Angels to buoy up the Servants of the Lord

Marvel at what God is doing, and how he uses weak things like me to help in his work

In Holy Faith we do things which would be an impossible to accomplish alone; We do things knowing that if left to ourselves, we will fail, yet we do the things not thinking that we waste our time and failing but thinking that we succeed counting on relying on expecting waiting for the help of God and His Holy Angels and they do help us; they help us do the strange work of God, that work which so often defies logic and confounds the wise; his angels help us get places quickly when we’ve been engaged in doing the work of the Lord and needed to take flight in safety and the angels have helped us to complete assignments and shorter amount of time as we’ve been engaged in the Lord’s work which takes up other parts of our time; We have many duties and God helps us get them all taken care of and do his work, a thing which could not be done by mere power of a mortal; Angels are helping us to have our needs to be met so that we can do this work; The work of the Lord takes many forms, and those feeling called to one should go there, and those feeling called to another department should go there. Our witness of miracles in the path of duty for Christ are so many that we can’t begin to count them. Well did the Prophet Spencer W Kimball love the hymn, “I Need Thee Every Hour”

For more on angels, see Donald Parry’s book “Angels” and see Dwayne Crowther’s book “Life Everlasting”

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