Biblical Context of Latter-day Saint Doctrine, a House Divided Principle, & The Achilles Heel of Preferring Past Prophets to Modern Prophets

Debate with a Protestant   Protestant: LDS take scriptures out of context for their doctrines. Nate (Latter-day Saint): “Ultimately it boils down to this. The LDS interpret the bible differently than other faiths. We will never agree on bible interpretation. Thank God for the Book of Mormon to clarity bible doctrine, and thank God forRead more

The Need to Defend Truth by Elder Christofferson to Religious Educators – Lecture Notes

Full text at:   – “It has always been important not only to teach but to defend truth, and in our time that need seems to be growing,” -truth is unaffected by our preference or opinions or lobbying, it is a fixed reality -moral relativism doesn’t work if we are to have a justRead more

Creationism Vs Evolution Debate Ken Ham And Bill Nye 2014, notes

Creationism Vs Evolution Debate Ken Ham And Bill Nye 2014[Full] (Ham is associated with I think the truth is probably somewhere in between what both of these guys say. On the one hand, the bible can have some of it symbolic, etc, and one of the key problems is that modern Christians rejectRead more

Dinesh D’Souza: America, Imagine a World Without Her, 2016 Obamas America, & Brandeis University – Lecture & Documentary Notes

DISCLAIMER: These are my notes & commentary and do not represent a balanced summary of the author’s work. I’ve selected portions of the text which were relevant to me and placed them here in my own words, in an abbreviated fashion, with added commentary. Though this article introduces some main ideas from the text, itRead more