
Apocalypse Studies!

First books, then audio/video, then posts.

Cautionary note for apocalypse / end times studies – Don’t focus on specific dates, and when studying visions (as scripture authorizes us to do), focus on the general trends, and remember some elements are symbolic. And don’t give up! God wants you to have the spirit of prophecy and discern the truth about the winding up scenes we are in! 

Apocalypse Books

Consecration, Building Zion 9.4.23 (About: Features highlights of Jesse Fisher’s Champions for Zion: Early LDS Leader quotes, Hyrum Andrus highlights, etc.)

Crowther Prophet Quote Summaries 9.4.23 (About: Features topical prophet quotes on last days topics, and Crowther’s 50 Last Days Events Chronology)

6th Seal 3.23.24 6×9 20p

7th Seal 3.23.24 80p

Robert Huff Screenshots quick share edition 10.29.23

Calendar 3.23.24 6×9 27p

Doctrines of End Times 9.4.23 v2 (About: Features various doctrines, quotes, essays etc.)

Micah English Collection on Religion, Last Days

Why Tent Cities – Roger K Young (PDF)

Apocalypse Videos

28min Nephi’s Last Days Prophecies Highlights from Hyrum Andrus Lecture

28min Nephi & John’s Visions of the Last Days – Highlights of Hyrum Andrus Lecture

2min Cardston Temple Prophecy Dream on Supply, Retreat, Zion Gatherings – Highlights

2min Patriarch Charles Evans vision of End Time Events Plague, Foreign Invasion, Zion, etc. – Highlights

55min Apocalyptic Themes & Commentary of the April 2021 & October 2020 General Conferences

10min 50 Last Days Events: A Chronology from “Understanding the Book of Daniel” by Duane S. Crowther

49min The Book of Revelation: Chronology of Events

32min Four Excuses People Make to Claim the Second Coming is Distant

28min Events Preceding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ – Latter-day Saint Quotes

26min Unlocking the Mystery of the Two Prophets by The Joseph Smith Foundation – Documentary Highlights

Apocalypse Posts


Last Days Timeline of Rodney M. Cluff  (9.6.20) 01/03/2023

2022 (none)


Apocalypse Sequence Estimation By TYIZ (Author of Great Pageant in the Heavens) 12/01/2021

Cardston Temple Prophecy Dream on Supply, Retreat, & Zion Gatherings for the Saints – Highlights 12/01/2021

Patriarch Charles Evans Vision of End Time Events including Plague, Foreign Invasion, & Urim Thummim Schools etc. – Highlights 12/01/2021

Joseph Smith Already Returned? Nov. 2021 Fireside Highlights 11/29/2021

Abomination of Desolation & Daily Sacrifice Removed Both March 2020 Begins 3.5 Year Trouble, Rockefeller Covid Plans, 2022 Famine, etc. Author Anonymous, Nov. 2021 – Lecture Highlights 11/28/2021

“The Great Pageant in the Heavens” -Mazzaroth/Zodiac, Biblical Astronomy, Jupiter’s Last Round Aligning with Last Days Events – from a Latter-day Saint Perspective: Lecture Series Highlights 11/28/2021

Hyrum Andrus: Nephi & John’s Revelations of the Last Days – Lecture Highlights 11/28/2021

Hyrum Andrus: Nephi’s Last Days Prophecies – Lecture Highlights 11/28/2021

Cleon Skousen: God’s Plan for America – Lecture Highlights 11/13/2021

Cleon Skousen: The Constitution & Prophecy – Lecture Highlights 11/04/2021

Cleon Skousen Notes on Lecture on Prophecy & Modern Times 10/30/2021

What Happens Next? An Overview Letter 05/20/2021

Significant Future Dates 05/20/2021

6th & 7th Seal Events 05/20/2021


A Dream of a Zion Refuge City Being Built in Rural Utah 12.19.20 12/20/2020

Lecture Notes on “Revelation 12 Sign on September 23, 2017 is NOT what we thought” by Kevin Prince of the Gospel Lessons YouTube Channel 12/06/2020

Lecture Notes: “Fasten your Seatbelts for the Second Coming v 2” by Followers of Jesus Christ YouTube Channel 12/06/2020

Apocalyptic Mentions of The 2020 October General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 10/05/2020

50 Last Days Events: A Chronology from “Understanding the Book of Daniel” by Duane S. Crowther 05/21/2020


A Marked Generation 12/01/2019

Valley’s Exalted: A Vivid Dream of the Sudden Joy of Christ’s Return 12/01/2019

We are Wicked as Sodom – Prophet Quotes 12/01/2019

Persecution Yet to Come 12/01/2019

Forums to Discuss The Last Days 12/01/2019

Additional Resources to Study the Last Days 12/01/2019

Guns, Freaks, & The Zombie Apocalypse: Hidden Anti-Conservative Agenda 12/01/2019

Plan for a Normal Life Despite World Chaos – President Boyd K. Packer 11/30/2019

Emergency Preparedness: Basic Equipment List 12/02/2019


Ice Shall Flow Down at Their Presence: Possible Interpretations 12/14/2018

4 Excuses People Use To Claim The Second Coming of Christ Is Distant 12/02/2018

CPR Training by the AHA – Notes 07/07/2018

Unlocking the Mystery of the Two Prophets (Rev. 11) by the Joseph Smith Foundation – Documentary Notes 06/28/2018

Hope of Israel: Youth Battalion of the Lord in the ‘Very Latter Days’ by President Nelson, 2018 – Lecture Notes 06/09/2018

Who Won’t Abide the day of Christ’s Coming 02/05/2018

Visions of the Latter Days by Kevin Kraut (A compilation of futuristic visions of LDS prophets), Full Text 02/05/2018

Valleys Exalted 02/05/2018

The Seven Archangels Identity Theory, Including Joseph Smith 02/02/2018

The Church of the Firstborn as Taught by the Prophets 02/01/2018

The Book of Revelation: A Chronology of Events 02/01/2018

The 144,000: Prophetic Insight 02/01/2018

Teenagers Guide to the Second Coming: How Awesome will it be? by Robert McKenzie, Summary 02/01/2018

Technology to Tell the World of A Savior by Elder Stevenson, Summary 02/01/2018

Who Will Abide The Day of Christ’s Coming 01/27/2018

You are True Millennials by President Russell M. Nelson, 2016 – Lecture Quotes & Notes 01/27/2018

Millennium Study Resources 01/25/2018

Millennial Education System 01/25/2018

Food Storage etc. for the Coming Famine – Call of the Prophets 01/22/2018

Excited about The Future! 01/19/2018

Events Preceding the Second Coming as Taught by Modern Prophets 01/19/2018

The Book of Revelation by Richard D. Draper – Lecture Notes 01/17/2018

LDS Prophets on Preparedness, video 01/11/2018

The Gathering of Israel by Joseph F. McConkie – Lecture Notes 01/10/2018