Book review by Joel Skousen in the 12.24.21 World Affairs Brief
-The 1976 Swine flu “epidemic” which was
falsely claimed to be the same virus as the 1918
Spanish Flu. It was supposed to kill millions but
only killed one person worldwide. They created a
vaccine and falsified the trials. That vaccine
caused 500 cases of degenerative nerve disease
and 32 deaths.
-2001 Mad Cow Outbreak in UK: Neil
Ferguson of Imperial College Modeling Center
(funded by Bill Gates) predicted 136k deaths
from mad cow, forcing the killing of 11M sheep.
The actual number of deaths was 177.
-2005 Bird Flu Pandemic: Neil Ferguson was
again trotted out to do computer modeling on this
disease outbreak and predicted 150M deaths.
Instead, only 282 people died worldwide.
Ferguson did it again during the Covid hype by
modeling 2.2 million deaths from Covid 19 in the
USA alone. The actual deaths from Covid
without other co-morbidities was less than 10k.
-2009 Swine Flu in the UK: Ferguson predicted
65K Brits would die. Only 457 actually did.
-2009 Hong Kong Swine Flu: Dr. Fauci
declared this a worldwide pandemic after only
145 people had died worldwide. In a sneaky
switcheroo, the WHO changed the definition of a
Class 6 Pandemic by removing the requirement
for “mass deaths.” You could now have a
pandemic with zero deaths. As in all these false
pandemics, there were many more deaths in
women from the emergency approved vaccines
that were developed to supposedly protect them
from it. After women received two seasonal flu
vaccines to combat the Swine Flu there were
reports of a seven-fold increase in fetal loss. The
Glaxo vaccine, funded by Fauci’s NIAID killed
so many women and children and health care
workers with various forms of brain damage that
it was finally withdrawn.
-2016 Zika Virus: This mosquito-borne virus
outbreak in Brazil was played up by Dr. Fauci
and others as the cause of a rash of microcephaly
brain damage in newborns. The microcephaly
problem was eventually traced to the DPT
vaccine pushed upon Brazil. The Zika virus
never got deeper into the USA than Texas and
Florida and zero cases of Zika were linked to
Microcephaly. Still Fauci continued to push for a
vaccine solution squandering billions of dollars.
No vaccine was forthcoming.
-2016 Dengue Fever: This false pandemic came
after a decade of funding trials for a flawed
dengue fever vaccine, Sanofi’s Dengvaxia, that
resulted in killing 600 children in the Philippines
due to “pathogenic priming”—the children were
dying when exposed to the wild virus after the
vaccine primed their immune systems to overreact to it.