My ideas about changes from the status quo that will take place in that day:
-Homeschool is the standard for all children under the age of 12. At the age of 12, the person becomes an adult (as the Jews have long done: The Bar Mitzvah at age 12 indicated the full adult status of the person). With adult status comes more opportunity to branch out into other areas of study without the same parental overseeing as was had during childhood.
-Core and introduction in all education is of religion, namely showing God made all.
-The first principals and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ is another foundation core curriculum course.
-History courses are taught in perspective of how societies arose or fell based on how they treated God, God’s message, and God’s messengers.
-Sciences are taught in a pure scientific setting, false ideas are no longer taught. Students learn that God uses these tools. Darwinism is not taught.
-Those who will to move faster may do so, teachers on each level are offered. Those who struggle and need more time can do so without harsh punishments. The student chooses what to make of their education, and persons can be enrolled in the college indefinitely.
-The teacher will not be esteemed above the learner.
-Students are instructed that they will have to work for every penny they earn in life, and respect for others, and they will help other students in the learning process, teacher or no, because of their charity for all men.
-Social sciences are only based upon ideals that will yield righteousness. Norms are not focused on, rather the ideal is focused on.
-See Jewish schools for reference.
-Parents preach the gospel to their children.
-Teachers are primarily faithful Latter-day Saints, for such have the blessing of rulership in all fields because of their sacrifices to obey God.
-Graduation yields no temporal benefit, only opportunity to serve in more capacities. Temporal advantages are not to be had; the Lord has said that inasmuch as some have more than others, the world lieth in sin.
-Knowledge of all fields is not only pursued for children, but through college all are encouraged to study each topic in depth to develop all their brains.
-The students as well as the teachers employ much time in the evenings etc. working to build houses and take care of farms and ranches.
-The people dress similarly, not drawing attention to themselves.
-The spirit of revelation is taught and used in each hour of class, and the reception of visions is taught. The skills they apply unto are all prayed for earnestly in class and out of class.
-Holiness to The Lord is written on virtually everything, even the bells of the horses to keep our minds focused on obedience to God.
-All people learn the Adamic language to open communication of all persons between each other.
-Poetry and art have greater emphasis than marketing and economics. The economics of heaven are far different than the economics we are accustomed to.
-There is no unnecessary advertisement, only what is needed is sold.
-School advisors have an eye single to the glory of God. The board of directors of the school are holy men ordained unto that purpose. Each teacher is ordained by men of Priesthood to teach in their subject, or in all subjects.
-Students care for school grounds, make their own meals, pay for their own school supplies and books.
-Books are shorter only containing essential information as the authors do not get paid on how long or fancy their books are. Political correctness is also obsolete, as are lobbyists and political parties.
-Books are reviewed by High Priests before publishing to ensure all content is congruent with the spirit and mind of the Lord when it comes to attending the university of the Lord, where it’s proven that students learn 1000 times more material in 1000 times less time. Other schools are allowed but this is something special for those who believe and come and partake freely so long as they commit to obey the standards of the school.
-Much more temple attendance will go along with study, and holy books studied in the temple, and much teaching in the temple.
-Spiritual knowledge is priority all through the schooling, it quickens all things.
-No class is ever too full for you to enroll in it; if for some reason the class needs to be smaller, there will be plenty of teachers facilitating the class in a perfect system of free enterprise supply and demand, without any political stigmas, or unnecessary competition for enrollment, or greed on behalf of the educators.
-Merit to enroll is measured in willingness to learn, not past grades. We don’t even use grades anymore.
-Class sizes are small, and more and more classes are organized according to demand.
-No restrictions are made on the size of the school, as the students are the ones who volunteer to help build it.
-Jehovah speaks at the forums of the Lord’s university, namely the temple, and like edifices.
-Just as currently it’s important that our teachers are people of faith, so will all the teachers be men and women of God.
-Children will not be left to babysitters, but their parents will take full care of them. Children will be trained to behave in public, and public places will better accommodate the presence of children accompanying their parents. Children will also learn more obedience to parents, making the children less of a burden upon the parents, and more self-reliant. Older siblings will help the family by helping take care of younger siblings. Parents will be able to have a vast number of children and yet not be overwhelmed by them because of a society structured favoring children.
-There are many options for homeschooling not only for young people but for all ages.
-Personal tutors comprising your parents etc. help you to progress with speed and comprehension.
-Studies are not only a few hours a day but are the focus of the entire day.
-Dancing every night.
-Only 2-3 hours a day will be spent on working, the rest of the day will be spent learning. This is what Brigham Young has prophecies will be the case when everyone is doing their part.
-Books are only the price of printing cost
-All sorts of classes are offered all the time any time- it’s a huge school; a global school.
-There is no night, and you have more energy and psychological stability to study for longer hours.
-Brains work better since all live God’s law of physical health and care to their body as well as their minds.
-Since there will be no pride, there will be no competition. All who qualify for something will attain it. There is no limit in availability.
-All will study primarily what they like. Learning all things is the end goal of all, and they will “eat as they are hungry”, coming for more knowledge as they desire it. It will be an open table. Pausing to serve others will be alright, for when we are done with the service or the building of our family home or crop, we can go back to school, pick up with a class that is right where we left off.
-The use of Urim and Thumim to who qualify will be core to “learning 1000 times as much material in 1000th of the time”, as Brigham Young taught (See Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young) With some rough figures, one can conclude that the material of a rigorous college chemistry text book can be understood in approximately 30 minutes rather than 3 months. Well did Brigham Young say, “there is no other one item that will so much astound you, when your eyes are opened in eternity, as to think that you were so stupid in the body” (Journal of Discourses, 8:30).
-The Holy Ghost as our constant companion will be a mighty tutor. Further, because of the righteousness of the people, Satan will have no power. This will be a season of learning without the distractions of vice so common to our time. Further, marriage will not be prolonged to unnaturally old age as is common in our society, so students will be able to focus on their schooling rather than trying to show off to the opposite sex constantly.
-Everyone is expected to teach. In God’s kingdom, you are always teaching, no matter the level, you always teach. Teaching is a core aspect of charity, and all who abide on the earth in that day must have charity. The rest are burned as stubble and are in hell suffering for their sins during the Millennium.