Family Culture War: Highlights & Commentary on Catholic Philosophy Professor Peter Kreeft (72 pages)
The Collapse & Return of Parental Authority: Highlights Commentary & Supporting Essays on the Work of Dr. Leonard Sax (135 pages)
Politically Incorrect Guide to the Sixties: Exposing Corruption of the Culture & Politics of the Famous Era – Highlights & Commentary on Jonathan Leaf’s Masterpiece (80 pages)
Rough Drafts:
Modesty (PDF Book) (Abrev. Book)
Chastity, Dating, & The Priority of Marriage (PDF)
Childbearing (PDF) (About: words of the prophets on childbearing as a priority, etc.)
Gender (PDF) (About: Promoting traditional family, exposing corruption in social sciences on gender, featuring highlights of Cwik media, exposing various films, political ramifications of the pride movement, etc.)
Parenting with Love & Limits (Book PDF) (Abrev. Book)
Marriage (PDF) Featuring highlights of Gottman’s marriage principles, etc.
Mental Health (PDF) (About: Good and bad therapy practices, addiction, psychotropic concerns with Anne Blake Tracy, etc.)
Jordan Peterson Rules for Life: Chaos & Order – Highlights & Commentary (Book PDF)