Family Books

Family Books

Modesty (PDF) (About: Doctrines & essays on why we dress modestly in Zion)

Chastity, Dating (PDF) (About: doctrines & philosophy encouraging chastity, wholesome dating, marriage as a priority, etc.)

Childbearing (PDF) (About: words of the prophets on childbearing as a priority, etc.)

Gender (PDF) (About: Promoting traditional family, exposing corruption in social sciences on gender, featuring highlights of Cwik media, exposing various films, political ramifications of the pride movement, etc.)

Parenting (PDF) (About: Best practices & doctrines for parenting; love & limits, discipline, relationships, etc.

Marriage (PDF) Featuring highlights of Gottman’s marriage principles, etc.

Mental Health (PDF) (About: Good and bad therapy practices, addiction, psychotropic concerns with Anne Blake Tracy, etc.)

Jordan Peterson Highlights (PDF) (About: Highlighting his 2 volumes on rules for life & various lectures with LDS commentary)

RS Fam – Parental Authority Lesson 3.24.24 6×9 45p – This is an abbreviation of some of my best material on parenting.

RS Modesty Best Of 3.24.24 6×9 27p – This is an abbreviation of some of my best material on modesty.