269 pages, published Oct. 16 2024.
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The Saints Don’t Have to Accept Evolution!
Though evolution is now openly promoted among members (not leaders) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and just about everywhere else, there are many doctrinal reasons to set aside this theory and embrace higher truths.
Nate responds to the oft repeated saying, ‘God used evolution’ by showing that in no way would it have been wise for God to use evolution!
Nate directly responds to doctrinal claims in the 2023 “Let’s Talk About Science & Religion” book, and offers detailed analysis on official Church statements on evolution and Church history on the subject of evolution.
This book commemorates the 70-year anniversary of Joseph Fielding Smith’s book, “Man: His Origin & Destiny,” sharing anew Smith’s timeless message.
(If you have my combination volume “Who Needs Evolution,” you won’t need this book, it’s in that one in the doctrine section. This book is smaller for those only interested in the doctrinal issues with evolution, not so much the scientific issues with evolution. This smaller book is great to share.)