Why our Society is going to Hell

Why our Society is going to Hell
by Nate Richardson

I was thinking “There are so many reasons why our society is evil” and decided to pen a few of them to get my thoughts straight. I’m puzzled when I meet people who thinks that the status quo is peachy. They say “Whats the matter?” “Why not let people live the way they choose?” and other sentiments expressing a complete void of morality in general. At some point I’ll add to this list but here are a few items to set the table.

-2/3 cohabitate before giving birth or marriage; aka 2/3 break the law of chastity
-women sell their bodies for car sales at even Utah car dealerships
-parents wont discipline their children
-adults don’t marry and don’t have babies, especially not in wedlock
-no one goes to church
-thousands of apostate churches drown out the true church (LDS)
-vulgar language, open discussion of sex, no decency
-public schools teach communism in the USA
-obsession with sports and other constant entertainment
-no one does their home teaching
-salesmen lie about their product and preach it as salvific gospel
-taxes are so high that the worker doesn’t enjoy his fruits
-all the pre-made food is toxic, God intended food to be homemade
-therapists advise evil and give bad drugs
-we’re all fat, no one exercises or eats plant based diets
-people want the government to take care of the poor instead of themselves
-it costs way more to buy healthy food than toxic food; hospital salad is 8$/plate
-hospital food is toxic
-fad diets lead people away from Gods standards for health
-women don’t wear pants, men wear tight pants which cut their sperm count in half
-radical feminists call for public nudity, are anti-mother, preach birth control
-the few brave enough to marry hardly stay married
-women work out of the home not to help the family survive, but for RC Willy furnature
-CNN lies, as do all the other main news groups, paid for by Soros and others, forcing agenda
-no one cares about the Mormon missionaries; “too busy” “not my thing” etc
-modern art is ugly and not inspiring, leads to depression and suicide
-professors argue that there is no one right way to live
-no one has a garden
-colleges are for money not science
-social studies are for liberalism, extreme bias; most college professors liberals
-big tech companies spy on us then sell us out to an anti-conservative government
-athletes are idolized
-parents read scriptures to children but never really teach them the gospel
-we separate political from moral and religious lives and policies
-we reject the modern prophets (LDS) saying that we love dead prophets instead
-tight and form fitting clothing worn by women, and encouraged by men
-no one knows anything about government or constitution, they favor policies which immediately benefit them or their loved ones rather than policies which benefit the nation as a whole
-children are not taught a trade, and thus become delinquent from extreme bordom and often no father present to teach them how to be a man
-we listen to not only vulgar but useless music which focuses on commercialism and individualism
-government keeps secret technologies which could save our environement and economy.
-we drink caffinated things which’ll lead to us all getting strokes and being fat
-we look at our phones when around people we should be talking to, so everyone’s depressed and doing drugs or lusting for sex or money to compensate
-when kids disrespect their mothers, fathers don’t do anything about it
-people think that when college is over, they needn’t crack another book
-people study business but never science history or religion
-we build more and more hospitals, even though 1/5 antibiotics is toxic, and many cancer diagnoses are false; we have tens of thousands of drugs
-we get mad when the church says something political
-the Pope is pushing liberal agenda
-YouTube increasingly shuts down conservative videos and accounts
-we value therapist’s word as difinitive and ignore religion; therapy is the new religion
-we don’t kill people who kill others; solf laws on this encourage criminality
-we’re normalized porn and homosexuality
-we obsess over superheros and teach our kids to have them as role models, saying of movies, “its not bad, its just violent”
-we use military rather than faith in God as our first resource when attacked
-we make women feel guilty for being “just stay at home moms”
-the majority of divorces aren’t for infidelity or abuse, but for “clash of personalities”; we abandon marriages leaving children to fend for themselves even though studies show that those who remain married usually don’t remain unsatisfied
-its almost impossible to publish conservative academic reaserach in scholarly journals
-we’re scared to live in rural areas, fearing any distance away from a shopping mall
-we put off marriage to a later age than any generation has for hundreds of years; men average 28 and women 27; the 20’s are spent idoling or underachieving
-religious people wont read scriptures, and when they do, they dont apply it to themselves
-scientists hide evidence not supporting their theories, especially when those theories go against organic evolution and otherwise atheism
-missionaries often are just there to play and socialize with the mask of their badge; they don’t know the gospel and they only teach it in rare unavoidable circumstances
-the drug/behavioral issue rehabs for youth are ses pools with unmetered vulgarity and lack of discipline; therapists talk to them about their feelings but not their behaviors. They don’t dare say what is right and what is wrong, but rather help the youths to find what they want, with occational discouragments of a few items, often trimming a few branches, always neglecting the weightier matters. never promoting family chastity or religion
-we know more about the wheather than the signs of the times
-foster chilren wait around for home while people live in near childless mansions
-parents not taking the time to build relationships leads to their children becoming adults with insecure attachment which leads to divorce; 50% of children don’t have secure attachment then they grow up and create our 42% divorce rate. Divorce is a climate where many become homosexual. We preach against homosexuality and divorce but we don’t do the most important thing of spending time with our children.
-religious people don’t believe the second coming of Christ is extremely near
-no one is prepared for economic disaster promised by the prophets, aka no one really believes the prophets
-people think grace will save them with minimal or half hearted or no efforts
-people who can afford and do employ body guards say we should ban guns
-people who fly in overpriced jets tell peole in Africa they shouldn’t drive cars or have AC
-we have not rejected the major political parties outright despite too much corruption in both
-we are too obsessed with race, recreating an issue that could be over
-states rights are taken by the fed; no more place of refuge
-the US killed a mormon prophet and chased them all over the place
-men dont have enough ambision to make their wives somewhat comfortable economically
-we say one thing in public or when confronted by an employer, then turn around and espouse an entirly different narriative as if it were nothing, zero integrity
-we raise our voices too much at home, rejecting the love and calm yet stern models erring on the sides of being too controlling or not solving problems in a Christ centered way
-we think others rude when they say “merry Christmas” or other inpolitically correct things; we also aren’t considerate of others in case by case situations
-if i wish to homeschool my child i have to pay for their education and my tax dollars pay for others’ so i pay for 2 children; school should never be federal
-peple think their politics are so righteous that they are justified in lying cheating stealing to forward their agendas
-we buy tons of clothes not thinking about the sweat shop workers in India dying for it; we should only do business with places with standards, and we should not use more than we need
-dates aren’t planned in advance, so casual time wasters slip into unchastity; parents let children “hang out” rather than allowing healthy play
-we don’t make our children work
-when public schools violate our morals, we look the other way rather than homeschooling; we should pull out of corrupt institutions; the Church set a good example in this, for example they stopped doing adoptions when the state required they give children to homosexual parent couples
-we don’t pray and repent enough; should be multiple times per day
-we want individualism not family and not community
-we get into wars we have no business being in
-we know nothing about history or classic literature
-though basic things need be present for a good match in a marriage, we overly calculate, not having faith in the human race. If religion and some common sence are present, we shouldn’t demand frivilous character traits; marriage isn’t to lust for bodies or wealth etc.
-we dress like Babylon thinking that it won’t lead our behaviors to be like Babylon

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