Lectures, Featuring Joel Skousen, Stephen Pratt, Scott Bradley, Ken Bowers, Michael Gaddy, Noolander & Chuck Baldwin, Christian Markham, etc. Topics Include Constitution, Globalists, Inflation, War, 9/11, Zion, America, Unknown Republic, Secret Combinations, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Two Churches Only, Isaiah, Food Storage, etc.– Lecture Notes

Here are my notes on many of the brilliant lectures which can be found at Sections: The True (Religious) History of America by Ken Bowers – Lecture Notes 2016 Joel Skousen – Lecture Notes 9/11 & Conspiracy by Joel Skousen & Steven Jones – Lecture Notes Joel Skousen on Inflation War Globalists Conspiracy &Read more

Hiding In Plain Sight: Unmasking the Secret Combinations of the Last Days by Ken Bowers – Book Notes

 I share these notes with permission of the author. Video presentation of these notes, click here.   *Throughout the book, there are citations and quotes from renown and original sources, this document however is a summary of the message of the text. My hope is that you’ll get a taste here and then go readRead more