Sustaining Church Leaders & Following Conscience


2020 Church Education System Lecture with Elder Bednar – Lecture Notes

2020 CES Lecture with Elder Bednar – Lecture Notes Based on this lecture: “I’m a really simple minded person, if you’re doing your best, you’re consecrated, you’re devoted, you’re not going to mess somebody up. Heaven is in charge of this, not you, not me. As a member of the 12 I have assignmentsRead more

Whisperings: The Still Small Voice of Conscience: Essay by Joel Skousen

When you finish reading this, you may not view life in quite the same way again—even if you are indifferent about, or passionately dislike, what I have to say.   I do not claim or presume that the reader will actually change what he or she is. That’s a more difficult and individualized process. But whatRead more

5 Prophetic Warnings about Music, & Other Media Guidelines

Sections: 5 Prophetic Warnings about Music Our Duties Regarding Music & Entertainment Church Approved Music Pre-Screening Basics Know the Background Seek & Stand in Holy Places Cultivate Creation Beware Desensitization Prepare for Zion Excuses aren’t Valid: You Knew God is Charming Christian Priorities Seek & Find Separating the Art from The Artist: A Virtue andRead more

Trusting Personal Revelation (Over well-meaning words of Respected Others)

To someone confused about whether to trust her revelation about what to do for her family or weather to trust her grandfather’s revelation for her which was contrary to her own: While it is true that a tragic philosophy of our time is that children should never turn to parents for advice but to theRead more

Thou Shalt Keep a Journal – A Prophetic Mandate

Consider these evidences that the most important reason to learn to write is so that you can keep a journal (it’s also a good way to learn to write).   -“Although I was tired, I took out some paper and began to write. And as I did, I understood the message I had heard inRead more

Divinely Sanctioned Governments: Exploring the Prophetic Parallels in the Book of Mormon by the Joseph Smith Foundation – Documentary Notes

In the For Our Day Series -there is a painting “the apotheosis of Washington” of him surrounded by 13 women representing the colonies. Washington was found praying often during the war; there is plenty of evidence of the US as a Christian nation. Some historians call Washington a deist, but this is absurd, he consistentlyRead more

Should we Limit our Studies to General Authorities & Conferences?

A rebuttal: This is a response to a letter from a friend. I had sent him several of my compositions on gospel and social issues and theories (including information on the dangers of the CSE (Comprehensive Sex Ed program), and some resources on how to combat it with a better/appropriate method.). The friend seemed concernedRead more

Consequences of Rejecting the Prophets, Including Less Access to the Word of God

One reason General conference is different now than it was 20 years ago is because times change, and new needs arise. This is obvious. This is why we even have a church today and not rely on the bible for all our guidance. This is what sets us apart in our faith. But this doctrineRead more

The Only True Church

  Here I demonstrate that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church. -“To possess a testimony of Jesus is to know that the Church, which He established in the meridian of time and restored in modern times is, as the Lord has declared, “the only true and living churchRead more

The Majesty of God’s Law: It’s Coming to America by W. Cleon Skousen – Book Notes

DISCLAIMER: These are my notes & commentary and do not represent a balanced summary of the author’s work. I’ve selected portions of the text which were relevant to me and placed them here in my own words, in an abbreviated fashion, with added commentary. Though this article introduces some main ideas from the text, it isRead more

The Holy Ghost as taught by the Prophets

  –“The gift of the Holy Ghost … quickens all the intellectual faculties, increases, enlarges, expands and purifies all the natural passions and affections; and adapts them, by the gift of wisdom, to their lawful use. It inspires, develops, cultivates and matures all the fine-toned sympathies, joys, tastes, kindred feelings, and affections of our nature.Read more

The Church of the Firstborn as Taught by the Prophets

For a video presentation of this article, click here In a study of The Church of the Firstborn, one may also look for phrases with a similar meaning such as the following: the Second Comforter calling and election made sure the more sure word of prophecy sealed up unto eternal life exaltation joint heirs withRead more

Prophetic Council Regarding Scripture Study

-Studying one verse of scripture for 45 minutes is often the most enriching form of scripture study. (Elder Neil A. Maxwell of the 12 Aposltes; ask Stake President Chad R. Wilkenson of Saratoga Springs for the reference) -“Perhaps you may ask me why I dwell on this . . . subject. In answer, why didRead more

Ancient Rod of Aaron Used in Our Day by Oliver Cowdry: An Instrument of Revelation Testifying of Christ

D&C 8:6-9 “Now this is not all thy gift” to Oliver Cowdry, referring to the rod he used to get revelation. Joseph Smith Papers: original D&C 8 (then known as the Book of Commandments, 1833 edition): speaks of the “gift of Aaron” which Oliver Cowdry has as being a “rod of nature” and “sprout”. SeeRead more

Increased Accountability and Expectation of the Latter-day Saints: Extra-Biblical Scripture & Exaltation (Theosis)

Response to a Friend   Firstly, we the Latter-day Saints believe we have more truth. Since truth is power, the old adage applies “with great power comes great responsibility” For instance, you are a Christian. Since you know about the motivating love of God, and the need to avoid hell, and the need to followRead more

Deficiency of the Bible as Solo Compass & the Executive Officer Metaphor

A Response to a Friend.       Here is treated a few items of disputation among Christians, and the resolution thereto as authoritatively and decisively declared by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the only true and living church on the face of the earth: On account of deleting the word ofRead more

Rebuttal to a Closed Cannon of Scripture Argument: It’s Open! God’s Words Never Cease

Response to Article about closed cannon of scripture “The Canon of Scripture (Wayne Grudem)” from as well as a few other questions about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their doctrine. See also other compilations of mine on the subject: Continuing Revelation from God at ; and see The OnlyRead more

Planted: Belief and Belonging in an age of Doubt, by Patrick Mason – Book Notes

Planted is written for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Particularly, it’s for long time members who have questions about church doctrine and teachings, or otherwise struggle with faith in Jesus Christ and his kingdom on earth, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mason is a brilliant man, andRead more