Emphasize service, brotherhood, & grass-roots-education; de-emphasize careerism, status seeking, & hoop-jumping

Emphasize service, brotherhood, & grass-roots-education; de-emphasize careerism, status seeking, & hoop-jumping
Balance of Vocational and Religious Duty
Another Episode in the School of the Prophets
by Nate Richardson
Topics: service, vocation, education

It occurred to me today or yesterday one of the two, that it doesn’t matter so much that I use all my time jumping through the hoops of career stuff. I can still have my career while skipping some of that stuff THANK GOD.
Yes it was yesterday that I was speaking to my supervisor for about 3 hours he is about 70 years old, speaking to him of true religion power doctrine etc that he knows not of. I thought a few times “gosh I sure could use this time for homework.” Then the spirit reminded me “that stuff if bogus. This is what really matters. You can learn from him (indeed he knows much of history etc.) and he can learn from you. This is how real learning happens, moreso than doing assigned work in assigned classes. That stuff is jumping through hoops and is quite often silly filler, so it’s less effective. But here is a person you can speak with and ask questions to, that is very valuable.
If you want to become a mighty man, you must do legitimate learning, and learning from your elders, and you must do teaching, so here you go.
I give you these opportunities as answers to your prayers, they are important, and they are the only way that you can reach the places that you have been asking me to take you, and the way that you can participate in bringing others to where you’ve petitioned to help bring them.”
I rejoiced to hear this message, and praised God! I walked away knowing more of history, and he walked away knowing more of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and a curiosity to learn more, the which I’m excited to feed.

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