Whisperings: The Still Small Voice of Conscience: Essay by Joel Skousen

When you finish reading this, you may not view life in quite the same way again—even if you are indifferent about, or passionately dislike, what I have to say.   I do not claim or presume that the reader will actually change what he or she is. That’s a more difficult and individualized process. But whatRead more

Joseph Smith & other Prophets on Recreation

“You must excuse me, but when I’m with the boys I make all the fun I can.” -Joseph Smith (see Truman G Madsen Joseph Smith lectures) For an excellent lecture on the personality and character of Joseph Smith by Truman G. Madsen, including his inclination to play sports and laugh with others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVXkBX0JNjI -Joseph SmithRead more

Praying for Grace Against the Odds: Episode of a Man’s Deliverance from a Mental Hospital

I saw a man at the state mental hospital who was a praying man. To see such a man there was very rare. Almost no one seemed to pray there. Doing room checks I would catch him on his knees at his bedside. I also observed that he went to worship services when they wereRead more

The ‘God Loves All Lifestyles Equally’ Fallacy: A Letter to a Friend with Same Sex Attraction

Responding to the notion that being queer means you love all people, and that God loves you, and that is enough, including a justification of setting aside the church of God. …I’m sure you’re dealing with people walking away from your friendship over this [declaration of being Queer]. I enjoy your company and wish lifeRead more

Effective Co-Creators: Everyday Saviors on Mount Zion

Thesis: not only God, but humans also, have the power to vastly effect, or “CREATE” the eternal destiny of human beings. Your contributions are significant, for good or ill. God’s plan includes, and perhaps is even based on, humans impacting each other. Complacency with the idea that “God will take care of everyone” is notRead more

Emulating the Godhead in the Pre-Mortal, Mortal, & Post-Mortal Existence

Overview: The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. The Holy Ghost is a spirit, and shows us how to live in a premortal state. Those who prove worthy there eventually come to an earth to live. Jesus Christ is another member of the Godhead. Jesus Christ came to this earth 2000 years agoRead more

Universal Tolerance Debunked: Earning Respect & God’s Universal Standards by Joel Skousen

Universal Tolerance Debunked: Earning Respect & God’s Universal Standards -an excerpt from Joel Skousen’s World Affair Brief From the World Affairs Brief by Joel Skousen, November 9, 2018 (worldaffairsbrief.com)   “Utah replaced compromising Republican Orrin Hatch with former presidential contender Mitt Romney, who is already showing signs of playing up to the establishment. In his postRead more

Man is Become As God: Spiritual Capitalism & Why Life is Hard

(Man is become as God echoes Genesis 3:5, 22; Alma 42:3; Alma 12:34, 21 & other scriptures) I ask, “God why is life so hard?” I hear no answer. I think to myself: ‘I sort of make it hard on myself, but the difficulty brings such rewards, that I chose to go through it.’ ThenRead more

The Gospel of Creation Theory

The Gospel of Creation Theory By Nate Richardson RichardsonStuidies.com 6-22-18 Thesis: not only God, but humans also, have the power to vastly effect, or “CREATE” the eternal destiny of human beings. Your contributions are significant, for good or ill. God’s plan includes, and perhaps is even based on, humans impacting each other. Complacency with theRead more

Ministering: Friendly Missionary Work – A Joy, A Cross, A Time Travel Analogy, & Going Beyond Servitude

Sections: Befriending Others Time Travel: The Privilege and Cross of the Saviors To Minister: Not Just a Servant, But a Friend       Befriending Others -befriend those different than you. Travel from your planet to another’ to investigate the alien species, to learn to love it and help it rise with you. Each personRead more

Children: An Heritage (Inheritance) of (from) The Lord: What & Why is a Parent here & in Eternity

For video of this presentation, click here. Are our children ours or do we return them to God later? Well, a bit of both. Join me for this thrilling exploration of eternal promises related to parents and their children, including the doctrine of adoption, which sheds more light on the eternal mysteries of who GodRead more


-there is an exit as well as an entrance to hell and once the people have learned what they need there they will leave and there will be rejoicing welcoming him into a better state. –James E. Talmage, CR, April 1930, 97 (granted serious consequences exist for ignoring God in this life, like dropping downRead more