you by Nate Richardson updated 1-1-18 This video is a fun way to express that we should practice acceptance of people who look believe and act differently than we do. Alex Boye is a member of the MormonRead more

Planted: Belief and Belonging in an age of Doubt, by Patrick Mason – Book Notes

Planted is written for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Particularly, it’s for long time members who have questions about church doctrine and teachings, or otherwise struggle with faith in Jesus Christ and his kingdom on earth, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mason is a brilliant man, andRead more