Point-Blank Accountability

Here we argue that our character is our fault, regardless of external forces and situations we’re placed into in life, leaving us before God in a state of point-blank accountability. We will also consider how Christ is merciful and takes into account our circumstances, though we do not excuse ourselves.

-2 Ne. 28:23 this verse shows that those who allowed themselves to get ensnared with the chains of Satan will eventually have to stand before God and confess this truth: that ultimately, what they got into was their own fault. Wow!
-You see, we must use the grace of God to help us stop sinning. If we die in deep sin, it means we have not accessed the grace of God. Ecclesiastes says you can turn your life around before you die and it will be well with you, but if you don’t, toast!
-Yes there is help in the spirit world for who had not opportunity in this life, and even opportunities for people who lived in sin to get some blessings in the hereafter (but not full exaltation blessings), (and we can’t judge well about who meets what qualifications), but we recognize this: This life is the time to repent and prepare to meet God (Alma 34:32, 34 etc.).
-Though our works are “filthy rags” compared to the goodness of God, our salvation will yet hinge upon these two things: Us doing all we can (2 Ne. 25:23), and having God help us (2 Ne. 25:23). We need to offer those filthy rags as a sacrifice to God. If we do nothing, it’s like trampling the Holy One of Israel under foot (3 Ne. 28:35), which is much worse than a meager offering, however filthy those rags may be.
-““Death does not change our personality or our desires for good or evil. Those who chose to obey God in this life live in a state of happiness, peace, and rest from troubles and care. Those who chose not to obey in this life and did not repent live in a state of unhappiness.” (Preach My Gospel 2004, pp. 52).
-“Sin consists in doing wrong when we know and can do better, and it will be punished with a just retribution, in the due time of the Lord.” (Brigham Young, DBY, 156; Teachings of BY Manual: https://www.lds.org/manual/teachings-brigham-young/chapter-9?lang=eng ).
-“Though we may do the best we know how at this time, can there be no improvement made in our lives? There can. If we do wrong ignorantly, when we learn it is wrong, then it is our duty to refrain from that wrong immediately and for ever.” (Brigham Young, DBY, 156; Teachings of BY Manual: https://www.lds.org/manual/teachings-brigham-young/chapter-9?lang=eng)
-Naturally, God will take into account all things. Marilyn Monroe had a different name as a child. She was abused severely by her mother, including being locked and transported in a suitcase, many terrible things. One day someone with a camera told her she looks good in pictures. Finally there was a place where she felt worthwhile. She became a sex figure in society. It seems that God will have mercy on this soul. The family proclamation issued by the LDS church in 1995 states that children are “entitled” to parents who love and care for them. So it seems that a child without that privilege he/she was entitled to have as a human being will have a significant amount of mercy in their case before God. This being said, she was an adult making choices and will have some level of accountability, but this early terrific trauma certainly had lifelong results which were serious and not her fault. Christ’s atonement (sacrifice) on behalf of the rest of the human race is called “infinite” in the scriptures. This doesn’t mean anything goes, but it does mean we have cause to praise His name forever!

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