DISCLAIMER: These are my notes & commentary and do not represent a balanced summary of the author’s work. I’ve selected portions of the text which were relevant to me and placed them here in my own words, in an abbreviated fashion, with added commentary. Though this article introduces some main ideas from the text, it is bias toward what I felt were ideas of particular importance. This should not be considered a scholarly work, but rather an informal sharing & discussion of ideas as permitted by Fair Use law. I alone am responsible for the contents of this article.
These are notes from the show spanning a year or so, this won’t give up to date info, and some of this he likely corrected in later episodes, but this gives a good preview to what you’ll find there.
I’ve enjoyed this site for a few years.
He can be rude at times, but he tries.
I find important things here that I can’t find other places.
He is too sensational at times and hypes things up too much to get more sales and followers but he is sincere and usually a good judge of character.
Here are some notes I took on his radio show:
Approx. Jan 2016:
-bringing in refugees to other nations has caused a state of martial law emergency from their terror attacks. Now they bring them to the USA, and blame the attacks on guns and take guns away. They want to take the patriots’ guns fearing their revolt. Gov wants to start a civil war.
-Obama radical Muslim praying 5 times a day to Allah in White House the secret service is saying. Him and his wife treat the secret service bad yelling at them to get their badges often etc. Secret service being demonized for saying these things.
-Trump is saying Obama and Clinton started Isis
-main stream news is coming out on bad effects of fluoride in water
-fed gov has claimed 30% of US land. Constitution doesn’t say fed gov can own land.
-bogus charges of terrorism on innocent people like the Bundy crop story charged of terrorism for burning some crops to control a germ like normal farmers do. They had rights to that government land it was leased to them they were merely taking care of the land.
-supreme court used to say movies not protected in first amendment; they aren’t always right.
-Obama to make order proposal against guns on 1/5/16
-bureaucratic agencies write their own laws; it’s not congress anymore; it’s taxation without representation, we didn’t elect these people. Also we have regulation without representation, regulating us to death. Like purchase of drones being required to have a large fine if you don’t register such, like the Hammonds in Oregon being charged as terrorists for defending their land.
-some schools are being required to hire homosexuals, to have a certain amount of them employed there.
-gov says they own all the land they employ most the people and who doesn’t have jobs them give them handouts. The gov has put us on a reservation like the Native American Indians. That is what their welfare system is, is putting us on a reservation. This is slavery, and we get the slavery mentality.
-one can’t be given freedom, it must be taken. People have to want it. It won’t just come.
-Bundy’s taken over fed. land use it now as a call to others to come and get the land and factories back which the government has been taking and manipulating so they can return to the richest area there like they were before the government was so involved.
-the purpose of a jury is so that local people can sit in a trial and say I know these people they are innocent etc. don’t give them charges.
-they are shutting down farmers markets, lemonade stands, etc., so they have control over the whole economy.
-we won’t organize and stand up for each other, so we are going to be toasted
-they say they are tracking our money etc. to fight terrorism, but they made ISIS it’s all a way to track us and control our economy, and excuse for stepping further into socialism.
-Zuckerberg has been meeting with the Chinese empire to set up a system which tracks peoples political views and will target them to have not complacent people be tracked and not allowed to travel or purchase etc.
-see exposedfacts.org for writings of a whistleblower who left the government, speaks of how it’s not protection from terrorists, it’s about total social control.
-William Benny NSA refractor; former General; whistleblower on the government coming after our rights; he basically built the NSA.
-when people on the right demonstrate they call it terrorism, when people on the left have demonstrated with violence, they call it social justice movement. 1
-The fed is saying to businesses that they must give the info of the people to the fed or they will be blackmailed.
-Obama is getting after guns bypassing the congress saying he is tired of waiting for them, this is a power grab totally against the founding fathers of America.
-must impeach Obama now; 48 criminal charges against him.
-they say in 2016 they’re coming for freedom of speech
-Nixon was impeached for far less than Obama has done.
-no matter how much you know, you need to start now speaking against the tyrants; don’t be a perfectionist, just go after the bad guys all you can don’t worry about not being able to do it the best.
-people are going in to Cabela’s to guy guns and talking against Obama and against gun control and the workers there don’t let them buy the gun and put their information on a list which they give to the fed to prohibit them from buying guns.
-they’re putting in too many checks near airports on freeways
-they’re letting illegal citizens come into America at airports without even checking the papers of certain races of people.
-Trump says he will try and reverse the power grabs of Obama when he becomes president, but it’s likely that if we allow these power grabs, that the republicans or anyone else will go on continuing them. We can’t let Obama have 11 more months as President, he is a lunatic and must be impeached.
-Psychologists and doctors etc. can put you on a secret list where you’ll be on a no-fly list and no gun list if they think you are mentally ill etc. This is without a jury, without a court, no way to fight this, no due process of law, no innocent until proven guilty. And it only takes one person’s opinion to get you on that list, even if the other professionals think you’re alright.
-David Duke on the show, has good books to get. See daviduke.com
-they’re putting us into virtual reality by the social media; addiction to smart phones is addiction. Who controls in addiction? The stuff. The cocaine, etc., and in this case, the smart phone. There are benefits, but these are trojan horse packages.
-there will be smart cities run by artificial intelligence. What is it? What controls it? Its globalists making themselves the gods of this world.
-the left doesn’t like what the right say, and they try to get them arrested. That is not freedom of speech. Even if you are racist, you should still be able to travel and speak etc. We are not racist, but we want rights of the Constitution.
-Hilary Clinton denies the email scandal of top-secret things but the secret agencies of the government have now come out and said that she did these crimes, hundreds of times.
-They have a bill presented by the leader of the house which is to give the President military power in anywhere anytime without the word of Congress.
-they are beginning to do a mandatory psychology interview where they ask if you are depressed and a few other broad vague questions if you say yes to any of them they put you on a list where you cannot get on an airplane or have a gun, calling you incompetent.
-The Bundy revolt against the BLM for taking too much land is being taken too far, we go about things in a due process all we can. Also they have made their point and need go home now, the main Bundy is asking them to do so.
-The BLM takes over land getting all they can; they destroy homes on the land they take over, but the big nice homes they leave up for government workers to lodge in. Thus it’s bad for the land to have those houses on it only if a middle-class person non-fed person lives inside. By taking all this land the BLM is forcing people to live in packed cities.
-The water has fluoride and other bad things, get a water purifier and a shower filter.
-Eating fast food it has many poisons in it.
– aspartame is liquid alcohol, and is addictive, and bad for you. All gums at the store basically have it. Spread the message by when your children ask for it, say “does it have aspartame? then no.” out loud so others can hear.
– in the 1960’s they had things they could fume in the air to kill people with viruses in weeks; now it is worse; they load the mosquitoes with diseases to give us; also the pesticides they air; also things coming out of jet fuels putting things in the air, not normal things but planned lethal things; now they had things that give you the illness and in a few years it manifests so that you don’t realize what it was that happened; in the 50’s it was one in every 20000 that had autism, now it is 1 of every 50 born that has it, and similar with cancer, and with many types of new leukemia developing; it is planned against us; it is long told in many reports from the elite they want to eliminate the population, sort of build a stair way to heaven and kick down the ladder once they get up so no one else makes it.
-worldwide weapons person says Zika virus is a weapon; it is aimed mostly at Latin people, like Aids was aimed at blacks.
-no other society has taken its children and put them around other children all the time, only we do that with public schools. They rather put their children around other adults and master trainers etc.
-the children used to be on the back of the parent as an infant and small child like a baby monkey; do not put them in cribs; they will get much less intelligence and immune system; babies need be carried by parents at least 4 hours a day not just being in a crib.
-the oldest child is the one who grows up watching the adults and thus is more wise; the younger ones grow up watching and learning from other children rather than adults; this is why in the bible it was the oldest who was to have the most responsibility and get a double inheritance and watch over the others
-mothers give natural milk not formula and give it from the breast it is best for the child
-they used to eat pie with every meal, and not get fat. There are many fat people today, one large reason is what they are putting in the food we eat.
Alex Jones Show: Infowars: February 2016:
-only a few cases of reported Zika virus really have that in them. This is a coverup for bad things they are putting in vaccines and our food and water and in the air. They are blowing it out of proportion. They are going to make a mandatory vaccine for this. Who is behind the vaccine? Rockefeller. They get massive profits from such. USA has many more cases of the illness that the supposed Zika virus causes, yet no Zika. Of the people with the disease, only a tiny portion of them had Zika, yet they are attributing it to Zika. Also they load mosquitos with viruses to get us, it’s all planned. Bill Gates has confessed doing this.
-Rand Paul should have stayed in the race longer, his words in the debates help the liberty movements even if he was not in the lead.
-the establishment hates Trump, that is a sign to say yes go with Trump.
-Trump used to play politics and said in NY that he liked Hillary, it was because she was a Senator there, he said back in the day he used to do that kind of playing politics thing but not anymore; now he is learning of the liberty movement. He is a wild card and there are some red flags with him but not near as many red flags as we see with the other people likely to become President if he doesn’t.
-The Ted Cruz people put out messages on Twitter just hours before an election was over that Ben Carson had dropped out when in fact he hadn’t, and they told them to come vote for Cruz instead. Cruz said sorry it was a misunderstanding the next day when the polls were closed, but sorry doesn’t cut it, this can’t be a coincidence!
-Cruz’s’ wife is a member of the CFR, high up therein, this is a red flag for him.
-People do such blatant lies that it’s like they punch you in the nose then tell you to your face “no one punched you in the nose”. You tell that to them so much and so sincerely that the person starts to think they have a mental issue and that they really didn’t get punched in the nose.
-Do not say yes on the donor card for being an organ diner; Alex Jones’ dad was a very smart doctor and reported that from top medical papers and word from the head of a hospital that the people with organ donor yes on their id get less treatment; that way if the patient dies, they can sell their organs for money. (*If I remember correctly, in my EMT class they said that in triage, to rescue the people who don’t have “yes donor” cards before the after that don’t!)
-27% of the population now uses SSRI anti-depressants
-Citi bank is now declared the US economy in major down spiral
-in a Massachusetts elementary school, holidays of Valentine’s day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are banned. Any celebrations of such are to not include the colors red, green, or mistletoes, so as to not offend any minority groups.
-people of any race can lead the USA, so long as they have the right values of using the Constitution according to the original intent of the founders, limited government etc.
-See breitbart.com and his book Extortion and his book Clinton Cash
-Men do the killing and building. Women the nurturing nursing having baby’s literature science.
Other countries have tried putting women on front lines of battle combat and under that kind of pressure they go crazy and don’t follow orders etc.
-BLM and other land groups are taking as much land as they can it is stealing from the people who own it and forcing us to live in compact cities.
-They are growing humanoids in cows because it is not illegal but cloning humans and animals are; they use this loop hole.
-Muhamad married a 6-year-old and consummated that with sexual congress at her age 9, and he is called an advocate for women. His religion is, despite the raping epidemic. Muhamad also had many sex slaves. Muslim law says a woman can’t say she was raped in court unless there are 2 male witnesses. The woman can’t divorce the man, but the man can the woman.
-feminists are saying young women who don’t vote for Hillary Clinton are going to hell.
-a football commercial of a baby jumping out of a womb to get Doritos chips was chastised by the abortionists saying that it humanized the fetus when we should not do that. (*These abortionists are dehumanizing humans)
-Gloria Steinem celebrates abortion; she has Miss Magazine, which was funded by the CIA. She said young women are going for Bernie Sanders because they want to be around boys, rather than going to vote for Hillary.
-Iraqi migrant in Vienna Austria rapes 10-year-old boy in swimming pool locker room hurting him so bad that he had to be rushed to the hospital. He claimed it was a sexual emergency for he had not had sex for 4 months. Then he went back to the swimming pool and played more.
-In Sweden the rapes are not being reported for in some cases the victims are sorry for the migrants, saying they are traumatized and are raping people because of the trauma they are escaping, but many of them are not even escaping Isis, but are just going to Europe for benefits.
-in the debate, Rubio used the same memorized line 8 times; this shows he is an establishment robot slave.
-the EPA said they own all water and because a man didn’t get their permission for putting a pool on his land they are charging him 35k per day until he remove it. He got permission from the regular city organizations, but the EPA came in and foisted this on them. The Constitution speaks against unnaturally large fines like this.
-property taxes are like a long-term rental agreement and should be eliminated.
-leftist feminists don’t defend women, they defend their agenda; when rapes happen in Europe from the Muslim migrants, they are told to not tell others about it, as it would hinder their cause, putting a bad face on what they are doing.
-feminists a week after the massive rapes by the European Muslim migrants, women went around giving them roses. They are enabling this rape culture.
-Superbowl halftime show with Beyoncé she had an all-black dance group dressed up like Black Panthers and her outfit had gold bullet looking things on her, a pro-violence black supremacist group, they also used signs of Illuminati and Malcom-X. ; dressed as black panthers, showing power fist the rallying cry of the Black Panthers, dancing on top of flooded New Orleans police car by a board saying stop shooting us, a week before the Superbowl show her husband Jay-Z gave millions to Black Lives Matter, all of this and Beyoncé is denying knowing about any agenda in her Superbowl halftime dance song.
–Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a chemical in water and many more places, which bends gender! The National Geographic Magazine had an article of a male fish developing eggs because of this chemical. It’s an attack to confuse and destroy us.
-In France they bring in Muslim migrants and the migrants do crimes and the French are threatened that they can’t speak up about it.
-At the National Resorts they have federal people who are there like chickens pecking at you to let you know that they are there and in charge; at air ports the genital grab search and saying “put your hands in the air!” with the full body scan, this is all to train us into being slaves, and into thinking that we have no rights, and to thinking that we are a threat. It’s to prepare us for their NWO, run by the international bankers.
-in private settings the leftists threaten Alex Jones and his family
-feminism is a cloak to hide that they merely love death; they are pro-abortion, cheering in favor of that, it’s pro-death. That is why they are not speaking out against the European Migrant crisis abuses in the name of tolerance of eastern values.
-They are trying to make it illegal to use the term “Founding Fathers” in official government speeches etc.
-Hillary Clintons outfits are exactly like the Mao Tse Tung and his wife outfits, communists, to say she is a communist. Obama’s sideways face sculpture they did is the same way that was popular in the Stalin and Lenin time, and the artist said, “yes I love the art in the communist era that’s why I did Obama’s art this way” and on the art they have slogans “lean forward” and “face the future” things directly out of the communist manifesto
-French Revolution was opposite of American revolution that’s why George Washington was against it; Jefferson was for it at first then turned against it; there were communists driving the French Revolution who wanted to get rid of the family in society etc.
-The New Pope wants open borders, just not at the Vatican where they have 200-foot walls. He will one day call for a one world order.
-George Washington wrote of the need to stop the Illuminati
-Communists usually use communism for ten years then bring in a strong man like Napoleon. Why did they keep communism going in The Soviet for about 70 years? They used it as a base of operations in that time while they didn’t have other places. In their final takeover they call it globalism not communism. They give you stuff a while, then bring in a strong man and you aren’t getting ANYTHING free.
-The conspiracy is not Jesuit, not Catholic, though it may infiltrate those, at its core it is Satanic.
-everything they did in the French revolution is what they are doing now: breaking up families, banning words, getting rid of fathers, etc. You want to know the future (with globalism)? It’s boot stomping on the face of humanity forever.
-Hillary Clinton gets more money from Wall Street than anyone else but says she gets none from them.
-Glyphosate in the water causes America to have the highest cancer rate in the world
-They tell women it’s not cool to be a mother then they realize they were tricked by age 40 when they can’t have children anymore
-they want us to have every week new words we can’t use because they are our bosses
-they’re coming with forced inoculations and are open about this now; they are open now about how our children belong to them; they’re open now about how our votes don’t count see the New Hampshire Hillary got 12 less ballots than Sanders yet came out with 2 more delegates because she has more Super Delegates. The establishment people are obsessed with their power, they’re now coming out and saying what they’re really up to and it’s shocking the main stream news.
-See what Berry Goldwater five-term United States Senator from Arizona (1953–65, 1969–87); he spoke out against the Establishment (the international bankers who run America) openly, look up his quotes on the new world order. Ron Paul read this words. Matt Drudge read his words. See books by all these people.
-If we show up to the Mexican border and demand we get in or call them resist, they’ll laugh at you.
-Twitter is censoring what people say more like when people say they and the executives are leaving it because of this political correctness stuff they’re doing, it’s bad business; free speech is what has made this type of website successful
-Hillary Clinton wears the silk suits the exact same type of outfits the wife of Mao ALWAYS wore.
-They want to co-parent your children and send people to your home on a regular basis to form a parent role with your child and train them from toddler stage (to brainwash).
-Eisenhower wasn’t perfect, but in his day the President was more in charge and he fired people who confessed they were globalists who spoke of poisoning the vaccines and injecting syphilis into black people, etc.
-Hillary Clinton wants Kissinger type government of globalism. She has admitted that he is her role model.
-see fema5.com (a video about how FEMA wanted to know how much emergency food an emergency food could ship out in 24 hours)
-see Drudge Report news
-see dollardownfall.com
-By age 10 Alex Jones stopped reading children’s books and started reading history books. By age 16 he had read 500 history books. That’s about 100 history books a year. That’s about 10 a month. 2 a week. 1 every 3 days. He read 30 books on the SS, and 100 books on naval ships.
-Lew Rockwell lewrockwell.com; many good books listed there etc.
-they are getting us obsessed about what bathroom we use and which gender we are (among some 66 choices Facebook says), to get us distracted from how to read classic literature, etc. They’re teaching that 2+2=5 and getting us super stupid. They’re telling us there is no god because they want us to see the state as the god.
-the migrants are to make Christianity a minority in Europe then America.
-the libraries now only have NYT Best Sellers, not the great history books that they used to, that is not by chance, they don’t want the young people reading that stuff.
-the schools make history class boring and hard and confusing on purpose to keep us from catching that bug, that excitement for history, and business, and charm, etc. US people used to be looked at as the smartest and coolest people on earth but not now. Now we are more dead. The teachers don’t know about this put in their curriculum etc. but it is psychological warfare from people higher up.
-historians are saying that parallels to WW1 and WW2 are all over now, that war is soon upon us.
-the main Supreme Court Justice Scalia who was holding back the gun bans, the immigration flood, and the power plants things, died on Saturday, possible assassination. He was for original constitutionalism. They usually give 2 weeks for the autopsy, but in this case the day after they are saying its natural causes heart attack and not doing an investigation, some states even have a law against that, and require 1-2 weeks for the autopsy. About 40 years ago they developed a dart that dissolves into the skin leaving only a red dot which induces a person into a heart attack. This should be investigated. Many people outside of Infowars are speaking about the sketchy details of all this. They have changed their story 11 times. They took him to get embalmed right away, which takes away evidence of how he died. They are saying they won’t do an autopsy, when normally they have autopsy’s for even state judges as they’re involved with intense cases. A few months ago a prominent leader met with Matt Drudge speaking about this that something like it would happen, now it has. They also found a pillow over his face. Also the person checking on him the owner of that democratic Obama funding resort he was staying at was thinking he would find something terrible upon finding him in the morning since he was late to breakfast. Also the timing is such that Obama can put in one of his people in this position just before he gets out of office. He was either murdered, or the media is putting this out in such a way to make us think he was murdered. Not some stories say the pillow was above the head, but that report is from the Sheriff who came after the first person found him. The first person who found him dead was the owner of the resort, and he said the pillow was over the face. The Sheriff was called and got there 30 minutes later and said the pillow was above the head. Perhaps it was the resort owner moving the pillow to see if the man was dead! Why would they mention the pillow? If this was not murder, they’re trying to make it sound like murder. The only portrait on the wall of the resort was of JFK, the other person assassinated. Scalia had no security guards with him on this visit, he usually does have security guards. After his death they rushed him to a funeral home to have him embalmed rather than doing an autopsy, and what they did there makes the autopsy hard, there they also basically dumped all his fluids in the trash, not examining that either. Top detectives are now coming out and saying this is stinking to high heaven. Scalia died in this area of Texas where it is very liberal and the judges also very liberal there. ALSO it’s found that this site was a secret order place, demon sculptures all around, devil masks, devils pulling apart children and women, these secret societies often try to bring in popular powerful people by inviting them to come hunt for free which was what they did with Scalia. It’s possible that Scalia was at lower more innocent levels of this secret society that was operating there. They all eat communal meals in that hotel. There are beds in the hallways. There are only twin-size beds there. It was Valentine’s day weekend and here were a bunch of men out here in the middle of nowhere without their wives. This town is near a place where many bodies are found buried, much human sacrifice in this area. It was found that the building of this hotel type place was indeed originally founded by a group which was founded by Skull and Crossbones which was founded by Illuminati.
-Isis and Al-Qaida groups have invaded 14 countries in the past 5 years.
-18 years ago the military told Alex Jones they were going to kill him if he didn’t stop talking about the NSA. They have not because people who are on his side would leak who did it.
-there is a man who has overthrown 8 governments who helped Tom Clancy write his books, who speaks of their tactics.
-many sheriffs in Utah say that if you come for our guns we will fight you physically. Similar in Texas.
-TTP and TTIP are getting us into global government.
-many leaders around the world now are getting killed.
-they are trying to get Ukraine into the EU, which means they get that debt of the EU, etc. The main stream media is plugging for this.
-see E Howard Hunt deathbed confession
-George W Bush avoided the draft. Dick Chaney did 11 times. Then they put everyone else in war. None of Bushes brothers went to war either. They’re cowards.
-Bernie Sanders never had a job until age 40.
-Castro took the guns, Mao did, etc., many major dictators took the guns from the people before taking them over.
–911 CASE:
1958 Saddam Hussein was trained by the US CIA. Saudi Arabia was who planned 911, and told us to stand down from it before it happened, the 28 sealed pages reveals it all. Trump is calling for the release of those pages. What was result of 911? We were fighting Iraq, the arch nemesis of Saudi Arabia, doing them a favor. When Jeb Bush was asked of the 28 pages, he mocked the questioner and asked if the reporter had them, that he would like to see them. Actually, Jeb could ask his brother George W. to release those papers. Jeb was mocking the victims of 911 by saying this. Letting the US know about 911 will bring down the whole power structure of the Clintons and the Bushes. Trump saying this shows that he is totally against the establishment.
Then the US regime turned on him in Cuate, telling him that they would not interfere in that, then we did. Trump exposing 911 is giving major blows to the globalist establishment people! Trump, when deciding whether he would expose 911, he basically walked around a golf course for a week not talking to anyone, and he finally decided to do it!
-The NWO is get destroy humans, men, women, chivalry, strength, humans driving cars, humans controlling the stock market, choosing what you wear, doing business with people you think are trustworthy, etc.
-awakening of man is coming! The return of the man! Masses of men awakening, and you’ll see incredible warriors of business and God etc.! When men realize their true destiny, it’s OVER for the NWO people! Men should be organizing their families and businesses and being involved civilly. Then they get fulfillment. The age of cowards is coming to an end, the age of men is coming! It is you!
-We don’t believe in prayer, we RELY on it! God listens to YOU, so send your prayers for this cause of liberty and those who help it! Pray that God work through you.
-Film “Emperor Obama” to be shown in Russia speaks of how Obama’s spend much money on vacating, and how he kills many people.
The Pope came to America and condemned Trump as not being Christian for not wanting totally open borders. But the Vatican is surrounded by 200 foot walls and claims to be a sovereign state, the oldest sovereign state in the world! Here we have this foreign politician coming to America and dictating how we should do things. Many Catholics don’t think that the Pope is a Christian. He often calls for communist things, redistributing the wealth etc., and is obviously working with the globalists for a NWO. He is a very skilled politician. The last Pope had to step down from being threatened. What about having open borders? Alex Jones has read about 300 books on this, a political strategy of bringing in foreign people to cause civic unrest, then the government stepping in to intervene. To the British it’s called “The Great Game”. It’s the government thus bringing in conflict, so it can be set up to get more power controlling. Controlling the borders is default sovereignty, now they are calling it racism! It’s like saying, which they are starting to say, that not teaching young school children how to have homosexual sex, is being homophobic!
-the Pope rather than using his influence to stop the occultic in his religion, he goes around seeking a one world economy; promoting global climate change. Why do they promote that? It’s to get a global control, a global government control. The way this Pope behaves causes us two choices: either he is not Catholic, or all the other past Popes were not Catholic. His policies are so different.
-Bill Gates thinks there are too many humans. He also wants vaccines to be put by GMO into the fruits people eat to force them to take them. Interesting two ideals side by side… They are launching many GMO mosquitos now.
-A PhD in Political Science and lawyer professor Francis Boyle shows that Zika and Ebola were designed in the US and unleased for the purpose of population control and reduction. A bio-weapon.
-you don’t think about being great, or gear up to being great, you just do it.
-El Chapo and Isis want Trump dead
-A fight between North and South Korea which was announced to begin on the 18th is said by Joel Skousen to be a trigger event for WW3.
-Kanye West said he only made 50 million dollars last year and he needs more. He is a famous rapper. He and Jay Z and many other rappers are going around CONSTANTLY stirring up riots. The Black Lives Matter group is violent against police. Obama is meeting with them in the White House. Perhaps 200 blacks died last year from police, most of it probably legitimate, but even if not, it’s not the key attack on black people they should be focusing on; the abortion places are targeting them, which kills billions of them a year.
-Trump wears a bullet proof vest and carries a gun and they call him radical for that. Regan also carried a gun.
-a man in a wheelchair tried to hug the Pope to be healed after a speech the Pope said and the Pope snapped at him “Don’t be greedy!” The Pope is losing sincerity toward his followers for he knows he does not need them long, he knows the NWO is just around the corner.
-when you read Benito Beselini, Das Capital, Hitler’s books, and the Communist Manifesto books, you’ll see that fascism and communism are really the same thing.
-George Soros, Rockefellers, Hitler, Bersigi Berzinski, Lenin, they got their ideas from Plato (his book the Republic, etc. Alex Jones read this by age 10.) “Ruling elite” and “cattle” are terms used rather than communism and socialism. Speaks of eugenicists.
-Socialism always turns into fascism/communism. They gut you when it collapses.
-Book Jeb and the Bush Crime Family: about the CIA helping the drug pushing etc.
-China has announced that any foreign media will be banned there
-Trump advisor Roger Stone see stonezone.com
-Book The Clinton’s War on Women
-Zuckerman owns the NY Daily news is jealous of Trump.
-NY Post wrote pieces against Alex Jones
-Ted Cruz has said he likes Kissinger and the Bushes; he was one of Bush’s top advisors
-Bush’s have ruined our trade policy and bailed out our enemies;
-Matt Drudge had a meeting with a Supreme Court Judge wherein the Judge said that they are coming after free speech in 2016.
-FBI who try to stop Jihadists in America are stopped in every case
-20 years ago they denied that the NSA even existed.
-came out that Fox News has antifamily agenda and pro global warming agenda
-Trump wants to audit the fed (the federal reserve), he hates big banks.
Kennedy was the last President who wanted to do that, and he was killed.
-the Pope criticizes the US for having walls potentially, and thus calls Trump not a Christian, but the Vatican has the highest and thickest walls in the world and not a single refugee in there, anyone who enters gets shot. Trump also pointed out that Isis would be thrilled to get in the Vatican to hurt.
-at McDonalds a man was eating a young black mob came up to him and said ” do you believe black lives matter?” the man ignored them; they yelled that he is a racist, as he left the restaurant the knocked him over the head knocking him out. When he woke his pants were ripped and his wallet gone.
-Trump wants to raise taxes on the tax-exempt groups which is good
-Sanders wants billionaires to have more taxes, which won’t fund things long at all. He is good on war and the NSA, but he won’t vote for important things. He is better than Clinton. He is an open socialist, it’s to make us dependent.
-days before the Christmas attacks, the person who was in charge of security records was ordered to delete hundreds of files about people linked to Islam attacks. How do we know this? The man retired and became a whistleblower.
-Hillary Clinton goes to Christian rally’s now and cheers on Christianity, but where was she when Christian churches were getting shut down? It’s all for show.
-Apple is being attacked by Google and the government
-Sean Hannity is the best person of Fox News
-Michael Savage is about the only other news talk show person who is recognizing the conspiracies
-The TPP is a shunned topic on Fox News; when Sanders started to speak of it, for Sanders is right on some things, the news broadcasters talked over him and threw out phony comments to change the subject. They have orders that they have to get away from certain subjects.
-300k jihadis into America last year; 4-5million jihadis into Europe last year; even Hispanics say America should not have open borders, when you have open borders, you become a 3rd world country.
-Ben Carson says Obama was raised white and doesn’t understand black people; Obama even gets nervous around them.
-we don’t beat kids with a 9 iron, but swatting them spanking them etc. at home and school helps them not want to get in trouble; now pop TV is saying this is bad, Dr. Spock saying so etc.
-The sitcoms and magazines women read and watch tell them how to treat their husbands and boyfriends, and it’s built to take down family.
-Black Lives Matter groups go around shooting cops because they are white. They attacked Sanders for saying all lives matter; they want to be more important.
-Purple Penguins is what they call children at elementary schools now (*my nephew in in a California school that does this). Schools spend millions in teaching white power, that white people are bad, and owe much to others.
-political correctness is something they use to bring in communism. See George Orwell book “1984”. They use a different word for it there but it’s the same thing.
-North Korea is starting to attack the US.
-the bogus super-delegate system has been in since 1972.
-Trump’s limo broke down on the side of the road years ago, and someone pulled over to help him. The next day he found out who that was, and paid off their mortgage.
-Trump gave 100k to the Clinton foundation years back, because he thought it was going to a charity to help starving children in 3rd world countries; thought it was a charity organization; but the money was used for totally different things; Trump might sue them about that soon. He was very upset about it.
-Trump is pointing out how the vaccines need be monitored more, and how they are causing problems.
-Ted Cruz says he respects our privacy but is running major spy things to see our exact preferences, and then having people get an app telling the local preferences of people, and having them go door to door saying those are the things Cruz is for. So he is invading our privacy even now.
-The Bush’s and the Clintons are friends, and both were involved in the assassination of Kennedy.
-see Robert Parry, and his site consortiumnews.com, and his books, he has great news.
-George Washington was poisoned to death right before he was about to come back in to politics.
-Trump is behaving like Andrew Jackson, he was a little crude too.
-Trumps plan for our economy to boom: the corporate tax now is at 35. But in China it is at 25. So people are going there for business. But lower the US to 15, and they’ll return here to do business, which will bring back jobs and wealth!
-Roger Stone, a Trump insider, said that Cruz just told Rubio that he will give all his votes to him if he uses him as nominee for Supreme Court position.
-Turkey military is getting more and more on Syrian soil now
-they’re coming out now and saying what Jones said 20 years ago, that the cancers come from viruses. Those viruses are created by the eugenic promoting sterilizing humans elite.
-they’re teaching children to not defend themselves with bullied; teaching them to be wimps, getting us toward socialism.
-when Alex Jones was 6, he was doing chores at home for money. If he wanted a toy, he had to earn the money for it thereby.
-when age 9, Alex Jones’ dad was out working in the fields, they are proud of that.
-Obamacare was designed to make everybody part time employees for the big businesses.
-they’ve said there are 50 immigrants of Islam in TX, but counting at the schools we see thousands, we’re finding out that the borders are open, unlike Elis Island, etc.; get rid of borders, you get rid of sovereignty.
Alex Jones Show: Infowars: March 2016
-Robert Bird leader of KKK while they were killing people; Hillary Clinton speaks of him being a close friend of hers.
-Obama was bisexual. Hillary Clinton is bisexual. Marco Rubio was caught at night at a bathroom with a homosexual porn developer. ALSO. Rubio made a comment about how Trump “has small hands, and you know what that means!” referencing that Trump would thus have a small penis. What’s all this homosexual talk, this focus? ALSO Rubio said it looked like Trump had wet his pants at one event. Why is Rubio looking there? We have report of homosexual activity of Obama and Hillary Clinton also.
-see evil HG Wells head of Fabian society; see Berchard Russel calling for New World Order; these speak of planes bombing anyone who is against it; they are into “Technocracy”, it’s social engineering, getting a NWO, it’s obeying supposed science; it’s Al Gore saying “this is the science, if you aren’t believing me about this, you’re stupid and need to be punished”.
-see augustforecast.com; http://www.technocracy.news is the current website of Patrick Wood, book “Technocracy Rising: Trojan Horse of Global Transformation”; this book is similar to Alex Jones’ free online film “Endgame”
-see waynemadsenreport.com, see his book on Technocracy, it’s similar to the film “Endgame” by Alex Jones.
-The Oscars are supposed to be the liberals, the people who are nice to black people, yet the award never goes to a black person. Chris Rock is calling them out on this.
-Leonardo DiCaprio got the Oscars award; his speech with that he spoke of global climate change, that it is the biggest threat to society; meanwhile, he rides his jumbo private jet 6 times in 6 weeks, and though he speaks of helping the children, he gets a 200k$ kickback trip to some paradise vacation for the award, and he spends his time on yachts with beach babes. ; actually, climate change is the elites’ attempt to create a global tax and global government and suppress the little people.
-see Bev Harris book on voting scams
-Trump is against the TPP and the TIPP which are huge commerce scams which have free trade for other nations but not for us; it’s globalist takeover.
-see Space Odyssey 2001 and the parallels to our day
-Super Tuesday, massive voter fraud especially in Austin: votes were flipped from Trump to Rubio or Cruz, never the other way around.
-the elite who worship Satan like the Bush family bath in human feces while being urinated on that’s their baptism of defilement, so they get all the good wrung out of them; it’s like Star Wars 3, Palpatine tells Skywalker that in order to be powerful enough to kill Obi Wan, he needs to go kill the youngling Jedi’s in training; George Lucas said if you want to know about 911, go watch Star Wars episode 3, it’s like that, a government false flag operation. Today they sell baby fetuses and are paid tons of money for those fetuses, harvesting them for science, and to put the baby fat into beauty products, and into Pepsi, etc.
-Trump seems to now be friend with a top CFR person, we must look into this, they could be trying to get him.
-Romney speech against Trump is debunked by seeing Romney say the opposite a few years ago.
-it’s good to have a mania for positive things, like all the best music composers, they’ve all been like this, just bouncing off the walls!
-they can’t stand it when we use the 1st and the 2nd amendment at the same time; they call it treason
-they have as listed for suspected terrorists, people who often talk about the US Constitution, and who wear cowboy hats.
-Trump was saying he won’t do torture unless it becomes a law of ours, but at another time he was being wish washy about that saying we need to do whatever the enemy does to beat them; this is bad seeing as we don’t go down to their level or we become like them
-see Gary Web, author of “The Dark Alliance: The CIA, The Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion”; about the US government pushing drugs
-we don’t judge women for abortions since the culture teaches that is ok, but we do stand against abortion because it is not ok. The life of the child nullifies the rights of the woman, for it is a human being. Now they are starting more eugenics and euthanasia for old people since those are a burden on society too.
-USA shuts down 3 power plants a week, China opens 3 a week
-total financial collapse to come after this election
-in Colorado they didn’t even do elections, they just chose Cruz. There was no primaries. The media is all playing like this is normal and ok.
-the USA under the Clintons gave nuclear reactors and info to North Korea.
-they want to keep you as poor as possible, so you have no time to think about anything else
-Napoleon came up with getting war metals; he said how wonderful it is that someone will throw themselves into gunfire for a piece of metal and some ribbons
-the leaders created sports to get people fighting at their kin and distracted from real issues
-they have Adam smasher cyclotrons which will blow up the earth
-put a piece of tape over the webcam of your computer; they watch and listen to you; even the chief of the FBI has come out and said that he puts a piece of tape over his computer. Alex Jones has been saying this for many years.
-Obama takes 4 months of vacation a year; it should be 3 weeks.
-they say “work like the Dickens” because he would work 20 hours a day in writing because he was so passionate about it.
-see Joe Gilbert: his film “No Place Like Utopia” about the progressive agenda being an economic and biological failure; examples of slums from this showing we can’t survive socialism.
-see “Agenda 21”
-see film “Revelation: Dawn of Global Government”
-see waronthegrid.com they have a book
-Bill Clinton predicts global crisis, and says that Hillary will know what to do when it happens. See they are cooking this up!
-Democratic Party operatives dressed up as farmers and went to pro Ron Paul events holding signs about how they hate Hispanics; we have face scanners which identify this. They have done the same at Trump rallies, and they plan to do this dressing up as INFO WARs supporters.
-UBER driving company released data of 12millino of their users in 2015 including pickup places and drop off places and names of drivers and passengers.
-police want to be able to download your phone info so they can see if you have been “distracted driving”
-Bill Clinton said that a major global crisis is coming, and that Hillary will be the only one who knows how to deal with it.
-NORAD and the FAA were ordered to stand down at 9/11; 15 of the 19 hijackers were let into the US on purpose. Congressman Walter Jones has been trying to pass a bill to release the 28 pages about this for years.
-the trendy thing now is to be a victim of something and to see how many chips on your shoulder you can walk around with; rather we should push through when things get in our way; people like to say they hate Trump since he is against immigrants, but he likes immigrants, just not illegal ones.
-Yellowstone National Park looks like it could blow anytime, a massive volcano.
-George Bush Sr. is who opened the flood gate with China to destroy our economy with bad deals with them.
-when the 28 pages get released it will take down the Bush family and the Clinton family.
-Ted Cruz’s father was in some scandals in the government and fled the country the same year that they were investigating on it
-40 volcanoes are going all over earth right now, these could trigger major earthquakes; there is a 70% chance of an 8.9 level earthquake in Japan soon like happened in 1980 killing thousands
-NATO, not Congress, is not who choses when we go to war. NATO could get us into a WW3 by Albania or others.
-6% of Americans say they trust the media; 9% say they trust the government; the media is the government!
-NAFTA is not free trade, free trade is good (we don’t have free trade (Capitalism) in America). NAFTA is about making standards about trade which limit us, and which benefit private companies’ specific ones; NAFTA, GAD, and TPP all have these effects; NAFTA is about 1400 pages with a 200 page summary. We aren’t even allowed to read the TPP.
-0.03% of people identify as transgender, yet all this fuss of legalizing them to the bathrooms of the opposite natural gender.
-on salon.com the left is giving space for the pedophiles to say that they are an oppressed by the right group who merely has different sexual preferences that should be respected.
-there was great news about the bakery who would not make a homosexual wedding cake, and their business was ruined therefrom, but one asked a Muslim bakery the same request, and nothing happened. We set a different standard for them than for everyone else!
-before she was even secretary of state, Saudi Arabia donated 10 million dollars to the Clinton foundation. Hillary won’t comment on the 28 pages which show Saudi Arabia involvement in 911 because she is in cahoots with them.
-Ron Paul points out that there are no camera’s in the White House, but on us the people they know EVERYTHING, like when Alex Jones bought a watch in a foreign country, and they had that on their computers at the airport and chastened him for it, yet all the while, they can’t stop illegal immigrants! This should be the opposite: we should know everything the government is up to, and they should know nothing about us. They are our creature, not the other way around.
-80% of advertising is targeted towards women; this is because they know that if they can get women, they get children, and thus they get men too.
-see Dr. Steve Pieczenik
-Obama apologized that he nominated a white person for the Supreme Court. It’s like being white is inherently bad now. They are stirring us up on purpose! Obama could have been the great unitor of races, but he has done the opposite.
-The blacks were getting wealthy, owning the companies that serviced the black communities, but the government came in and broke all that up, forcing extra segregation, which caused blacks to be poor, and DESTROYED African American culture!
-the CIA promoted modern art which is not attractive on purpose to get us to lose our ability to discern between beautiful and ugly more and more, and this to take us toward the next step closer of moral degradation. This is documented.
-Cruz is saying that it’s a grass roots rising and that the people have spoken but really what has happened is that he canceled elections, and was appointed the position for the Republican Party! Sean Hannity even had him on air and yelled at him about this.
-In the new TV series about the bible, for whatever reason, they make the devil character look just like Obama! (*Even I myself thought this upon seeing the film before I heard Jones say this); this is agenda of the NWO people.
-Obama put his hand on top of a bible on top of the Quran when he swore into office
-Obama rode on a donkey in the holy place in Palestine imitating Jesus
-Rocky 3 and Rambo 3 are admitted CIA propaganda against Russia for while we were at war with them.
-Propaganda by Edward Bernays; shows how they use fads and create cultures to brainwash. “History as a Weapon: Propaganda 1928” is the full title. This is the man behind women smoking cigarettes and us eating bacon with our breakfast.
-look up online the London Times article about how the CIA made deviant art popular to degrade our morals, stopping us from recognizing the difference between beautiful and ugly.
-CIA funded Miss Magazine
May 2015:
-Obamacare has death lists and you can’t keep your doctor like he said you would be able to.
-coal is the cheapest thing we have now and it’s totally clean with the technology we have now; yet they are shutting them down to make us poor that has been going on with Obama’s presidency; they say it’s bad carbon pollution but that’s a fake.
-the pharmaceuticals in the water are causing the male frogs to become females.
-the fluoride in the water causes people to be more violent.
-one of the chief people of wiki-leaks was found hit by a train, they always say suicide with this, but it’s a great way to cover up a murder, you can’t autopsy them.
-now a second person in the Ted Cruz sex scandal investigation has been found dead; first the prostitute with his number in her phone, next a person following the trail.
-see book The CIA Doctors by Colin Ross
-see book The Medusa File by Craig Roberts
-see book The Phoenix Program by Doug Valentine
-see book Get Up, Stand Up by Dr. Bruce Levine
-Jimmy Seville is child rapist satanic ritual abuse person in England, best friend of Prince Charles; he would drive a van full of 6-8-year-old girls to his castle in the middle of the night and say nothing is happening; later dead bodies would be found; all the furniture is black, and there are black mirrors; it’s SRA. Also, Elijah Wood has come out and said that Hollywood is run by pedophiles and they protect child molesters; they pray on young actors raping them too.
-On Facebook they have a page about killing Donald Trump, and that Mary should have aborted Jesus, but they shut down accounts which criticize Mohammad. Another person’s account was shut down for saying Trump doesn’t hate Muslims he just doesn’t want Isis in the US.
July 2016:
-H Clinton is killing tons of people with her Isis operations and her funding from people who kill gays; people don’t even see it.
-H Clinton asked for a bill to be passed which says we aren’t allowed the blaspheme Islam. This goes in hand with what Obama said that the future should not belong to those who would defile the prophets of Islam. So much for free speech.
-On Facebook, you can’t put in the words “Radical Islam Terrorist” without it getting censored. Not only did they stop Infowars from writing this as a tag to a news article, but they responded “Muslims are not terrorists” as what he should say. So they’re not only burning the books like them of old, but they’re rewriting the books, putting words in our mouths. This is beyond 1984.
-The new app for Pokémon Go has people walk around capturing Pokémon on their cell phone. It’s doing video recording which is sent to Google for their world imaging system, so that they get imaging of our homes, everywhere. This is beyond 1984 level surveillance. Thus they know if you have a gun in your home, they know when your children are sleeping, etc. So while the children (and God forbid even many adults) are walking around in this virtual reality, they’re really become agents for the thought police. They’ve been given little drones to become the henchmen of the intelligence agencies. Parents ignore their children and tell them to go play on the Apple electronics, because take heed, fantasy football is about to begin!
-Saddam Husain was set up by the US CIA to do what he did. He was a pawn of them.
-Newt Gingrich, though he is not all good, has come out and said that we should not let the Muslims who believe in Sharia law into the USA. We must understand that Article 9 of the US Constitution says that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Those who are for Sharia law say that such is the law for the whole world. Thus they are inherently anti-US Constitution, which means they are anti-USA, and truly should be kept out of the USA like any other person who is against the supreme law of this land.
-Jones wanted to have planes with streamers saying Hillary for Prison but the airliners wouldn’t do it saying that they would get them in trouble. H Clinton threatens comedy clubs etc. to not make fun of her. Why? It affects her campaign. Wearing Hillary for Prison tee-shirts is a powerful way to use your free speech, and she HATES those shirts.
-The FBI chief of police came out and said that H Clinton was guilty of using private non-protected servers, several of them, for her classified info of the US Government. He said she was careless with the info. Yet they won’t arrest her because it’s unprecedented to do so in such cases. This sets the precedent to act even more illegally.
-When in Nice France the Islam trucker ran over and killed some 80 people, the media is saying “truck killed people” rather than saying MAN in the truck killed people. This may have to do with their agenda to cause all the cars become auto-pilot. They’ll never admit that the root of the problem is the teachings of radical Islam and jihad. The Muslims never come out and apologize for this type of behavior because they don’t need to, they’re not sorry for it. One man’s account on FB was suspended a while for asking when are the Muslims going to throw a rally against radical Muslims?
-H Clinton has said that in the first year of her presidency she wants to bring in 1 million Muslims to the US. That means she wants to bring in 5 million. The numbers they give us are always about 10 times less that the reality.
-Earlier they were censoring people in Europe for saying things against the government, now they are arresting people for it. Now in the US they are censoring people for saying things against the government, you can guess what comes next.