The Porn Myth by Matt Fradd – Book Highlights & Commentary












This is a hard book to listen to, it’s definitely one to be approached with caution.


PROFESSIONALS: While there’s a few porn actresses who glorify and what they do, say it doesn’t harm them, and say empowers them, most of them say otherwise.

Though some of the porn actresses choose that profession, for most of them it’s because they were raped as children and only given attention for what they look like. You wouldn’t say it’s okay for a man to be a drug dealer because he chose to do so, neither is it okay for a woman to be a pornographer because she chose to do so.


CHILDREN: Today they say it’s okay for an 18 year old to make a porn video but for a 17 year old it’s not. But there’s nothing magical about turning 18. The emotional ability of a person is basically the same at 17 or 18. Porn producers continually push for younger sex. They market their products as barely legal, and dress people up to look like children. The younger the actress, the more searches a pornography gets.



-Pornography originates from writings or engravings about prostitutes. The producers of pornography are trying to get you to interact with a prostitute. It is a product that serves an erotic function. Pornography is displays of sexual organs or activities calculated to stimulate sexual response. They’re calculated to arouse erotic rather than aesthetic sensations. Pornography depicts erotic material intended to create sexual arousal.

(Note- with the history of nude art one wonders where to draw the line. Go to a famous museum and see this nude art in public display like the Louvre of Paris. Some people suggest, as we see here, that the difference is aesthetic versus erotic. But it seems we are best off just having a standard of modest art.)

-Pornography is from the Greek word porno which means prostitute. Graph is a measurement or an economic exchange. It’s sex for money, just like in person prostitution.

-Pornography is designed to stimulate masturbation. It is different from fine art nudity which is meant to cause a reflection and wonder, not sexual arousal.

(Note- it does seem some of the classical nude art goes too far and would do better to have some covering.)

-Porn rewires boys brains for excitement and novelty.

-Pornography serves an erotic function, it is made for economic purchase, it is a form of prostitution, meaning paying for an erotic experience.

-Porn is any material intended to create sexual arousal.



-Traditionally the fight against pornography has been religious, but now we have scientific data against it.

-It’s not just religious people who don’t like the porn industry, even atheist feminists object to it as something which is all about male dominance and treating women as objects.

-Many people want to dismiss the opinions of religious people just because they are religious, but everyone in society should have a voice. Just because something is condemned by religion doesn’t mean it’s okay otherwise outside of religion. For example, the Quakers organized the underground railroad to help stop slavery because slavery was against their religion, but that does not mean that slavery is okay outside of a religious context. Many religious groups object to pornography but that doesn’t mean it’s okay outside of religion.



-Porn normalizes sexual violence. The more people watch porn the more they need the hardcore deviant stuff, not just regular consensual interaction. Porn rarely features kissing; it’s mostly very aggressive. This is what people are demanding, this is what the porn market is supplying in response.

-Sexual abuse in the porn industry is very common; the actresses are often raped and they’re often threatened their jobs if they don’t have sex with their producers on demand. Women often get sick, bruised, bloody etc., and crying out for the perpetrators to stop are ignored. Pornography leads to rape when people are not satisfied by pixels anymore. -The more porn a person views, the more likely they are to rape.

(Note- never trust your rights to be respected in an evil industry. ‘No dignity among thieves’ the old saying goes.) 

-The actresses regularly use many drugs to numb themselves to the pain, and it is typical for them to be addicted to drugs and alcohol.



-People who create and sell porn are no longer liberals risking jail or gangsters, it’s mainstream now. (Note- it’s like what happened with alcohol. And I say ban them both.)

-Today it’s not just men watching porn, many women do too. More often women do it with their partner, encouraged by their partner, and men do it alone.

-Around 25% of men view porn regularly. Today’s “men’s swim” magazine looks like yesterday’s Playboy.

-Porn makes 13 billion a year in the US.

-1 in 8 internet searches is for erotic content.

-The decline in porn profits are not from less usage, but from more free material being available.

-A control group in a study for people who don’t buy sex had to change its definitions because they couldn’t find enough people for their 100 person control group who don’t buy it at all.

-Pornography affects the developing brains of youth.

-Today’s generation is dealing with pornography more than any other time.

-Among millennials 63% of men and 21% of women say they view pornography at least several times a week. This doesn’t take into account those who view it less frequently.



-People who view porn see normal people as increasingly unattractive. Married men who use porn regularly often report that they cannot be aroused by their wives. It is not empowering to women when their husband’s affection is going somewhere else. Lust replaces love.

-People think that if they get married their porn addiction will go away, but sex and porn are two different things. Porn addiction makes marriage worse. Pornography tears lives and families apart and warps the way we think about sexuality.

People think porn is just consenting adults and adult entertainment, but taking sex out of its natural context is not healthy.

-Butterflies were wiped out by people releasing high concentrations of pheromone scent which females release for mating; so much of this was released that the male butterflies weren’t interested in reproduction anymore, so they died off. Pornography is like this, a desensitizing unnatural concentration with catastrophic results.

-Sexuality is not bad but it should be kept natural.

(Note- and I add that means within marriage.)

-If you want something to flourish you need to use it in accordance with its nature. You can’t industrialize humanity and stay happy.

-Porn reduces a person to the single dimension of their sexual organs.

-Saying we need porn to appreciate sex is like saying we need gluttony to combat anorexia.

-Porn does not accelerate sexuality, it cheapens it.

-Porn is the business of presenting women’s bodies to men for masturbation. To stand against porn is not to be anti-sex, it is to be anti solo sex.

-Sexual pleasure is more fulfilling when sex is not something you can order whenever you want, when it’s not treated so cheaply.

-You can’t rip sex out of its obvious natural context and expect individuals families and society to flourish. We can’t industrialize humanity. Physically and virtually bodies are being brought and sold.

-It’s been said that porn shows too much, but it also shows too little as in it only emphasizes sexual organs and sexual nature, it doesn’t give the whole picture of a person, of what it means to be human.

-Porn triggers chemicals like oxytocin, making people connected to a picture rather than a person.

-Porn turns the other person into a mere stimulus, not another person.

(Note- there’s a connection in all of this to the 10 commandments which say we cannot make graven images of God. We are made in the image of god, and should be careful about how we treat that. Porn is treating the holy image of God as though it were cheap junk food of disease.)

-In real sex, sex is a gift to your partner, not just a selfish act as is the case in pornography. Relationships with other people should not just be based on self gratification but on service.

-Porn is all about objectifying someone, using them up, and moving on.

-You can’t separate the body from the person. You can’t at the same time love beauty and defile it. Any picture of a person should celebrate the mystery of humanity and should not be a cheap sale of the display of body parts.



-People think that if they’re not paying for porn they aren’t contributing to the problem, but any web page search, any video viewed, site visited, etc. contributes to revenues because of advertising and marketing etc. All of this drives up the business and the demand.



-Porn is sexual gluttony. It’s like a buffet with endless choices and no limits. The thrill of pornography is not sex, it’s the searching for the new woman, it’s the new look, the new scenario. It’s like a gambling addiction where people aren’t so happy about winning money as they are of the idea that they could win big.



-And yes people can be addicted to porn, psychology is recognizing behavior addictions more and more. It does change chemical processes, and it does have all the signs and symptoms of addiction. You need increasingly heavier, more radical doses etc.

-See organization “Fight the New Drug”. Many other helpful websites books studies etc. are listed in the text.

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