70+ Signatures & Many Stories: Dear President Worthen, Stop Teaching Evolution at BYU

I compiled and sent the following to BYU President Worthen June 15, 2020: President Worthen,  Please consider my story about evolution being taught at BYU, signatures of those who feel similarly, & stories of others as presented below. I am a 2019 BYU graduate. During my wonderful time at BYU, I took many science classesRead more

Evolution of Species is Incomprehensible – President Russel M Nelson Quote

“to think that man evolved from one species to another is, to me, incomprehensible… Man has always been man. Dogs have always been dogs. Monkeys have always been monkeys. It’s just the way genetics works…We have this doctrine, recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 101: “When the Lord shall come again, he shall revealRead more

Creationism Vs Evolution Debate Ken Ham And Bill Nye 2014, notes

Creationism Vs Evolution Debate Ken Ham And Bill Nye 2014[Full] (Ham is associated with AnswersInGenesis.org) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekse95-owyo I think the truth is probably somewhere in between what both of these guys say. On the one hand, the bible can have some of it symbolic, etc, and one of the key problems is that modern Christians rejectRead more

Creation Without Evolution: Words of the Prophets

See also my document “In Favor of Science” quotes compiled which potentially support some of the ideas of organic evolution, or other contemporary science, if such is backed by evidence (the theories are often not). Beware this topic is controversial, some views of past church leaders may not represent official church views, and official LDSRead more