How to Win the Culture War – The Christian Battle Plan for a Society in Crisis by Peter Kreeft a Catholic Philosophy Professor – Book Highlights & Commentary

Introductory note from Nate Richardson: The following are my notes on this most excellent book. I found myself taking a long time to get through the text, highlighting just about every word and loving every page. When I first heard Peter Kreeft lecture online, I instantly knew I had found another all-time hero, and wasRead more

A Christ Centered Home – Life Teachings & Example of James Stoddard etc. – Book Notes

Note: These notes are shared with permission of the author, but they do not represent all ideas of the text, and much more effective and through treatment is given in the full text, which can be found at Intro: This book highlights the life teachings and family of James Stoddard. It is a mostRead more

A Topical List of Progressive VS Traditionalist Philosophies: Awakening to the Great Divide

Introductory Notes: *I invite you to consider some higher ways as presented in this essay. Many of the comparisons here are manifestations of the progressive movement. Many do not even know that this dichotomy exists, much less know how and where to take a stand in it. This essay doesn’t give reasons for these stances,Read more

Board & Video Games: Suggestions & Info

Board Games I’m not a huge board game fan, but to some extent they can be used to bond with others when not taken to an extreme. Sad and rebellious is the life of the man who endlessly plays cards. Insomuch as they do have a use, here are some suggestions from a friend ofRead more

Joseph Smith & other Prophets on Recreation

“You must excuse me, but when I’m with the boys I make all the fun I can.” -Joseph Smith (see Truman G Madsen Joseph Smith lectures) For an excellent lecture on the personality and character of Joseph Smith by Truman G. Madsen, including his inclination to play sports and laugh with others: -Joseph SmithRead more

Dismissing Disney & Other Hollywood Idols

-There are perhaps a few Disney movies that are uplifting, but by and large, I believe we should reject these teachers of magic and their immorality which are crafted in pleasant packages. -Does not Lucifer appear as an angel of light? -Do not the scriptures condemn magic, as it is seeking power from a sourceRead more

Homemaking a ‘Real Job’: One Mother’s Response

(Author unknown) Setting: Career Days at school; daughter wants her mother to present her “job” at career days but principal says no because homemaking is not a “real job.” This is that mother’s actual reply: “Dear Ms. Brown, of course, homemaking or domestic labor is not an official job as specified by the Department ofRead more

President Hinckley Outlines our Top Priorities

“Each of us has a fourfold responsibility. First, we have a responsibility to our families. Second, we have a responsibility to our employers. Third, we have a responsibility to the Lord’s work. Fourth, we have a responsibility to ourselves.   First, it is imperative that you not neglect your families. Nothing you have is moreRead more

Resolution of Teenage Delinquency through Independent Family Structures

For decades now, we have been perplexed about crime and delinquency of teenagers. Is there something fundamentally chaotic about this age of the human being, or is there something about the way we treat them which triggers this rebellion? Let’s look at the most basic unit of society: the family. Adult divorce is through theRead more

Holy Inertia: How & Why Return Missionaries ‘Hit the Ground Running’ (Toward Marriage)

Some say returning from a mission is ending a fast of women. Indeed, the missionary has no romantic feelings, he is at war, and must focus lest he lose the battle. Some suggest that a man must not quickly marry like a man fasting thinks highly of simple bread & cheese, but should wait forRead more

How Cohabitation and Low Birthrates Hurt Homes & Nations

Studies show that cohabitation (living with someone of the opposite sex and having sexual intercourse with that person outside of marriage) is climbing in these past 50  years to record highs. Not only will there be no rising generation and dramatic depopulation worldwide except in some small parts of Africa and among the Mormons, butRead more

Assorted Resources on Marriage Etc. – family law current events, free newsletter Jason Carroll – BYU Family Life professor David Dollahite – BYU Family Life professor Jordan Peterson – gender, psychology, organization, motivation, history Loren Marks – refutes APA homosexual parenting claims, etc. – BYU Family Life professor Mark Butler – LDS Addiction book, etc. – BYU FamilyRead more

The Family: A Proclamation to the World 1995

By The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Full text: This proclamation was read by President Gordon B. Hinckley as part of his message at the General Relief Society Meeting held September 23, 1995, in Salt Lake City, Utah. (It remains a flagship statementRead more

The ‘God Loves All Lifestyles Equally’ Fallacy: A Letter to a Friend with Same Sex Attraction

Responding to the notion that being queer means you love all people, and that God loves you, and that is enough, including a justification of setting aside the church of God. …I’m sure you’re dealing with people walking away from your friendship over this [declaration of being Queer]. I enjoy your company and wish lifeRead more

God’s People are His Glory: A Key to Knowledge of Eternity

Mormon 8:15 defines the glory of God as his covenant people. God is full of glory, having a numerous people, and his glory grows forever, the more people come follow him. He continues to have children. He doesn’t rule over anyone save they are his child. That is how heaven works. It’s structured in families,Read more

The Forgotten Dream of Family Life

Fight for Your Dreams, But Dream Righteously It’s been said that you can accomplish about anything you put your mind to. Oft is heard the rallying cry toward students, salesmen with lofty monetary goals, and others, that you can win if you really focus, if you’re willing to sacrifice, etc. Then you ask yourself, “so,Read more

Thou Shalt Keep a Journal – A Prophetic Mandate

Consider these evidences that the most important reason to learn to write is so that you can keep a journal (it’s also a good way to learn to write).   -“Although I was tired, I took out some paper and began to write. And as I did, I understood the message I had heard inRead more

Family Mission Plan Example

Introduction: Every family has a mission. Work together to discover this mission. Part of that mission will of course be spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.   Categories: Memorize Learn Be Friendly Pray Finance   Memorize The 10 commandments The Beatitudes (9) The Articles of Faith (13) The “Doctrinal Mastery” Passages (100) Learn these inRead more

Developmental Outline Sketch for Raising Children

Themes herein are early autonomy via accountability, home education, empowerment with adult roles / responsibility, attention to family creation, vocation, independence, & respect. Use revelation from God to you to fine tune your personal developmental family outline.   Introduction The children need to know what blessings and expectations we have in store for them. ThisRead more

Keeping a Latter-day Saint Marriage Alive: Q&A

Excerpts from a conversation with a friend which have broad application.   Topics:   Disclaimer: Limitations of and Suggested Sources for 3rd Party Marriage Advice “My spouse wants to change me” “My partner says I’m not giving my best effort since we got married” “My partner complains that I’m a stay at home mom, saysRead more

A House Full Of Females: Plural Marriage And Women’s Rights In Early Mormonism by Laurel Ulrich, Notes

-This book doesn’t have all its facts and stories right, but here are some interesting things from it. These notes are not a through summary of all topics treated in the text. -The current church policy is that anyone practicing polygamy is excommunicated. I do not advocate for the practice of polygamy, but rather forRead more

Exponential Exaltation via Childbearing

Evidence of the Superior Individual Global Impact of bearing a Large Posterity   -for exclusive arithmetical evidence (the core of this theory) not featured on this page, see attached Excel Document here: Exponential Exaltation Theory by Nate Richardson, Updated 2-17-18,   I’ve calculated 6 generations (240 years) into the future to show the amountRead more

Swear Not At All: Considering Home and Vocational Duties

Swear Not At All: Considering Home and Vocational Duties by Nate Richardson 5-13-17 On 5-5-17, I considered the scripture that says to swear not at all, but let your communication be yea, etc.: when we swear to do something, our name is damaged if we don’t comply. Things get in the way thatRead more

Disarming The Devil’s Lies about Sex

Disarming The Devil’s Lies about Sex (The Why and How to not lust, and create meaningful relationships) by Nate Richardson 4-15-17 We will here see how important the body is now and forever, and how the Devil warps this truth to deceive us. The Doctrinal background for and suggested application in living withRead more

Scriptural List of the Abominations of Babylon

Scriptural List of the Abominations of Babylon I don’t recall where I got this list but it’s brilliant. Brought to you By Nate Richardson Updated 1-27-18 –incest (Lev. 18:6-16, 26-27); -homosexuality (Lev. 18:22); -idolatry (Deut. 7:25; 12:29-31; Mal. 2:11); -impure sacrifices to God (Deut. 17:1); -human sacrifice (Deut. 18:10, 12); -using practitioners ofRead more

On Sleep: Wisdom & Courage from Prophets & Other Inspired Individuals

Let us remember that not only scientific laboratories but wisdom from the ancients and insight from inspired individuals can give us information on matters of importance. To ignore historical and prophetic wisdom at the expense of focusing on the laboratory, or the opposite, to leave the laboratory to just listen to leaders and wise men,Read more