Principle: Make church activities religious, not just a social club.
-This is the place monument
-Ensign peak monument
-Temple square
-Church headquarters visit
-Visit various temples
-Watch & discuss a movie from Zion Tube
-Analyze an important scripture
-Make art of a scripture story
-Write a favorite scripture verse on decorated paper
-Role play missionary teaching investigators
-Watch a general conference talk chosen by topic
-Discuss the 5 modern popular antichrists listed by president Benson, & why they’re dangerous.
-Read “Best Loved Poetry of the LDS People”
-Attempt writing a spiritual poem or hymn
-Secret sisters with widows in the ward.
-Create a fundraiser for a need in the ward or locally.
-Just Serve service project
-Sing hymns at nursing homes
-Sing hymns on a popular street corner of your town or of a more populated area.
-Make and deliver cookies to the elderly or distressed
-Host a dinner for the missionaries
-Have a donation drive for a specific cause whether it be a refugee family that needs furniture or housewares and let the kids deliver it and set it up or a drive for a single mom.
-Babysit kids for a couple in the ward to go do temple sealings together.
-Write out testimony on paper, could include prompts by topic.
-List of scriptures or scripture stories and set up a date for a scripture knowledge bowl and had a game night of young women vs young men.
-Missionary Scavenger Hunt Hour: in a public location where each team is in a race to complete tasks like:
*Share your favorite scripture in the Book of Mormon
*Challenge another person to read the Book of Mormon
*Bear testimony of Jesus Christ
*Invite someone to meet with the missionaries
Home Making Skills
-Bake bread from scratch
-Candle making
-Soap making
-Learn heirloom seeds and how to propagate food for the future.
-Plant hanging gardens for your bedroom window
-Learn the difference between yeast cultures and sourdough cultures and what they do to the body.
-Learn how to make your favorite jam/jellies with this year’s fruit harvest.
-Have an ice cream social that begins with them milking the cow, mixing ingredients, setting up the ice cream maker and ends with them eating the ice cream.
Wholesome Recreation
-Learn pioneer dances
-Play scripture charades
-Set up a talent show dedicated to uplifting Gospel showcasing.
-Put on a mini play reenacting an event from Church History, like a little neighborhood pageant.
Family History
-Organize temple visits
-Index names on Family Search
-Fill in Prompts for an Autobiography
-Begin a challenge for daily journaling for a month (etc.)
-Record the history of grandparents and/or parents.
-Tell stories of pioneers
-Tell stories of LDS women