
Government Books

Highlights – H Verlan Andersen Church of Devil, Communism (PDF)
Highlights – Covenant on the Land & Divinely Sanctioned Governments by The Joseph Smith Foundation (PDF)
Highlights – Ken Bowers Hiding in Plain Sight: Secret Combinations of the Last Days (PDF) (Video)
Highlights – Ayn Rand, Economic Liberty, Objectivism, Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead (PDF)
Public Health Conspiracy (PDF)
Governments of Good & Evil (PDF)
Independent Living & Preparedness (PDF)
Highlights from Joel Skousen Government Conspiracy & Current Events Lectures (PDF)
Highlights from Cleon Skousen Government Lectures (PDF)
The Richardson Studies Gazette: Current Events & Analysis (PDF)

Joel Skousen Government Cover-ups 3.23.24 6×9 526p (PDF)

Joel Skousen Philosophy Law 3.23.24 6×9 222p (PDF)

Government Videos

2min Life of Thomas Jefferson – Cleon Skousen Lecture Highlights

2min Life of J Reuben Clark – Cleon Skousen Lecture Highlights – YouTube

4min Joel Skousen Introduces Conservatism vs Libertarianism – YouTube

2min The Constitution in Prophecy – Cleon Skousen Lecture Highlights – YouTube

4min The Naked Communist Cleon Skousen Lecture Highlights – YouTube

5min God’s Perfect Law – Cleon Skousen Lecture Highlights – YouTube

5min Steve Kirsch Piece: If Fauci Had Written A Secret Memo on Pushing C o v i d & V a cc ines – YouTube

14min Voting Your Conscience Doesn’t Violate Tolerance or Separation of Church and State – YouTube

30min The Meldrum Man: Missionary vs Arch Communist

2hr The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil by H Verlan Anderson – Book Highlights

2.25hr Hiding In Plain Sight Unmasking the Secret Combinations of the Last Days by Ken Bowers – Book Highlights

Government Posts

2023 Government Posts

*Unfreedom of the Press by Mark Levin – Book Notes & Commentary 06/25/2023

*Mark Levin’s “American Marxism” – Book Highlights & Commentary 06/19/2023

*Highlights on “The 5000 Year Leap” by Cleon Skousen 05/29/2023

AP Government Textbooks Full Of Democratic Anti Trump Propaganda 05/21/2023

CS Lewis “Why I Am Not a Pacifist” – Lecture Highlights 05/21/2023

2022 Government Posts

Joel Skousen World affairs brief 11.18.22 on plural marriage rights, and the failure compromise that Christians just bought into with the gay rights bill in the senate 12/03/2022

For Greater Glory” Movie Highlights: The true story of the Cristeros (A Moroni-esque Christian Army vs Tyrannical Government) 11/10/2022

Review of the 2021 Woke Racial Agenda 01/05/2022


2021 Government Posts

Notes on Joel Skousen’s Annual Overview Briefing: 2021 12/04/2021

Cleon Skousen: The Naked Communist – Lecture Highlights 11/29/2021

Cleon Skousen: God’s Perfect Law – Lecture Highlights 11/29/2021

Cleon Skousen: The Life of Thomas Jefferson – Lecture Highlights 11/08/2021

Cleon Skousen on God’s 10 Commandments VS Communism 10/30/2021

Summary of Libertarian VS Conservative by Joel Skousen: Emphasis on Enforcing Penalties for Negative Consequences of Free Actions 09/28/2021

2020 Government Posts

Notes on Joel Skousen’s 2020 Annual Speech 12/11/2020

Far Out! Ministry of Angels, The 3 Nephites, & Aliens 12/06/2020

Background on globalist hostility to Iran by Joel Skousen 03/16/2020

Year Analysis Overviews by Joel Skousen – Lecture Notes 02/24/2020 Lectures, Featuring Joel Skousen, Stephen Pratt, Scott Bradley, Ken Bowers, Michael Gaddy, Noolander & Chuck Baldwin, Christian Markham, etc. Topics Include Constitution, Globalists, Inflation, War, 9/11, Zion, America, Unknown Republic, Secret Combinations, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Two Churches Only, Isaiah, Food Storage, etc.– Lecture Notes 02/24/2020

Voting Your Conscience Doesn’t Violate Tolerance or Separation of Church & State 01/13/2020

Government: Authors, Sites, Forums, etc. 01/13/2020

No Freedom: Can’t Trust Us to Build Our Own Elevators 01/13/2020

2019 none

2018 Government Posts

Article 9 US Constitution supreme law of the land, not Sharia 07/16/2018

Covenant on the Land by The Joseph Smith Foundation – Documentary Notes 06/30/2018

Divinely Sanctioned Governments: Exploring the Prophetic Parallels in the Book of Mormon by the Joseph Smith Foundation – Documentary Notes 06/11/2018

List of LDS Freedom Discourses from 05/15/2018

Voting for a Good (Even Minor) Candidate 02/05/2018

The Perfect Law of Liberty by Marion G. Romney – Lecture Notes 02/01/2018

*The Majesty of God’s Law: It’s Coming to America by W. Cleon Skousen – Book Notes 02/01/2018

*The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil (Communism) by H. Verlan Andersen (Seventy, Lawyer, Professor) – Book Highlights 02/01/2018

Richistan: the new rich and how they effect the world by Robert Frank, Summary 01/27/2018

Ezra Taft Benson Government View Brief 01/26/2018

Poverty Perspective from Elder Richard J. Maynes 01/25/2018

List of Government Speeches by Latter-day Leaders 01/25/2018

Political View Brief 01/25/2018

Lincoln Hypothesis by Timothy Ballard – Lecture Notes 01/24/2018

Legalizing Evil: The Downfall of Nations in the Name of Tax Benefits 01/24/2018

Talking Point ‘from the desk or the couch’ video 01/24/2018

Importance of the Study of and Participation in Government and Politics 01/24/2018

Hiding In Plain Sight: Unmasking the Secret Combinations of the Last Days by Ken Bowers – Book Notes 01/22/2018

A Little Gun Control History by Harrison Lapahie 01/22/2018

Tax Cuts for the Big Do Help the Little, & Government Welfare Doesn’t 01/22/2018

Communist Leader (Melbourne Man) VS LDS Missionary, Full Text 01/17/2018

Religious Freedom Presentation by the Church, 2013 – Lecture Notes 01/17/2018

Dinesh D’Souza: America, Imagine a World Without Her, 2016 Obamas America, & Brandeis University – Lecture & Documentary Notes 01/15/2018 by Alex Jones, intro & preview notes 01/01/2018