Apocalyptic Messages & Parables of the 2024 April General Conference

Elder Holland
-Believe in angels and miracles.
Note- expect them, the time is right.
-Pray more earnestly like Christ in the atonement, this is urgent
Note – we are entering the winding up scenes like Christ was.
quoted DC 93? To proclaim the gospel unwearyingly, even in the night let them not rest due to your cries.

Sister Dennis
-God teaches with stories. If you don’t seek the deeper meaning you’ll miss it.

Alexander Dushku
-Receive constant revelation.

Elder Soares:
-Attending the temple will bring you needed miracles.

President Henry B Eyring:
-These can be sacred times for you, even if not for others.
-When catastrophe strikes, know all will be well no matter the outcome because of temple sealing ordinances you’ve partaken of. We can have God’s peace, without being troubled or afraid.
-Under President Nelson’s leadership the Lord has accelerated temple building and will continue to accelerate it.
-Temple covenants aren’t a one time thing, but a lifetime quest, taking our whole heart and strength.
-***”Leave so that when the call comes you can walk away easily”
You may have to leave what seems an ideal family setting to serve in a place you don’t know.

Elder Bednar
-A strong foundation protects against natural disasters.
-There are set times and places.
-Our homes should be the ultimate combination of sacred time and space where we can be still and trust God.
Note- means even more so than the temple.
-Perplexed yes but not despair. Persecuted yes but not alone.

Massimo de Feo
-The gospel doesn’t remove pain and trials, it shows us how to deal with them.
-If you don’t begin immediately, you may lose your sight in a matter of weeks.
-When people tell you to be quiet, cry out even more.
-Don’t care what the world thinks of you, just focus on God.
-You can rise above everything, no excuses.
-Can you recognize the spiritual invisible presence of Christ?

Brent H Nielson
-Our duty is to witness of Christ everywhere, to get missionaries out. T

Next Guy
-If starving to death, pray to God for deliverance.

Elder Cook
-It’s righteous to try and be your best. But don’t focus on material and occupational success.
-Think of Lehi who went into the wilderness taking only his family.
Note – bring records if you can, they had to return for those. Friends too.
Note- Lehi into the wilderness came up at least twice this conference. Piper and Cook.
-Don’t put education and vocation above family and Christ.

Shane Bowen
-The day of miracles has not ended!
-He raised his mother from the dead. He effortlessly lifted a vehicle off of a person.

Steven Bengerder
-People are foreordained to serve missions.

Song – Zion readies US to see the savior come again. Zion will go up to God.

Susan Porter
-God will show you what you can do

Elder Renlund
-You may thing you’re ahead, but watch out for waves that will flip you over repeatedly.
-Be consistent and you’ll maintain forward progress and not get flipped over like you would from sprints.
-We are all drowning

-You’ll have to fall and let God catch you.
-Remember Lehi had to flee to the wilderness.
Note- Lehi into the wilderness came up at least twice this conference. Piper and Cook.


Brian K Taylor
-When the time comes for the reward, we will ask God, was that all that was required? We won’t think the trials were too much.

Elder D Todd Christofferson
-Be public in your faith. Valiance includes encouraging others to be valiant.


Taylor Godoy
-He had just the right gifts given him to give to officials to make it where he needed to get.


Elder Niel Anderson
-People around the world are being drawn to the temples.
-The veil over the earth is beginning to burst.
-You can receive the fullness of the Holy Ghost
-As President Nelson said, some of the mightiest miracles will happen between now and the Lord’s return.
-Pray for temple properties to be allowed to be purchased.
-The temple is literally the house of the Lord, it is where we are armed with His power. Go often and you’ll grow up with the Holy Ghost.
-Angels do have charge over us.
-Keep God’s commandments and you’ll see His face and know that He is. There are many ways this can happen, and especially in the temple.


President Russel M Nelson
-In the temple we can receive a fullness of the Holy Ghost- imagine what that means. Temple worshippers will have the power of God. Angels will help you, no wickedness will prevail over those who worship in the temple.
-Worshiping in the temple regularly as you can gives you max protection, and helps you most in understanding Gods plan, and opens the heavens the most.

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